Royal Blood 🍋(Prince! Karamatsu x Maid! reader) Lemon

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For SnowflakesSunsets

I was walking by Prince Karamatsu as he greets his guests. I was his personal maid so I follow him around if ever he needs me. I loved my prince. He was so kind to me and the rest of the staff. He was a true gentleman and it's a shame he hasn't found a lady yet. That being said if he did find a princess I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be heartbroken.

Like I said I loved my prince.

I had left Karamatsu for a bit to get him a drink and when I return he was socializing with Princess Stacy. I tap his shoulder and he turns his head with a smile "Ah. Thank you so much y/n." He says and I blush "Of course, My lord." I say and he chuckles before going back to talking with Stacy. She turns to me with a look of disgust. "You can go now." She says in a condescending tone and Karamatsu hums.

"But I have to be by my lord's side in case he needs me." I say and she sighs "well he doesn't need you. Now run along the royals are talking." She says and I lower my head "right...sorry." I say and was about to walk away when a hand grabs my wrist. "She will do no such thing." Karamatsu says to my and Stacy's surprise "She is meant to be by my side in case I need her help. You have no right to order her around." He says with a stern face

"Now run along." He says with a wave of his hand and the princess stares in shock before leaving with a huff. I just watch her leave with a frown. Even if Karamatsu stood up for me, I couldn't help but feel like Stacy had a point.

Karamatsu is a royal, I am just a maid.

When time came for Karamatsu's bath I was silent the whole time. When rinse his hair off he spoke up "you okay y/n? You are really quiet." he asks and I hum "oh yes, I'm okay." I say and he hums with a face of uncertainty but didn't press the issue. Until he was out of the bath and was sliding his underwear back on "what she said is bothering you isn't it?" He asks as I pick out his nightwear and I turn around.

"'s fine." I say and he hums "no it is not fine. What she said was rude." He says and I shrug before he turns me around "y/n something is clearly bugging you. What's wrong?" He asks and I blush as my eyes made contact with his bare body, besides the underwear. I glance away and hum "nothing's wrong. Everything's perfectly fine. Hehe" I say with a nervous laugh. He sighs and turns my head to look at him. I blush at his softened eyes and face of concern.

"...Look..I really love you okay..I love you but you are royal blood but me..I'm just a normal maid..I'm nothing special..nothing compared to you." I say softly and his eyes widen before he held my face. "Don't you dare say that. You are special." He says and I shook my head "That's nice of you your highness but I'm really not." I say and he smiles "yes you are. You are special to me."

My eyes widen and I stare at him in shock "What?" I ask and he lays his forehead on mine "You are special to me. You are beautiful, kind, and very caring. You mean so much to me y/n." He says softly and I look into his eyes "r-really?" I ask and he leans in "really really." He says before leaning in to kiss me softly. I squeak softly before I hum and kiss him back.

He pulls back and held up my hand to kiss the back of my hand. "Will you be mine y/n?" He asks and I blush before nodding "I'd love to." I say and he smiles before moving up to kiss me softly. I hum and wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles and lifts me up before walking over to his bed. I giggle softly as he lays me down onto the soft bed. He pulls away and tenderly kisses my neck as he unbuttons my uniform.

He pulls away and I sat up to remove my dress. I went to remove my bra but he stops me and kisses me softly before reaching back to remove it himself. That simple action made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He removes my bra and tosses it to the side with my dress. He leans me back down and I blush as he hovers over me. My eyes scan over his toned body and I smile.

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