My Little Baker (Choromatsu x Baker! reader)

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For Cookiemoonlight

I was currently in the kitchen baking with my boyfriend, Choromatsu. We were baking some creampuffs to serve at my bakery. Though I was making a few extras because we both loved sweets. Well Choromatsu likes my baked goods more. Something about how I make them taste better. Well at the moment we were waiting for the puffs to bake. As we wait I was mixing the filling with Choromatsu watching me with a smile.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask as I stop mixing and he smiles "because you look so cute when you focus on baking." He says and I blush "you are so silly Choromatsu. How can I look "so cute" hm?" I ask with a hand on my hip. "Well I find it cute when you bite your lip when you either think or just when focusing on the task at hand." He says and leans in to kiss my forehead before poking my nose.

"And I love how you get impatient with waiting for things to bake~" He coos before kissing me softly and I blush taking some of the filling on my finger before smudging it on his nose. He laughs softly and wipes it off "that's another thing. You become very silly almost like a child when you bake." He says and I blush harder before picking up a spoon "don't make me hit you with this." I threaten but smile and he just lifts his hands with a laugh.

"Your just proving my point." He says and I tilt my head "okay that's it" He runs and I chase him "Come Back Here!" I shout and chase him down with my spoon drawn. This was malicious as he both were laughing and eventually we had to go back to the kitchen because the timer went off.

We both got back to the kitchen and after waiting for them to cool we both fill the creampuffs. The filling I made was a simple cream but I favored it with Kiwis, I thought the fruit would be prefect. When I pack the ones for my bakery away Choromatsu and I both ate one of the extra ones. They were incredible.

Even though I wouldn't admit Choromatsu was right I did agree with him. Baking brought out my child side.

I'm just lucky he found it cute and not weird or something.

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