Not what he seems 🍋(Omega! Delinquent! Jyushimatsu x Alpha! reader) Lemon

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Hello everyone, I am back from my little break and I feel like I am well enough to write again. I hope you enjoy this story and the ones to come.

Thank you everyone for being so understanding😊❤️

I was sitting at my lunch table with my friends. We were just talking until one of them points out Jyushimatsu and I tune in. "He is so scary. What do you think his second gender is?" One asks and I roll my eyes "you kidding. He has to be an alpha no doubt about it." Another says and I hum "it doesn't matter though. Why would it?" I ask and they turn to me "Says the girl who hides what her second gender is. What are you anyway?"

I stood up with an eye roll "doesn't matter what I am." I say and one of them says "I bet you are an alpha too with how you and Jyushimatsu always but heads." I glare at them before walking away with a huff as they chant "Alpha." Over and over. Truth is I was an alpha and because of that I knew that Jyushimatsu was not an alpha. There's no way he is. He couldn't possibly be an omega though so he must be a beta.

The bell rang and I went to gym class. The only class I had with Jyushimatsu. It was interesting to see him only in gym class uniform because what he usually wore was so different. When we started class I immediately notice that Jyushimatsu seemed off. He seemed almost anxious. Then not even halfway through class he asks to use the restroom with urgency in his voice. When he got the go ahead he runs out of the gym.

He ran fast which made me curious. I shrug it off until a scent hits my nose that makes me pause with a blush. I sniff the air and bite my lip before asking if I could go to the nurse. When the teacher said go ahead I left the gym. I need to find the source of that smell. Why? Well my mom who is an alpha told me that if I ever find myself affected by a scent, because I was a female alpha that would mean the scent was my soulmate's.

I left the gym which lead me outside and I rush to follow the scent to the storage building. The doors were closed but weren't locked. I slide the door open and glance around before I hear soft panting and whimpers. "Hello?" I call out pushing my instincts back as I close the door and walk in. I just hear a hitch of breath and continue following the scent till I saw someone hiding behind a big stack of floor mats.

I walk around the mats and was surprised to see Jyushimatsu in a sitting fetal position with his face hidden in his folded arms. "Jyushimatsu?" He flinches and glances up at me. "H-Hey y/n." He says and I blush lightly "you're an omega." I say in shock and he nods before he whines. "Yeah...What are you?" He asks and I hum "I'm..I'm an alpha." I say and he looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything if you don't want it but can I share something with you?" I ask and he nods as I move to sit in front of him. "I'm an alpha female that can smell your...sweet scent..anyway do you know what that means?" I ask and he hums "W-What?" He asks and I smile "it means that if I'm affected by this scent and can smell it. It means that you are my fated soulmate." I say and he hums " know I have heard about that kind of thing.."

"I'll say it again. I won't do anything if you don't want to." I say and he blushes before looking at me softened eyes. Yeah he was definitely an omega. He gulps and reaches out to hold my hand. "..p-please~" he whines and I smile as I scoot closer. "You sure?" I ask as I sit on his lap and he pushes his face into my shoulder. " me please~" he says with a whimper and I smile before leaning in to kiss and lick his neck.

He trembles with a moan and I hum before pulling him back. I look him in the eyes before kissing him. I pull away to nuzzle my face into his shoulder and neck. "Oh~ Your scent is so sweet~ I love it~" I coo before pulling his top off and licking his neck. He moans and hugs me close making me moan as I got more of his scent. I pull away and kiss him deeply. He gasp softly and moans into my mouth as my tongue claims it's territory.

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