He's a Homewrecker (Karamatsu x reader x Ichimatsu) Angst

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For CryptOfDrawings
Reader is two years younger than the brothers.
Warning: contains dark material and some sexual material.

I was sitting with the brothers in their living room as their father yelled over the phone at my father. The brothers and their mom comfort me as I cry. When I woke up my parents were gone so I came over to the Matsuno house since they were my neighbors. I had them help and they called my parents.

They left Japan and abandoned me.

So now their dad was in a screaming match with my dad. Saying things like "how could you leave a 10 year old on her own and not even say anything to her!"

When things did settle down their mom quickly established that I would be staying with them and that I was now apart of their family.

I couldn't help but wonder.

Why did my parents leave me?

I was 18 now and even though I was happier and thankful to have the Matsunos as my family. Ever since my parents left me behind I have had depression. I felt like no matter what I did it wasn't good enough. I felt like a burden to the Matsuno family. In fact that was why I was walking through the park despite it being dark out.

To make matters worse, about a hour ago it started to rain. I guess that was good because it hid my tears. I was currently on a bench crying as the rain hits my head. Then it stopped. I look up and saw Ichimatsu with his umbrella. He says nothing but gave me a look of concern. I just look down before standing up and hugging him. I started to cry onto his shoulder and he pats my back.

"Sh~ it's okay~ you're okay~" He coos and I sniff "no I'm not...I'm nothing but a burden to you guys and no matter how I try to help I just mess up." I wail and he sighs before hugging me with one arm. "Why do you think that?" He asks and I pull back with a sniff before sighing. I told him everything because I couldn't lie to him. I told him about my depression, my thoughts and I told him about the small amount of cutting I did.

At the end he hugs me tight and sighs "this is all because of your parents, isn't it?" He asks and I nod "y/n listen to me." He says and pulls away "you are an amazing girl and your parents don't know what they are missing." He says and I hum "you aren't a burden and I can promise you that people care about you." He says and I look at him "how can you be so sure?" I ask and he smiles softly "because I lo-"

"There you are!"

We both turn to see Karamatsu rush up with his own umbrella. "Y/n we were so worried! We didn't know where you were and then Ichimatsu was taking a while so-" I place a finger on his mouth and smile. "I get it...I'm sorry for worrying you." I say and turn to Ichimatsu "What were you going to say?" I ask and he hums "Nothing. Let's just go home." He says and starts walking away so Karamatsu walks with me under his umbrella.

"I am so glad you are okay." He says and I smile "Yeah. Hey Karamatsu?" He hums and I gulp. Might as well ask while I have the courage. I think before holding his hand "would you like to go out on a date?" I ask and he blushes before nodding "y-yes I would l-love to. W-When?" He stutters and I smile "how about tomorrow? After school?" I ask and he nods "o-okay." He says and I smile before kissing his cheek.

Maybe things are starting to get better.

"Happy Birthday to you! woohoo!"

I laugh as my family cheers. I was at my house, I still live with my parents, celebrating my 25th birthday. They were all acting like their usual silly selves and it just made me even happier. "You guys are all so silly!" I say with a laugh and Osomatsu wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Eh but you love us anyway." He says and messes up my hair. "Yes I love you all equally." I say and squeak as I was pulled away into someone's gold, their arms wrapped around my waist.

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