This book is going on hold/taking a break from writting

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Sorry about the picture. I'm pretty tired.

It pains me to say this but due to something that happened I will be taking a break from writing for a little while.

Long story short I may have overreacted to something that wasn't a big deal to the point where I broke down in tears and started shaking. I don't want to cause drama or anything because in reality I know it's not a big deal. But I need a break from writing.

For those who don't know I have slight anxiety and paranoia. I have the tendency to be over emotional or over sensitive...but on top of that I suffer from slight depression, nothing major it's only situational. To explain there will be moments where I am very happy but if one thing, even minor, makes me upset I go into a depressive state where I just don't want to do anything or I just cry.

With that explanation out of the way I was in one of those depressive states earlier which is why I need a small break. I am feeling a little better thanks to one of my friends on here. I felt bad because in my depressive state I wouldn't listen to the kind things she was telling me to cheer me up which does happen whenever I'm in that state.

Do not worry too much about me as I am getting better. I just wanted to explain why I wouldn't be updating for a bit. Requests can still be taken but I will take a bit of time before posting them.

Big Thanks to CryptOfDrawings who was the friend who helped to calm me down. I'm glad that I managed to become your friend on here and thank you for making me feel better.

I love you all and I thank you for all of your constant support.🥰

I promise I won't be gone long.

Thank you so much😊❤️

(I also know that when my boyfriend sees this he'll try and comfort me so to me boyfriend, if you read this, Yes, I am okay sweetheart.)

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