Man meets Woman (Caveman! Matsu Bros x Cavewoman! reader)

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For FWPlacencia

For this the brothers look completely normal aside from their clothes which are prehistoric. This is only because I find the canon caveman matsu bros a little weird. Sorry😅

I woke up with a yawn and grunt as I stretch. "Ow." I say as I pop my back before standing up. I run my hands through my hair as I leave my cave. I look up at the sky and hum "I guess I slept in today." I say to myself before shrugging "Oh well." I say before walking to waterhole near my cave. I crouch down and cup some water in my hand to drink.

I stood back up and stretch a bit more before walking back. I went into my cave and check my food supply. "Hmm a little low. Might as well gather some fruit and I'll go hunting tomorrow." I say to myself before leaving again and starting my search to find some food. I was walking to my usual spot where there were berry bushes. When I got to the spot I stop when I notice a tree with fruit growing from it.

I hum and tilt my head "how have I never seen that before." I ask myself as I look at the fruit. They were roundish and a bright red. Usually I avoided bright red things but it looked safe. So I jump up and pull one off from the tree. I hum when I felt it's smooth surface before lifting it to my face and sniff it. "It doesn't really have a smell to it." I say but shrug and take a bite.

I surprised by the crunch before humming. "ooh~ that's a nice taste~ kind of..sweet" I say before taking another bite and wipe my mouth "hehe it's juicy too" I hum and finish the fruit off. I wipe my hands on my clothes and climb up the tree to gather more. I loved this fruit so I was going to grab more. I was grabbing as much as I could and try to reach up to pick another but the branch I was on made a crack.

I hum before screaming as the branch broke and I fell from the tree.

-Earlier that day-
-3rd person POV-

The brothers were walking around exploring..and trying to gather food. Though everyone came to halt when the eldest, Osomatsu, suddenly stopped. The others all hum in confusion before following Osomatsu's gaze to a cave. Though his gaze was on the person who left the cave. They all stare in awe when they realized that the person was female. A woman.

Neither of the brothers had ever physically seen another woman aside from their mother so they were surprised. The silence was broken by Karamatsu saying "She's pretty." To which the brothers nod with soft blushes. They all watch the woman as she walks to the waterhole and takes a drink. She stood up and walks back into her cave.

After a minute she leaves and starts walking the direction of a wooded area. The brothers all follow her but keep a distance as they didn't want to scare her away. When they got to the wooded area they saw her eating one of the fruits from the tree. That's when they heard her speak and blush even more. "Her voice is so soft and gentle." Choromatsu says and the others nod before watching her climb the tree.

As they watch Jyushimatsu perks up when he hears a crack and tells his brothers. Right when he mentions it the branch snaps and the woman let out a scream. Jyushimatsu runs over and catches her but fell off balance.

-your POV-

So I fell from the tree but was confused when I didn't hit the ground. I sat up and hum when I feel a hand repeatedly tapping my leg. I look down and blush before standing up and backing away. Two things had happened; 1) I was saved from a man who I have never seen before 2) I had been sitting on his face. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaim and he sat up with a blush and a smile.

"It's okay. Are you okay?" He asks before standing up and I hum before glancing around to see 5 other men identical to the one in front of me. I tilt my head and wave at them. "Hello" I say and they walk over "Hi." They all say and I smile before going to pick up the fruit I had dropped. "Here. Let me help." The one in blue bottoms which made me wonder how he got his clothes to be that color.

"Thank you." I say as I stood up and take the rest of the fruit from him. "Oh I'm y/n by the way." I say and they smile before introducing themselves as Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu respectively. As I walk home they follow me and we talk with each other until we reach my cave.

Before they could leave I reach out to grab Osomatsu's wrist. "You guys could stay for a little bit...if you want." I say with a blush and they all look at each other before smiling. Osomatsu turns to me and nods "we can stay." He says and I smile before leading them into my cave where I set the fruit I gathered into the makeshift bin I made. As they all sit down I start preparing a fire for tonight.

They ended up staying when night rolled around but they didn't seem to mind at all. We shared stories and talk with each other. I share my food with them. We continue talking until the fire went out. I sigh before yawning "This was nice...I have never been around so many people before." I say and they hum. "I've noticed that you live on your own. Is there a reason?" Choromatsu asks and I hum as pull my legs to my chest.

"I mean I had a family. A mom. A dad. I had a big brother and a little the time I was 18..I lost all of them." I say and they went silent. "..what happened to them?" Ichimatsu asks and I sigh "Well..first was my little sister. She got really sick and before we knew she died. Then was my brother he died rescuing me from a stampede. My parents they both died protecting me from a wild animal."

I let out a sigh and wipe my eyes "After killing the animal myself in a fit of set in for me that I was alone. I still don't like being alone...that's why I asked if you guys could stay." I say looking up at them and I was startled when Jyushimatsu pulls into a hug. "Well you aren't alone now y/n." He says and the others move to hug me. "He's right. You have us so you won't be alone anymore." Todomatsu says and everyone nods while I smile.

"Thank you. Thank you all of you."

Thanks to these men I was no longer alone in this world and that made me happy.

If you guys want a second part let me know.

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