Flirting 🍋(Choromatsu x Flirty! reader) Lemon

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For LunaSnow118

I was at a mixer with a few friends and was surprised when I saw that the men who were there were identical. Like perfectly identical. They all introduced themselves and we introduced ourselves as well. They were fine but only one truly caught my eye. They one named Choromatsu. Though they shared the same face he just seemed cuter. I smile as I stare at him before ultimately moving to sit across from him.

"Hey Choromatsu right?" I ask with a smile and he nods "and you're y/n. Nice to meet you." He says with a very unique smile. I smile with a giggle "nice to meet you too Choromatsu~" I coo and I saw Osomatsu glance over. "Soo you don't have a girlfriend right?" I ask and he shook his head "no I do not. I have never had the pleasure of having one." He says and I smile

"Well do you want one?" I ask laying my hand on the table beside his. "Of course, but it's hard. What about you?" He asks and I hum. Was he oblivious or am I just bad at flirting? "Well I definitely want a boyfriend and I'm like you. I have never had one." I say and he hums "Really? You're so beautiful though and you seem so nice." He says and I blush with a giggle.

"Thank you. You seem nice too and you look soo cute~" I coo and nudge his hand with my pinkie. He just smiles and says "thank you." I hum and feel a little disheartened. I guess he wasn't interested. I saw Osomatsu stand up and place a hand on Choromatsu's shoulder. "We'll be right back." He says before leaving with Choromatsu. I hum and turn to talk with Karamatsu.

Osomatsu peeked back into the room "y/n can you come here for a second?" He asks and I nod before standing and walking over to him. He brought me out of the room where I saw a blushing Choromatsu. "Forgive me little brother but he can be oblivious. He didn't know that you were flirting. I'll leave you to alone to talk." He says before leaving and I look at Choromatsu.

"You seriously didn't know?" I ask and he laughs nervously "no sorry." He says and I smile "it's okay...soo are you interes-" "Yes." He cuts me off with a blush and I smile before stepping closer. "How about we go to my place and we can have some fun?" I ask with a smirk and he hums "but why would we-Oh..ohh" he says in realization before blushing hard.

I poke into the room and let my friends know that I was leaving. They gave an okay and I left with Choromatsu to go to my place. When we got their I immediately lead him to my room and I sat on the bed with a smirk. He blushes softly and I slowly unbutton my shirt before sliding it off. I saw his eyes widen slightly and I giggle before beckoning him over. He walks over while unbuttoning his own shirt and slides it off.

He bends over and I wrap my arms around his neck. I smile and kiss him softly before falling back onto my bed with him hovering over me. We both pull back with a gasp before I pull him into another kiss. I lick his bottom lip and he opens his mouth. I slid my tongue into his mouth and push against his.

He moans softly and I feel his hands move to the hem of my pants. I smile and pull away to push my bottoms off. He blushes and leans down to take one of my nipples into his mouth. I moan softly as his tongue circles around my nipple while he fondles the other. After a minute he swaps between my breasts and I moan softly at his gentle licks. He pulls away and kisses down my body before lowering his head to my pussy.

I smile as he lays shaky hands on my thighs before licking my pussy. I moan and bite my lip as he gave slow, long licks. I moan softly and lay my hands on his head. He hums before propping my legs on his shoulders and pushing his tongue into my pussy. I bit my lip as he pushes his tongue deeper inside of me. "Oh~ Choromatsu~" I heard him hum before moving to lick and suck my clit.

I whine softly as a knot began to form in my stomach. He was only focused on my clit now. Not that I was complaining, it felt so good. I gripped his hair and bit my lip. I moan out and he held onto my thighs before pushing his tongue back into my pussy, pressing his thumb onto my clit. I moan out and arch my back as the knot snapped.

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