Best Friend (Jyushimatsu x reader)

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For misstrishx

I was at the Matsuno house because apparently Jyushimatsu had some good news. Apparently it was so good that he gathered up his brothers and parents. We were all pretty curious about what the news was. Then after a minute of waiting there was a knock on the door. Jyushimatsu went to answer and came back with a wide smile and a girl right beside him. The brothers seemed to recognize her but their parents and I were curious. Then Jyushimatsu introduces her.

"This is Homura! She's my girlfriend!"

While everyone else smiles and congratulates Jyushimatsu I sat there frozen for a second. I snap out of it and stand up to congratulate them as well. "Great job on getting a girlfriend Jyushi." I say and he smiles "Thanks y/n!" He says and I smile before turning Homura. I look her up and down before smiling. "Well she's very pretty." I say and she smiles with a blush. I smile and lay a hand on her shoulder.

"You better take care of him." I say and she nods as Jyushimatsu hugs her "I will." She says and I smile "Well congrats to both of you. I wish you a happy relationship. I should get going." I say before hugging Jyushimatsu real quick and heading out. As I walk home I let out a sigh. I was really happy for him and Homura but I just hope it works out.

So it's been a year and both Jyushimatsu and Homura were very happy together. Again I was happy for them but I felt sad that I didn't get to see one my best friend as much anymore. But I kept my sad feeling quiet as I didn't want to have Jyushimatsu to worry about it. Mostly because I knew that he would spend all his time to make me feel better and that wasn't fair to Homura. Even if she wouldn't mind.

Though now I had to meet with him to tell him something important. So I call him and ask if we could meet up because I need to talk to him about something. He agrees and we arrange to just meet at his place. Which works because I actually need to tell the whole Matsuno family. We arrange for tomorrow and I hung up with a sigh. I walk away from the phone to continue packing my bag.

The next day I quickly head over to the Matsuno house. I was let in by Karamatsu and brought to the living room. Everyone was there..except Jyushimatsu. "Um where is Jyushimatsu?" I ask and they hum "he's out helping Homura. He did say he would be back we just down know when." Osomatsu says and I hum

"Well I'm really busy so I can't spend too much time here." I say and they look at me confused. "What do you mean?" Choromatsu asks and I sigh "I'll tell you but promise me you'll tell Jyushimatsu for me." I say and they nod. I smile and took a deep breath before explaining everything.

Later that night I was waiting for the train. I was moving out of Japan to help my mom. She had recently became ill and my dad had died years ago so I was the only one who could help her. I let out a sigh as I wait before I heard someone call out my name and turn to see Jyushimatsu and Homura. I was surprised. "What are you two doing here?" I ask and Homura smiles.

"His brothers told us that you were leaving Japan." She says and Jyushimatsu nods "Why didn't you just tell me you were leaving?" Jyushimatsu asks and I sigh "that's what I called about yesterday. I planned to tell all of you earlier today but when I noticed you weren't there I told the others to pass the message because I didn't have much time as I had to finish packing and then leave." I say and look at them.

"I didn't call because they said you were with Homura..I didn't want to be a bother you guys." I say and Jyushimatsu hums before glancing at Homura. She nods and smiles at me before walking away. Jyushimatsu turns to me and tilts his head "Are you okay y/n?" He asks and I hum "Be honest with me. You have been acting strange for a while now." He says and I sigh

"it's nothing. I just missed spending time with you...I mean when you got with Homura you and I spent less time together. Not that I'm complaining and I don't want to seem like I want you to spend more time with me. I mean she is your girlfriend and I-" I shut up when he hugs me tightly. "You should've said something. I love Homura but you're my best friend and Homura would understand." He says and I smile softly before hugging him back.

That's when they announced final call from my train home so I pull away. I look at Jyushimatsu with a smile and he smiles back. "I'll call you okay?" I say and he nods "and when you come back we'll spend the day together!" He says and I smile with a small laugh. I hug him one last time and rush to my train.

When I got on the train I turn my head to see both Jyushimatsu and Homura waving goodbye to me. I pause before smiling and waving back as the train pulls out of the station. I laugh softly as both of them run alongside the train still waving and I couldn't help but smile at them. When the train leave the station and begins its travel I sat down. I smile and laugh softly as I thought of Jyushimatsu and Homura. "They are perfect for each other." I say softly with a smile before frowning.

I didn't tell Jyushimatsu..but I wouldn't be coming back for a long time. I may be able to visit but I have to stay and care for my mom.

I didn't tell him this because I didn't want to see him sad. I didn't want to see my best friend cry.

So I didn't tell him and I fear the day that he finds out that his best friend may not come back to Japan for a few years.

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