Study Session 🍋(Highschool! Osomatsu x reader) Lemon

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For LunaSnow118

I was waiting patiently in the living room for Osomatsu. Today we were having a quick "study session" while my parents were out. The truth is that we were a couple but my parents didn't know. They were the kind of parents that were strict when it came to guys and didn't really like the idea of me dating. Even if I was 18. Practically a woman already. They still treat me like a child.

It was annoying.

The doorbell rang and I hop off the couch to answer it. I smile as I saw my boyfriend and pull him into the house. He knew of the plan beforehand so when I pulled him into a deep kiss he kisses back eagerly. What was the plan? I told my parents I would be tutoring a student while they were gone but in reality while my parents were away I would be losing my virginity.

Yeah, Osomatsu and I were planning on having sex.

We both pull away with a gasp and he lifts me up. "Bedroom?" He asks and I nod before latching my mouth onto his neck. He moans softly and walks to my bedroom as I kiss his neck. When we got to my room we fell onto my bed with small laughs. I held his face and smile as he kisses my forehead. "Finally a moment to ourselves~" he purrs as he removes my shirt and I blush softly.

"Yep~" I say softly as I remove my bra and he leans down to take my nipple into his mouth. I moan softly as he licks the bud grazing it with his teeth. He pulls off with a pop before moving to do the same to the other. I blush and reach out to tug on his shirt. He pulls away with a smile and pulls his shirt off. I reach down to pull my bottoms off and drop them to the floor with his shirt.

I spread my legs and he blushes before smiling wide. He pushes my folds apart and goes down to lick my pussy. I moan softly and lay a hand on his head. He hums and licks my pussy with the flat of his tongue. I moan and grip his hair as he props my legs on his shoulders. I threw my head back with a moan as he pushes his tongue into my pussy.

My back arched slightly as I felt his tongue swirling around inside me. I hum as he pushed deeper inside me. "Osomatsu~ faster.~" I moan softly and he hums as his tongue grazes the roof of my pussy. I felt a rush of pleasure through my body. "Ah~ Osomatsu~ T-There~ Oh~" I moan out and I saw him furrow his eyebrows before pushing even deeper.

I glance down to see him reach a hand down to palm himself through his pants. I bit my lip and moan for more as the pleasure builds. "Ah~ I'm Cumming!~" I wail, gripping Osomatsu's hair as I came on his face. He moans and licks up my cum making me moan softly. He pulls away and wipes his mouth. He leans down with a smug smirk and kisses me softly.

"You taste sweet y/n~" He coos and I blush before lifting my foot. "You hush." I nudge his
shoulder with my foot and he laughs before grabbing my ankle and laying my leg down. He leans over to kiss me again before sitting up to remove his bottoms. I blush when I saw his dick sprung up and shyly cover my pussy. He hums and I blush "S-Sorry..I guess I'm a little nervous." I say and he pulls my hands away.

"Don't be. You can trust me." He says and I blush softly before spreading my legs. He smiles and settles between my legs. I blush as he lines up and held my hips. "Let me know if it hurts." He says and I nod before taking a breath. He smiles and slowly slides into me. I wince and whine as he stretches my walls. I gasp softly as he bottoms out inside my pussy. I whimper softly and he leans over to kiss my forehead before holding my hand.

"It's okay~ I'll let you adjust~" he says softly and I smile softly as I let my body relax. After a few minutes I roll my hips and both of us moan softly. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him softly and pull back with a smile. "You can move now." I say and he smiles before holding me close. "I'll be gentle" He says softly before he thrusts slowly.

I moan softly and clutch onto his shoulders. "Oh~ that feels good~" I moan softly and he moans with a shaky smile "oh yes~ it feels amazing~" he moans before holding my hips and thrusts faster "it's so tight~ so warm~ oh~ I love it~" he moans and kisses my neck. I moan at the change of place and blush from his words. "Oh Osomatsu~ Keep talking~" I moan softly and he hums "really?" He asks and I nod pulling back to look at him.

"I like that you're being vocal" I say with a blush "it makes me feel good" he smiles and kisses me before sitting up to lift my hips. "Oh~ you feel so good~ it feels like your sucking me in~" he moans as he thrusts faster and I moan out "Oh yes!~ Oh Osomatsu!~" I moan and he pants softly "oh~ and your moans are beautiful~ moan for me~" he moans with a smirk before thrusting harder.

I moan out and grip the bedsheets "Oh!~ There!~ Oh Osomatsu!~" I moan and bite my lip as he hit my g-spot "yes~ just like that~" he moans and I moan louder as he hits my g-spot again. I squeak softly as he turns me on my side and lifts my leg onto his shoulder. I moan out as he went harder and rams my g-spot. "Oh Osomatsu!~ I'm gonna cum!~" I moan and he bites his lip "oh~ me too~ can I cum inside?~" he moans and I bite my lip.

"Yes~ Go ahead~ Cum deep inside my pussy~" I moan out and he groans out my name before speeding up. I moan out and whine as I grip the bed. "Oh Osomatsu!~ Ha~" I moan out and my back arches as I came. Osomatsu moans and pushes deep inside me before he came. I moan softly and shudder as I felt his cum flow up into me. I whine as he pulls out and hum as he lays on top of me.

I hug him close and go under the covers with him. He looks at me confused and I smile "my parents won't be back until tomorrow." I say and he smiles before hugging me close. I kiss him softly before we both fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to hear a car pulling up. Still delirious I look out the window and gasp when I saw my parents car. I quickly woke up Osomatsu and we were both quick to redress ourselves. I rush him out the back and smile nervously "see you at school." I say and he nods before kissing my cheek. He left and I close the door right as my mom calls out for me to help haul luggage in. I breath out a sigh of relief before going to help.

(4 weeks later)

Osomatsu was at home reading a comic when there was rapid knocking on the door. He got up to answer it and to his surprise he saw y/n crying. "Y/n what happened?" He asks his girlfriend and she looks down " parents kicked me out..can I come in?" She asks and Osomatsu immediately let's the crying girl in. His mom rounded the corner and saw y/n.

"Oh dear, what happened?" She asks before leading the couple into the living room. "She said her parents kicked her out." Osomatsu says as they all sat down. "What? Why?" The mom asks and y/n looks down as she fiddles with her jacket. She was silent which made both Osomatsu and his mom worry. "Sweetie, What's wrong?" Osomatsu asks holding her hand and she looks at him with teary eyes. "Promise you won't get mad?" She asks and he nods. Y/n took a deep breath before looking at him.

"Osomatsu, I'm..I'm pregnant."

Osomatsu went wide eyed and his mother was in shock. "I want to keep it. If you don't want anything to do with me that's fine since it's my fault." She says and was surprised when Osomatsu hugs her. "'s my fault..I'm not mad and I'll be with you through it all. I promise." He says and y/n hugs him tightly.

Osomatsu's mom just stares at her son with a smile "Now Osomatsu you do understand that having a baby requires a lot of responsibility?" She asks and Osomatsu nods "I understand and I am prepared to handle it." He says before kissing y/n making the girl tear up. The young girl hugs Osomatsu even tighter as Osomatsu kisses all over her face.

His mom just smiles because as long as her son was ready to take responsibility then she would be supportive.

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