Lost Memories (Ichimatsu x reader x Karamatsu)

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For DarkReidenMai

I was out with Ichimatsu feeding cats and just spending some quality time with him. I was friends with the Matsuno brothers but two of them were pretty special to me. There was Karamatsu my best friend and then Ichimatsu who was also my best friend but I also had a huge crush on him. At this point it was full on love though. The thing is I know that Ichimatsu has a crush on me as well.

It's just both of us were too nervous to make the first move. Today was different though. I would make a move. As we were walking back I could feel my chance to make a move slipping away. That I would miss my chance if I didn't act now. So I was internally panicking a bit. When we reach his house I took a breath and turn him to face me with a heavy blush. "Uh y/n. What's wro-mph!" I cut him off as held his face and pull him into a kiss.

My eyes were shut tight so I couldn't see his reaction but I did hear him hum before kissing me back

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My eyes were shut tight so I couldn't see his reaction but I did hear him hum before kissing me back. He wraps his arms around my waist and tilts his head slightly as I wrap my arms around his neck. We pull away and he smiles softly. "That felt nice." I say softly and he nods. I heard the door open and saw Karamatsu. "Hey Karamatsu." I greet him and he smiles but he seemed off.

"Hi y/n I was just heading out." He says and I hum "well maybe I'll see you later. I am staying over for a bit." I say and he hums with a nod "well I'll see you later than." He says before walking away and I walk into the house with Ichimatsu. I sat down at the table and smile at Ichimatsu. He smiles back and sat beside. I reach my hand up to scratch his head and he hums before laying his head on my lap as I scratch his head and I smile softly at the soft purrs he let out.

It's been about 2 months and I was happy to be Ichimatsu's girlfriend. At the moment I was just waiting for him as he was in the bathroom. We just had plans to walk around and maybe stop at a café. As I waited Karamatsu came in with a mug in hand. "Hi y/n, nice to see you again." He says and I smile "same to you Karamatsu." I say and he sat down beside me.

"I got you something to drink." He says and I smile "that's nice but I won't be here much longer so-oh." I cut myself off when he stares at me with an intense yet pleading face. It caught me off guard. I smile and take the mug from him. "Thank you Karamatsu." I say and take a sip at the tea. "Oh wow that actually tastes good." I say and he hums. I drank it all and smile as I stand up.

When I did stand up I felt drowsy and dizzy. I wobble a bit before I fell and blackout.

When I came to heard a lot of people talking at once. Voices I recognized as the matsuno brothers. I heard Ichimatsu demanding to know what happened and when I opened my eyes I saw Karamatsu's face over mine as he held a cloth to my head. "She just fainted and hit her head on the table Ichimatsu-niisan." I hear Jyushimatsu say and I saw him trying to calm Ichimatsu as Karamatsu sat me up.

"See she's okay." Todomatsu says as he has Ichimatsu look at me. I smile and Karamatsu stood me up. Ichimatsu walks over and hugs me "Thank goodness. I was so worried." I smile and pat his back. "Hey it's okay. I'm fine. My head hurts though." I say and gasp softly as he hugs me tighter. "Um Ichimatsu why are you hugging me so tight?" I ask and he pulls away with look of confusion.

"Because I was concerned." He says and I hum "yeah but still you hardly hug anyone so you suddenly hugging me so tight is surprising." I say and Ichimatsu looks at me even more confused. "Y/n...are you okay?" He asks and I nod before petting his head.

"Of course I am. I'm lucky to have such a good friend."

His eyes widen and was going to say something but I turn to Karamatsu. "So Karamatsu, you ready to head out?" I ask and he looks surprised before smiling. "Yes, just wait outside and I'll be right outside." He says and I smile before kissing his cheek. "I'll be waiting hon." I say before heading out the door to wait for my boyfriend.

-Karamatsu's POV-

I turn to the others who look at me confused. "What was that?" Osomatsu says and I shrug "I don't know. Maybe when she hit her head something messed up her mind." I say and everyone turns to Ichimatsu who looks not only confused but heartbroken. "I would understand if maybe she couldn't remember anything...but she remembers my name." He says and I hum

"That is strange. Look I'll try to figure this out while I'm out with her okay?" I say and he nods "Please...I'm really worried...she doesn't seem to remember our relationship at all." He says and I nod "I'll try to figure this out. I promise." I say before leaving the house with a smirk before closing the door. "What's with the smirk Kara?" Y/n asks and I smile before kissing her temple.

"I'm just happy for our date is all." I say and she giggles "yeah me too." She says as we walk away. When were walking through a park y/n hums "Do you know why Ichimatsu was acting so weird?" She asks laying her head on my shoulder and I shrug "he must have been concerned. I mean you did hit your head pretty hard after fainting." I say and she hums as she hugs my arm.

"I feel like he has a crush on me. I get this feeling like he loves me."

I hum and stop walking to turn to y/n. "He might but you are mine sweetheart." I say and she smiles "yeah I know. I..I love you." She says and I lean down to kiss her. She hums and kisses me back before pulling away. I watch her twiddle her thumbs before blushing. "C-Can we um..Can we go to my place? I want to.." she trails off with a heavy blush and I smile.

I wrap my arm around her waist before we walk in the direction to her house. "We can do whatever you wish my dear." I say and kiss her temple. She blushes and smiles with a nod.

I was walking home with a dopey smile. Turns out y/n had wanted to go back to her place because she wanted to get little frisky. Most we did was have a make out session with some groping from both of us. I walk into my house to see Ichimatsu sitting with his head on the table on top of folded arms. I walk over and he looks up at me. Before I could even say anything.

"Why? Why would you do that?"

I hum and tilt my head "What do you mean?" I ask and he narrows her eyes. "First off, you have marks on your neck." He says and I hum but don't try to hide it. "Second. I found this." He says lifting up a bottle that I had gotten a month ago from Dekapan. I watch him bring the bottle to his face. "Memory Altering Formula." He reads before turning it over to read the back.

"Whoever takes this formula will have their memories altered or erased depending on the dose." He reads and glares at me "You altered my girlfriend's memory!" He yells and I hum "it wasn't that hard after giving that to her I just had to be the first one she saw when she woke up." I say and he stood up "Why?! Why would you take the one thing that makes me happy?!" He shouts and I narrow my eyes with crossed arms.

"I loved her too...I didn't like how close you were getting and when I saw her.." I scowl with a growl "kiss you..that was it. I couldn't let you have her..no matter how happy she makes you. I can't see her being with anyone other than me." I say and he growls "you won't get away with this." He says and I smirk with a chuckle

"oh but I already have and if you do anything to harm me. I'll tell her and with her altered memory, she'll grow to hate you." He froze and looks defeated. I just smile and pat his head before heading up to the roof.

-Ichimatsu's POV-

I clench my hands with growl once he left. Even if he had a point, I have to fix this and if y/n ends up hating me in the end..well that's fine but I can't have her live with fake memories.

I will help her and I will fix her memory no matter what.

He won't get away with this.

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