A Stalker's Love (Yandere! Karamatsu x reader)

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For KaramatsuGirls13

I was walking back home from work while texting my friend. We were just talking about usual stuff when I stop walking. I glance around and hum "that's weird. I feel like someone is watching me." I say to myself before continuing my walk. As I was maybe a block away from my house I pass by an alley where I feel a hand grab my wrist. I squeak softly as I was pulled back into the alley.

Before I even had the chance to scream a hand covers my mouth. "Sh~ Don't make a sound~" I hear a low voice say behind me before I felt a prick of a needle on my neck. I wince in pain before dizziness came over me and my world became black as I pass out.

When I came to I saw I was in what appeared to be a basement. I lift my head and saw that my hands were chained to the floor. I also realized that I had been gagged. I glance around and saw pictures on a wall. Pictures of me. The pictures ranged from when I was 16 to this morning. Some pictures were harmless but there were a fair amount of pictures with me sleeping or without clothes.

I jump slightly when I heard a door open before someone walks downstairs. I turn my head to the stairs and tilt my head when I saw a familiar face but I couldn't remember who the guy was. He looks at me and smiles "So you finally woke up." He says and walks over to me. He crouches down in front of me and reaches out to remove the gag "Here. Let's get this off." He says and leans up to my ear.

"But don't scream. I'd hate to punish you."

I shiver and keep silent as he pulls the gag off. I stare at him as he pulls back with a smile and my eyes widen. "Wait..Karamatsu?" I say in a surprised tone and he smiles wider "Oh good. You do remember me. I was getting worried since you would never seem to notice me." He says and I stare at him "Why am I here? Why am I chained up and why did you gag me?" I ask and he smiles

"Well it's because I love you a lot and I don't want you to leave me. Ever." He says and I stare at him confused "W-What?" I ask and he hums "The world is too dangerous and there are too many risks. One of those risks being losing you to another man when you are meant to be mine." He says as he caresses my cheek "h-how long have you been planning this?" I ask and he leans in with a smile.

"I have been planning this ever since I was 18 my dear." He says and I stare at him "T-That's insane. Are you crazy?" He hums and smiles "Crazy in love~" He coos before he holds my face and kisses me. I squeak and try pulling my face away but he held my head in place. He pulls away with a crazed with a grin on his face. "Oh~ I've always wanted to do that~" I glance away from him as I felt embarrassed.

I hear him hum and look at him "there is another thing I have always wanted to do~" I hum and feel my heart drop as he rubs my thigh. "You don't mind do you?" He asks and I look at him with a nervous look. I was so scared I didn't say anything. He leans in to kiss my cheek and settles between my legs.

"I'll be gentle~" He coos before kissing me deeply and I whimper. I try to pull back but he again held me in place as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I close my eyes and clench my hands as his hands move to roam my body. I feel a tear leave my eye when his hand reaches the hem of my pants.

When he was done he left to get my something to eat and I just drop my head. I stare at the ground as tears leave my eyes. I mean he was gentle but that wasn't the point. He still took advantage of me. He was crazy. He stalked me and kidnapped me.

He may claim to love me but I didn't feel the same.

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