Rare Eyes (Dog-Hybrid! Animatsu x Rich! reader)

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For TomatoKlutz
Hope you like it😊

I was tidying up my manor because my friend, Homura, would be visiting today. Though when I answered the door I was surprised to see she had one of those hybrids with her. "Hi Homura. Who is this?" I ask and she smiles "This is Jyushimatsu. I rescued him from a shelter." She says and I smile before noticing his yellow, slightly golden, eyes. I hum before letting them in.

"About his eyes?" I ask as we sat down and Jyushimatsu sat down beside her. "Oh yeah, apparently his eyes are a rarity." She says and I hum as Jyushimatsu lays his head on her lap. "Yeah, what's sad is that hybrids with this rarity in shelters don't really get chosen." I hum and stand up "Can you take me to this shelter?" I ask and she smiles "Sure." She says and we head out.

When we got to the shelter we were lead to the back were there were a lot of hybrids. As I look around I stop when I saw three hybrids. Each one had rare eyes. Their eyes were Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald and they looked beautiful. I look at the information sheet posted beside them. It had their names, essential information and their expiration date? I turn to Homura.

"Hey what's it mean by expiration date?" I ask and she sighs "exactly how it sounds. When the day that's listed arrives for that specific hybrid...they are euthanized." She says sadly and Jyushimatsu nods. "What?! So if these hybrids don't get rescued they get killed?!" I exclaimed and hear a chuckle beside me. "That's just how it is. People don't really care about us." The one with Ruby eyes says.

"You're..Osomatsu right?" I ask and he nods "We have lost hope at this point...not only are we close to expiration.." Sapphire eyes (Karamatsu) says with droopy ears "but we are also set a high price...on purpose too." Emerald eyes (Choromatsu) says and I hum before looking at them. The three of us left and my mind was filled with concern as I ponder. Should I rescue them?

I went home to think about it. Then I realized that their expiration date was today. At 4:30 and it was 3:50. I think about it a little more and smile. "Oh fuck it. I have more than enough room and I am not letting them die." I say before rushing out to my car. I sigh with a smile and get a little worried as time seemed to fly by. Didn't help that traffic was getting in the way.

I finally made it to the shelter at 4:00. I rush in and walk up to the counter. "Hi I want to rescue those dog hybrids. The ones with rare eyes." I say and the woman behind the counter hums. "Unfortunately those boys are being taken in because of their expirations." She says and I scowl at her "That's a bunch of bull. I read their info sheet and it said their expiration was at 4:30 and it is 4:00!" I yell and she hums

"Well it's a long process to purchase them." She says and I hum "Then let's worry about that later!" I exclaim and this went back and forth before I just rush into the back on my own. I went to their enclosure and saw Osomatsu and Choromatsu but no Karamatsu. "Where is Karamatsu?" I ask and they both point to a door down the hall. I storm down the hall and push open the door to see them trying to hold down a struggling Karamatsu.

"Oi! Let him go! Now!" I yell and they stop "ma'am step out of the room." One of the guys say and I storm over. I pull Karamatsu from them and he hides behind me. "Their expiration dates were marked at 4:30. I can have you arrested for euthanizing them to early. Believe me I will." I say with a stern face and luckily they back off. After leaving the room I have them let out Osomatsu and Choromatsu as well.

We all went out to the front desk and I went through the purchasing process. Which only took a minute mind you. After that was dealt with I brought them to my car and help them into the back. While driving Karamatsu spoke up "Thank you for recusing us miss." He says and I look back with a smile "no problem. You can call me y/n by the way." I say and he smiles "and are you guys okay?" I ask and they nod but Osomatsu says

"I am a little hungry though."

I smile and hum "that's not a problem. When we get home I'll make you something to eat and I'll show you your rooms." I say and they hum "Rooms? As in separate?" Choromatsu asks and I nod "oh wait, is that a problem?" I ask and they shy back. "Don't worry. I have a room you can share." I say with a soft smile and they smile back.

When we got to my manor they were really nice and polite. After I made something for them to eat, which they devoured so quickly, I showed them to their room. They were very grateful for my help. I was very happy I chose to rescue them because they were the sweetest hybrids I have ever met.

It may have been because I was the one who saved them.

They never let me forget how grateful they were.

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