Possession (Possessive! Karamatsu x reader x Osomatsu)

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For topaz03

"Jyushimatsu! Congratulations!" I cheer as I hug my best friend who was just married. He laughs and lifts me up into a hug. "Thank you y/n!" He says before setting me down and I turn to Homura "you better take care of him." I say and she giggles "oh don't worry. I will." She says and I smile before hugging her. I accidentally tighten my grip as a thought came to my mind.

I won't see Jyushimatsu that often anymore.

My thoughts were right as when Jyushimatsu and Homura got married they also became busy. I was happy for them but I was also lonely. I now visited the brothers more often, good thing we are neighbors, but I still felt lonely. Until I met Hiro. Hiro was a nice man and was very kind to me when we first met. Some of his behaviors actually reminded me of the brothers.

He was funny like Osomatsu

He was charismatic and suave like Karamatsu

He was smart and reliable like Choromatsu

He was caring like Ichimatsu

He was energetic and silly like Jyushimatsu

He was also sly like Todomatsu

He was perfect. I fell for him and I fell hard. He asked me out and we started dating. I felt happy again. I would always mention him to the brothers and I even introduced them to Hiro. They were proud of me for finding a man. Or so I thought. Karamatsu seemed to be slightly annoyed when I brought up Hiro or when I brought him over. Though I didn't understand why until one day I invited him to my house.

We were in my room watching my favorite show when I went into thought. "Oh right I need to meet with Hiro tomorrow." I think out loud and I saw Karamatsu's face drop before he clicks his tongue. I turn to him with a hum "Something wrong Karamatsu?" I ask and he nods "Something is wrong. Very wrong." I hum in concern as he sounded angry. "What? What is it?" I ask and he looks down at his clenched hands.

"It's Hiro." He says in a cold tone and I hum "What? What did he do?" I ask in confusion but I was still concerned that maybe Hiro did something to him. Though I let out a squeal as he turns to pin me to my bed. "Um..Karamatsu?" I was a little worried by the look on his face. It was a look a have never seen before. Then what he said next surprised me.

"He isn't good enough for you."

I stare at him and hum in confusion "What? What do you mean?" I ask and he smiles "he doesn't know you. he may think he does but he doesn't truly know you. Not like I do." He says and I shiver at his tone of voice. "Karamatsu...What are you saying?" I say and he leans closer.

"The one who should be with you. Is me."

My eyes widen and I stare at him in shock. Where did these feelings come from? He has never once shown signs of being in love with me. So why say anything now? My thoughts were caught off when I feel him nuzzle his face into my neck. "Hmm you're so beautiful~ Hiro may see you as beautiful but does he know how truly beautiful you are inside and out~" He coos and I was starting to get nervous.

"K-Karamatsu. W-What are yo-Ah~" I was cut off by a moan as he kisses my neck. I try to cover my mouth but he had my hands pinned. I squirm and whine under him as he kisses down my neck. "Hm~ Soo beautiful~" he purrs before licking up my neck and I flinch with a soft moan. "K-Karamatsu N-No!Stop!" I plead but he ignores me and hovers over me. I flinch as he pushes his hips down on mine.

"Just relax darling~" He coos before kissing me and I whine as I struggle under him. My eyes shot open with a muffled scream as his hand went to the hem of my pants. I shut my eyes and feel tears leave my eyes.

I was outside the café with Hiro. I had my head down as a bow before I say "I'm sorry Hiro but I want to break up." I say in an emotionless tone. "Oh...Okay I understand. Can we still be friends?" He asks and I feel tears in my eyes but stay strong "s-sure." I say and we went our separate ways. As I walk from the café I stop to calm myself before feeling arms wrap around my waist.

"See. Now that wasn't too hard was it?~" I glance back at Karamatsu and nod "yeah..you were right he wasn't angry." I say and he smiles before walking in front of me. I could tell he was pretty proud of himself. As I follow him I look down and let a few tears roll down my face. Though I quickly wipe them away and smile when he looks back at me.

What I didn't know was that a certain red clad brother had seen what just happened and was beyond confused.

A week passed and I was over at the brothers place. They seemed to find it strange that I broke up with Hiro only to get together with Karamatsu but didn't question. Well except Osomatsu. At one point I was alone with Osomatsu who decided to ask. "What happened?" I look up and tilt my head "What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs "Y/n don't play dumb. I know something is wrong. You dump Hiro and then a week later you're dating Karamatsu."

I pause and look away "you loved Hiro so why would you break up with him?" He asks and I look down as tears brim in my eyes. Osomatsu scoots over and lays a hand on mine. "Y/n. What happened? It had to have been serious if it's making you cry." He says and I open my mouth but all that came out was a whimper before I broke down crying. Osomatsu sighs and pulls me into a hug. I cry onto his shoulder as I grip his hoodie. He held my face up and his face was filled with concern.

"Now, tell me everything that happened?"

-Osomatsu's POV-

I sat at the table drumming my fingers as I wait for him to return home. I had sent y/n because 1) she was hysterical and 2) I don't want her here to see what I'm about to do. I hear the door open and see Karamatsu enter the house. I narrow my eyes and he enters the living room "Oh did y/n go home?" He asks and I nod "I sent her home." I say and he looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"Why?" He asks coldly and I narrow my eyes "She isn't safe around you." I say and he scowls "isn't safe. Why isn't she safe?" He asks and I stood up "you know exactly why. You are insane! You broke up a perfectly happy and healthy relationship just so you could have her all to yourself!" I yell and he glares with a click of his tongue.

"To make matters worse, the relationship you have isn't even consensual!!"

He just rolls his eyes and I grip the front of his shirt, pulling him towards me. "DON'T YOU DARE ROLL YOUR EYES! YOU FORCED YOURSELF ONTO Y/N! IN HER OWN HOUSE!!" I shout and he glares at me "you don't know what you're talking about besides" he grips my wrist and pushes me to the ground forcing my arm behind my back and twisting it. I yelp in pain and he chuckles

"you know that I'm stronger than you. I'm not letting anyone take her from me. Not Hiro. Not you."

He releases my arm and got off but not before stepping hard onto my back. He left the room and I sat up with a groan from the pain on my back. I rub my arm and sigh "you say that but I'm not letting you hurt y/n." I stood up and smile

"I'm gonna help her get away from you or die trying."

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