You will be mine part 2: You love me don't you?🍋 Lemon

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For topaz03

Today was the day we were going to be graduating and this would be the day my plan goes into action. After the graduation ceremony I had Choromatsu walk home with me. "Wait. Isn't your house-" "I wanted to wait and surprise you. I moved out of my mom's house and got my own house." I say with a smile as I lead the way. "Really?" He asks and I nod as I held his hand.

"Thanks to her help and the money I saved from my job I got my own house now." I say and he smiles "That's great y/n." He says and kisses my temple. I smile softly and stop when we reach the house. "Here we are!" I say happily and I open the door to walk in with him. I close the door and he looks around "wow it looks nice." He says and I nod as I reach into my purse.

"It is, isn't it?" I ask as I pull out a cloth and a vile. Pouring the vile's contents onto the cloth. "Yeah it is. I wish I could move out." He says with a chuckle and I giggle as I walk up behind him. "Hey honey~" I coo and he turns his head. I hold the cloth up to his face and tilt my head. "Do you think this is enough chloroform?" I ask in a sweet tone and he hums before his eyes widen.

"Wait Wha-mph!" He let out a muffled scream as I push the cloth over his nose and mouth. I hold him in a tight grip as he struggles and within a few minutes he goes unconscious. I catch him as he fell back into my arms. I smile and careful pull him to my room where I lay him on the bed. I smile and caress his face before kissing him softly. As long as we dated we hadn't actually kissed before. He was too nervous.

I smile as I took his first kiss before pulling away. "Hehe your lips are so soft Choromatsu~" I coo before getting up and leaving the room. Before leaving the house I grab a folded up note. I leave my house and lock the door behind me. I hum softly as I drive to Choromatsu's house. When I get there I knock on the door and his mom answers.

"Oh y/n hello" She says and I smile "hello Mrs. Matsuno." I say and she smiles "what brings you here?" She asks and I hand her the note. She hums and opens it. I watch her as she reads the note "Oh Choromatsu is moving in with you?" She asks and I nod "well where is he?" She asks and I hum "he was really tired after graduation and helping me move things around so I just had him write a note for you." I say and she nods

"Well he had mentioned moving out. Are you here for his things?" She asks and I nod before she let me in. It didn't take long to gather up his stuff and load it into my car. "Tell him congrats for me." His mom says and I hum "for moving out and such. Promise you'll visit us?" She asks with a smile and I nod "We will don't worry." I say before closing the door and driving off as she waves goodbye.

When I got home I saw that 20 minutes had passed. I wonder if he's awake yet. I leave my car and enter my house closing the door behind me, I would get his stuff later. I walk to my room and open the door to see He was still out. I pout and bite my lip "I was hoping you would be up by now." I say before smiling as I slide the overcoat of uniform off.

"Though I guess I can have a little fun while I wait~" I purr as I walk over and straddle him. I smile as I unbutton overcoat before pulling off his uniform top, tossing the clothes to the floor. I blush softly when I saw how slim he was. I run my hands up his sides and over his chest. I hum and lean down to kiss him. I hum softly and pull away to open his mouth. I bite my lip before I kiss him again and push my tongue into his mouth.

I moan softly my tongue enters his surprisingly warm mouth. I tilt my head and deepen this kiss as I roll my hips. I pull away with a hum when I felt something poke me. I look down and smirk when I saw the tent in his pants. "Wow~" was all I said before moving to unbuckle his belt and pull his bottoms down. His dick sprung up and I hum. Oh~ This will be fun~ I thought before gripping the base and taking him into my mouth.

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