A Drunk Mistake (Osomatsu x Little sister! reader) Angst

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The reader is the adopted sister of the brothers. She is 2 years younger.

I was in the hallway waiting up for my older brother, Osomatsu to return. He had gone out drinking and hadn't returned so I chose to wait up for him. So here I was sitting on the step waiting when I felt myself getting tired. Try as I did to stay awake I ended up laying down in the hallway to sleep. Maybe I would wake up before Osomatsu came back.

Well I woke up but only because I felt weight on me. I stir with a groan before opening my eyes. When I open my eyes I saw Osomatsu laying on top of me. I suppress a laugh because it was kind of silly. My nose crinkles a little at the smell of alcohol on him but I was use to it. "Osomatsu-niisan, get off." I say and push on him but he groans. "Get off me you dork." I say with a laugh.

I still thought it was funny until he nuzzles his face into my neck. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if he hadn't sniffed the area. "Heh~ you smell nice~" he slurs and I hum "um..thank you...can you get off now?" I ask and he pushes up to hover over me. I thought he would get off but nope. "Do I have to?~" he slurs as he leans in with a smirk and I glance away.

"Well..we have to get to bed." I say and he hums "I guess so" I sigh in relief before hitching my breath as his hands rub my hips "but I'm not tired yet~" he slurs with that smirk before leaning in. I try to turn my head away and push him off but he pins me and kisses me roughly. I let out a muffled scream and squirm underneath him as he moves a hand down to the hem of my pajama pants.

The next morning I spent a lot of time in the shower. I was sitting under the shower head hugging my legs to my chest. I was just staring blankly as the water runs down my body. I heard a knock on the door "y/n? Are you in there?" Choromatsu asks and I hum "y-yeah..sorry." I say and he hums "how long have you been in there?" He asks and I hum "I don't know...I'm getting out now." I say and he hums "okay, I was just going to tell you that breakfast was ready." He says before walking away.

I sigh shakily and stood up turning the water off. I dry off and get dressed before walking to the living room. I run into my mom "oh there you are. You okay? Your showers are usually only 10 minutes." She asks and I smile "yeah I'm okay. The warm water just felt really good this morning." I say and she hums "and you seem to be...limping. Are you alright?" She asks and I hum "yeah, I guess I slept wrong." I say before walking to the living room.

I saw all my brothers talking and saw that they hadn't eaten anything yet. That made me smile because they usually waited for me when it came to eating. I saw that the only spot available was next to Karamatsu....and a hungover Osomatsu. I hum before walking over to Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu. They look up at me and I smile "do you mind if I sit between you two?" I ask and they shook their heads before scooting apart so I could sit down.

"You don't want you to sit by us?" Karamatsu asks and I hum "I just wanted to sit by these two this time..is that okay?" I ask and he smiles "Of course it is." He says and we start eating our breakfast. Osomatsu held his head with a groan "my head hurts so much." He groans and lays his head on the table. "Then maybe you shouldn't drink yourself stupid" Choromatsu says and Osomatsu narrows his eyes.

"Ha Ha. Thanks captain obvious. Ow." He groans and I glance at him before looking away when he looks at me. "How much did you even drink?" Todomatsu asks and Osomatsu shrugs "I can't remember. I can't remember anything from last night." He says and I look at him "you don't remember?" I ask and he nods "You don't remember anything...nothing at all?" I ask and he looks at me.

"No. Why?" He asks and I look down "no reason. That's unfortunate." I say as I poke at my food. He just hums and takes a sip of water before trying to eat something.

So he doesn't remember what he did to me.

Should I tell him..or should I just forget it ever happened?

I decided not to tell him or anyone. It was a one time thing and he never did it again so I decided not to say anything and just forget about it. Until I went to the doctor. I had been having bad cramps and I was throwing up a lot in the morning. So I went to the doctor with my anxiety and paranoia going crazy. The doctor asks the usually questions before running some tests. They sent me home and would call me with the results.

They called later that day and I was quick to answer the phone. "Hello" I say anxiously and my brothers look at me. "Yes this is y/n." I say and listen to the doctor tell me the results. My face drops when she says the one thing I didn't want to hear. "Oh..Thanks for letting me know..yeah..bye." I hung up and was shaking before tears left my eyes. "Y/n, What's wrong?" Jyushimatsu asks moving to hug me.

"I..My friend..she called me saying that her dog had died..." I say and Jyushimatsu hums "oh dear, that's sad" Karamatsu says and I nod "Well tell her we are sorry for her loss and hope that she feels better." Choromatsu says and I nod before crying.

I was crying out of frustration.

Why couldn't I have just told the truth?

Why couldn't I have just said that I was pregnant?

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