Red Riding Hood and The Wolf 🍋(Wolf! Karamatsu x Rabbit! reader) Lemon

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For SnowflakesSunsets

I was humming to myself as I walk down the dirt path. I was on the way to visit someone very important to me. As I walk my ears perk up when I hear a wolf whistle. I stop and turn my head to see a familiar wolf. "Hey~ Where are you going cutie?~" he asks and I smile "No where in particular. I was just on my way to find you. Karamatsu." I say and he smiles before coming out into the open.

"Really now? Well it's nice to see you again bunbun." He says and I blush "first off I'm a rabbit" I say and he chuckles "eh same thing." He says with a smile and I roll my eyes "and you know those nicknames make me flustered." I say as my ears flick slightly and he smiles "yeah and so does this" he says before rubbing my ears. I blush hard and squeak softly before pushing his hands off.

"A-Anyway..I b-brought some lunch..if you are hungry." I say and he nods before pulling me into the woods. He lead to a beautiful open area of the woods where we both sat down. As we ate I stare at Karamatsu. It was so fascinating how he was a wolf and I was a rabbit yet we manage to stay together. Unlike other wolves you are pretty...ferocious, He was gentle and nice.

Like when we first met we could have attacked and killed me but he chose to help me get to my grandma's house.

I stop staring with a blush when he looks at me. He smirks and I look down embarrassed as I ate. After a bit he lets out a sigh and I look up. "Oh you're done?" I ask and he nods before looking at me. "Although I am still hungry~" I hum and feel my ears droop nervously "um..what are you hungry for?" I ask and he crawls over to me before pouncing on me.

I let out a squeak as my back hits the ground with him hovering over me. He hums before leaning down to kiss me. I hum and close my eyes as I kiss back. He pulls away and smiles "I'm hungry for some love~" he purrs and I giggle softly with a blush before I moan softly as he kisses my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck with a shudder as he licks my neck.

I moan softly as he kisses my soft spot and he smiles. He nips at the spot before pulling back to kiss me. I hum and pull him closer as his hands move to cup my breasts. I gasp softly as he squeezes my breasts and hum as he slips his tongue into my mouth. I moan softly as our tongues push against each other.

I moan and trail my hands to his ears. I smile as I tweak his soft ears and he moans before pushing my dress up. I began rubbing his ears while his hand caresses my inner thigh, going up to cup my pussy. I hum in bliss as he rubs my pussy through my underwear. I moan softly he strokes between my folds. He smiles into the kiss and stroked my clothed pussy with two of his fingers. I pull away with a soft moan "you're so wet already~" He purrs and I blush before kissing him softly.

I moan softly as his tongue pushes into my mouth and pushes against mine. He started to slowly stroke my pussy and I could feel my pussy become wet. I felt him push my underwear to the side and sat up "Wait." I say softly and he hums "your claws." He smiles softly and kisses me. He lays back down and pulls away with a smile. I blush softly as he slides off my underwear.

"Though I would be very gentle. I understand that you don't want my claws to accidentally tear you up." He says as he pushes my legs apart and I blush "That's okay" He pauses as he lowers his head to kiss my folds. "I'll just use my tongue instead~" he purrs and I moan out as he licks my wet slit. I bite my lip as he licks and sucks my clit before pushing his tongue into me.

My back arches slightly as I feel his tongue swirling around inside me. It was making me a hot mess. He hums and places my legs onto his shoulders while lifting my hips up a little. I moan out as he pushes deeper inside me. "Oh~ K-Karamatsu~ f-faster~" I moan softly and he hums before he pushes tongue up against the roof of my pussy. I felt a rush of pleasure through my body as his tongue hit my g-spot.

"Ah~ K-Karamatsu~ T-There~ hit there again~ hnmm~" I moan out and I saw him furrow his eyebrows with a growl before pushing even deeper and his nose pressed against my clit. I whine and lay my hands on his head. "Karamatsu~" I moan as I feel my ears droop and he pulls away with a hum. "I need you~" I place my hand on my pussy, spreading my pussy. "Please fuck me~" I purr and he growls softly before leaning down to kiss me deeply.

He pulls back sat up as undoes his belt "Turn over for me y/n~" he purrs and I turn over before lifting my hips. I lay my head on my folded arms and look back as he held my hips. I blush softly as touches my cottontail "heh. So cute~" He coos and I whine before pushing my hips back. "Okay okay, sorry." he says before nudging his dick into me "But you're just so cute~" He coos as he pushes all in.

I gasp softly and whimper as I grip the onto ground. He hums and rubs my hips "Try to relax y/n" He says and I laugh softly "easier said then done Kara." I say with a whine as I try to adjust. He sighs and lays his body on mine "it's okay. I'll let you adjust." He says and kisses my temple "I can wait." He says softly as he kisses my neck.

After about a minute I roll my hips and moan softly. He hums and I turn my head to look at him. "You can move now." I say and he hums before taking my hands in his. "I love you so much y/n" He coos before thrusting slowly making me moan softly. "Oh~ I love you too Ha~ you're so big~" I moan out and he smirks before planting his hands beside my head. I moan softly as he reaches a hand up to rub my ear

"Oh~ Faster~" I moan and he straightens up to hold my hips. He starts thrusting faster and I moan louder. "Oh yes~ Oh Karamatsu~" I moan and he growls before thrusting even faster "Oh~ you're so t-tight~" I bite my lip and moan out "Ah!~ f-fuck me harder~" I moan before he pulls out to the tip and plunged back in.

I gasp and moan as he pounds me so roughly. He growls and grips my hips as he goes faster. My stomach was doing flips and my mind was a mess as I moan loudly. I lean my head back with my eyes rolling back and my tongue hanging out of my mouth. He lays his body on mine and places his hands on my mine before kissing me deeply. I smile softly as our fingers interlock.

I let his tongue claim it's territory and moan into his mouth as he continues to thrust roughly. We pulled away with a gasp and I could feel my orgasm approaching. "Oh!~ Oh Karamatsu!~ y-you f-feel soo good!~" I moan out and grip his hands. I tilt my head back with a whiny moan "Oh~ I'm gonna cum~" I whine out and I felt his dick twitch as he gave a grunt and growls softly before nuzzling my shoulder.

"Y/n~" I hum and glance at him "I'm gonna mark you, okay?" I nod with a moan and he hums before he bit down on my shoulder. I let out a whine and arch my back. I felt him pull off my neck with a series of moans and small growls before he licks my bleeding mark. I whine softly as I felt him try to push his knot into me.

He growls and straightens up to grip my hips as he pulls out to the tip and slams back into me. That final thrust pushes his knot into me making me moan out as I finally came. He let out a carnal moan before he came deep inside me. We both collapse to the ground with a series of pants. I hum and turn my head to kiss him. I whine softly and shudder as his cum fills me up.

We pull away and Karamatsu licks my cheek before nuzzling against my face. I hum and smile softly as he kisses my shoulder. "I love you. I love you so much." He coos as he brushes his tail against my waist. I giggle softly and kiss his cheek. "I love you long are you going to be tied to me?" I ask and he hums "about 10 minutes." He says and I sigh with a whine.

He turns my head and kisses me softly "hey it's okay. On the bright side, we can cuddle while we wait." He says before turning me over to lay on me, holding me close. I hum and smile before hugging him. "That's true." I say and he smiles before nuzzling his face into my neck while I lean my head against his.

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