You Will Be Mine (Highschool! Choromatsu x yandere! reader)

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For topaz03

I was standing at the entrance to school. Today would be my first day of high school. Today I would be a freshman so I was a little nervous but all my nerves went away when I saw six identical boys.

Though my eyes were drawn to the one in glasses. I felt blush come to my face as I watch all of them enter the school. I follow them and as they turn a corner I peek out from behind the corner to watch them walk into their class.

I lay a hand over my heart and smile fondly. "He looks so cute and just thinking about that smile he had is making my heart flutter." I say softly and smile "I have to get to know him." I say before smiling wide.

"I must have him."

A year has passed and I was now a sophomore. The best part is I was best friends with Choromatsu. I was so happy. I was one step closer to being his girlfriend I could feel it. However, I have noticed that there are other girls who seem to like him. I have this uncontrollable urge to keep him all to myself and I'm not fond of sharing.

"Hey Choromatsu." I say as we walk home from school. "Hm? Yes?" He asks and I gave him a sweet smile "Do you have a crush?" I ask and he hums with a blush "..yeah, I have a small crush." He says with a chuckle and I hum "really?~ Who?~" I ask sweetly trying to contain my anger. He blushes before smiling "well I kind of have a crush on Totoko."

"Really? Well that's interesting." I say and he hums "I don't think she likes me back." He says and I smile "how about I talk to her. Maybe I can ask if she has a crush on you." I say and he looks at me before hugging me "thanks y/n." He says and I hug him back with a smile "no problem." I say with a smile but on the inside I was angry and scheming.

The next day during lunch I went up to Totoko. "Hey Totoko. Can I ask you something in private?" I ask and she hums "oh of course." She says in that annoying voice. I walk with her up to the rooftop and walk over near the edge. "So what did you need to ask?" Totoko asks and I turn to her. "Come here." I say and she walks over to stand beside me.

"Don't you think it's dangerous that the school doesn't have a railing or something for the roof?" I ask and she nods "yeah it's really dangerous." she says and I nod "Someone could easily fall off, jump off or" I trail off looking at Totoko and she looks at me "y/n why are you looking at me like tha-ah!" She screams as I push her but to my annoyance she caught onto the edge.

"Oh darn. Maybe I should have pushed harder." I say coldly as I glare at Totoko "y/n help me up! This isn't funny!" She yells and I smirk before placing my foot on her hand. "Unfortunately I can't help you. I can't risk losing my Choromatsu to you." I say and push my foot onto her hand "what?" She asks and I click my tongue "you spend a lot of time with the boys that and the fact Choromatsu has a crush on you."

"He does?" She says softly with a blush and I growl softly "so I can't risk you taking him away from me." I say and step on her hand she yelps pulling her hand back. "Wait! Please don't! I'll do anything!" She pleads and move my foot to her other hand. "you'll do anything?" I ask and she nods. I smirk and lift my foot

"then die."

I stomp onto her hand and she lets go of the edge with a scream. I watch her as she fell to her death with a smirk on my face. I back away from the edge and work myself up before rushing off the rooftop screaming "Oh my god." over and over. I rush out of the school where a group of students, the brothers included, and a couple of teachers were already surrounding the now dead Totoko.

I rush over crying my eyes out "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I shout as I try to get closer but a teacher held me back. "Ms. L/n calm down. What happened?" She asks and I let out a wail "w-we were o-on the r-roof t-talking and w-walking beside the e-edge. S-She was really c-close to the edge and I w-warned her it w-wasn't safe b-but she s-she didn't listen." I sniff as the teacher let go and I hug myself

"Then she..she lost her balance..she did grab the edge and I tried to pull her up...but I wasn't strong enough. I'm so sorry Totoko!" I wail and fall to my knees crying my eyes out. The teachers ushered students away and I was helped up by Choromatsu who lead me back inside while I cry out apologies for Totoko. Once inside Choromatsu hugs me and I hug him tightly.

"I'm..I'm so sorry." I say with a sob and he rubs my back while lightly patting my head "sh~ it's okay~ it's not your fault. They should've put safety rails or a fence up there." He says and I push my face into his chest. "At least you tried to save her." He says and as he held me close. I smile wide. Totoko was gone now.

It was now senior year, Choromatsu and I were very close now. Though lately I have noticed this girl staring at the brothers. She was staring at my Choromatsu with fondness in her eyes. I knew who she was. Her name was Takahashi and she was a bit of a stalker. Always following the brothers and peeking out from behind corners and such. But I didn't need to worry about that anymore.

Today Choromatsu wanted to ask me something and I was a little excited. After school I was walking home with Choromatsu and he was blushing. When we reach my house and he turns to me. "Uh y/n." He says and I turn him with a smile "yes Choromatsu." He smiles and blushes harder "I was wondering if you..wanted to go out with me?"

I smile and nod "yes, I would love to." I say holding back my excitement but I was smiling like crazy. He smiles wide and hugs me "I thought you would say no." He says and I smile before pulling away "Well you were worried over nothing. Well I should head in. I'll see you tomorrow." I say and he nods before we went out separate ways.

I went into my house and saw my mom sleeping on the couch. Rough day at work probably. I smile and pull a blanket over her before placing my bag down. I went down into the basement and turn on the light. I smirk when I saw Takahashi on a chair, bound and gagged, and she looks up at me. She gave a muffled cry and tears leave her eyes as I walk over.

I pull the gag out of her mouth and she whimpers out "why are you doing this?" I smile and tilt my head "I have seen you. Peeking around corners to spy on the brothers. I don't like that you were doing that." I say and she went silent "I would see you staring at Choromatsu with that look of fondness. You know what happened just earlier?" I ask and she looks at me

"He asked me out and even though he is mine now. I can't trust you. So I can't let you go." I say before going over to a lose tile on the floor and moving it. Then I pull out some latex gloves and pull them on. "W-Why are you putting those gloves on?" She asks and I just gave her a side glance before pulling out a butcher knife. Her eyes widen and I was quick to put my hand over her mouth.

"Don't even think of screaming." I say coldly before getting an idea I went back to the hole and pull out duct tape "I almost forgot that I bought this." I say and walk over to her. I pull off a strip and she whimpers "please don't. Just let me go. I'll leave you alone. You can have Choromatsu but please." Tears were flowing out of her eyes "please don't kill me."

"I don't do compromises." I say before smirking as I place the tape over her mouth. Tears continue to flow from her eyes but now she was struggling and breathing heavily. If I don't act quickly she'll hyperventilate and pass out. I think before plunging the knife into her chest. She let out a scream that the tape muffled and I pull out the knife causing her blood to splatter onto my face.

I wipe the blood off and proceed to stab her repeatedly with her screaming, gasping and crying. I didn't stop until she stopped moving and breathing. I glance up to see her teary eyes roll back as a final tear leaves her eye. I roughly pull the knife out and place it aside, I would clean it later. I keep the gloves on as I untie her and rip the tape off. I walk over to the furnace and open the door.

I reel back from the intense heat before walking back to the now dead Takahashi. I lift her up and walk back to the furnace. I toss her into the furnace and close the door. I peek in through the slits in the door to see how quickly she was burning. I hum "looks like I'll have to clean the furnace later." I say before cleaning up the basement. Getting rid of evidence. Once done I walk back upstairs to go to sleep.

Choromatsu was mine and will forever be mine.

No one will get in the way of my love.

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