6 Trillion Years and a Overnight (Karamatsu x reader)

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For CryptOfDrawings
I changed a few details and I hope you like it😊

I was walking through the woods exploring and just playing around. When I came across a hatch door on the ground. I hum in curiosity and walk over to it. I pull the handle and open the door. When I open it I saw stairs that lead down. I walk down the stairs the walls were lined with candles. The candles acted as the only light source until I reach the end of the stairs where a chandelier lights up the room.

My eyes went to a man, chained up by the ankles, curled up on the ground. I walk up to him, keeping a reasonable distance. "Hello?" I say curiously and the man sat up to look at me. He stares at me with a shocked and fearful look. "Hi I'm y/n." I say and he hums "I'm..Karamatsu." He says and I smile "why are you down here all alone?" I ask and he looks down. "I am kept down here because I'm a "demon"...a taboo child...I have been trapped down here since I was a child...with people coming down to..well they would abuse me constantly."

I gasp softly "I'm so sorry." I say and he hums. It was silent before the sound of a stomach growling fills the air. I look at him and tilt my head "are you hungry?" I ask and he nods shyly "yes...I'm starving." He says and I hum before smiling "hold on. I know just what you need." I say and he hums "I'll be right back." I say and he hums sadly before I rush up the stairs, close the door, and rush to my bakery.

I rush into the back where one of my workers was baking some bread. "John. Is there a fresh tray of sweet bread cooled yet?" I ask and he nods pointing behind him. "Right there boss." He says and I nod before walking over to tray. I grab a bag with place 3 rolls into the bag. I walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water. "Thanks John." I say quickly before rushing out.

I rush to the woods again but hide in the tree line when a group of men exit the door. The last one to leave slams the door such and they walk off with smiles. Once they were out of sight I rush to the door and open it. I rush down the stairs and gasp when I saw the man had his shirt torn off. But what made me gasp were the lacerations on his back. Then I remember seeing one of the men holding a whip.

I walk over, closer this time, and held his face "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask and he looks at me in awe "you..you actually came back?" He asks and I nod "of course and here." I say handing him the bag and water with a smile. He took them with a quiet thank you before pulling out one of the rolls. The look on his face when he bit into it made me smile. He looked at me in awe before eating the rest pretty quickly.

"Did you like them?" I ask and he nods "Good. It's an old family recipe." I say and he hums "you made them?" He asks and I nod with a smile. "T-Thank you." He says with a blush and I nod "of course and I hope you don't mind that I'll keep coming by to help you." I say and he smiles

"I'd like that."

So I kept coming to see him and give him food. I would also check on his injuries but there really wasn't anything I could do as the men would be suspicious. After a month of doing this I came up with a plan. I waited until night and went to see him. "Karamatsu." I say and he woke up with a surprised look. "Y/n? What?" He asks and I smile before sitting down. I pull out a hairpin and smile.

"Today. You're coming with me."

I saw his eyes widen before I start picking the locks. Once I got them off I pull him up and we got out of there. I close the door and we run to my house. Once safe inside he hugs me tightly and I smile before hugging him back. "Thank you. Thank you so much y/n." I smile and hold him close. "Now I can properly tend to those wounds of yours." I say and lead him to my bedroom.

I sat him down and went to get my first aid kit. I took out bandages and remove his shirt. I sigh when I saw all the bruises and lacerations on his body. I got to work and Karamatsu was just staring at me in silence. When I started wrapping bandages on his chest he held my hand. I look up at him with a hum and he leans in. I was silent as I slowly lean in as well. We let our eyes shut as we kiss each other. I drop the roll of bandages and wrap my arms around his neck.

We pull away and he smiles "you are so beautiful." He says tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and I blush "Well..I could say the same about you." I say softly as I lay a hand on his chest. "It's a shame that they hurt you." I say and he held my face before kissing me softly. I hum and pull him close while his arms wrap around my waist. I squeak softly as he turns to lay me on the bed.

He pulls away and look down at me with a blush. "Um..is this okay?" He asks and I smile as I caress his cheek. I nod and kiss him "it's okay." I say softly on his lips and he smiles as his hand went to under my shirt.

For 2 weeks I have been keeping Karamatsu safe at my house and in those 2 weeks his wounds started to heal. We also got closer and fell even more in love with each other. Well I was walking around near the woods with Karamatsu when I saw two men. I immediately recognize them and turn to Karamatsu. "Hey! You there!" One shouts and we run into the woods.

The men were quick and push Karamatsu to the ground, pinning him. "Hey let him go!" I yell and rush over but I was pulled back by one of the other men, who pushes the tip of a blade to my neck. "No! Let her go!" Karamatsu shouts and the man holding me hums "this is the girl who released the demon from his cell." I squirm and tears fill my eyes but he pushes the blade closer.

Karamatsu shook his head "I'm not..I'm not a demon." He says only to get kicked in the stomach. Karamatsu groans and curls up clutching his stomach. The guy looks at me and hums "I wonder..what should we do about her." He says and the guy behind me chuckles "We could give her the same punishment as the demon or she can suffer the same fate as his family."

I hum and glance at Karamatsu who sat up "W-What? M-My family?" He asks and the men smirk "Yeah, your family. They tried so hard to keep us from taking you." Karamatsu glances around "...you said..you said they didn't care..that they gave me up to you." He says as he drops his head. "Well we had to take you...we saw the abilities you had that were unnatural and had to be dealt with. Your family tried their hardest to stop us so we locked them up and burned the house down. As punishment for having a demon child."

Silence filled the air. All eyes on Karamatsu who's eyes were now downcast. The other guy walks up to me and grabs my face. "It may be better to kill you and prevent this from happening again" he says but smirks "though I think we should have some fun before that." My eyes widen and I saw Karamatsu tense before standing. "Sir. The demon is back up." He let's go of me and turns to try and hit Karamatsu.

I was surprised when Karamatsu caught his fist and twists it making the man kneel with a scream of pain. "You will not hurt her nor will you use her to your benefit." He growls and I saw him crush the man's hand. My eyes widen as I saw a slow stream of blood grip down his hand. Karamatsu was breaking the man's hand. He only let go once the man passed out. The man behind me had froze in shock.

While frozen Karamatsu lunges forward. He swiftly pulls me away and forces the guy up against a tree. I saw his hand clutching the man's neck and I turn my head as he tightens his grip. I flinch when he started yelling "YOU KILLED MY PARENTS! YOU KILLED MY BROTHERS!! THEY DID NOTHING WRONG BUT YOU KILLED THEM LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!! YOU TREATED ME LIKE I WASN'T HUMAN!" He pauses and I hear a shaky sob leave him. "..you know who isn't human?" He asks before throwing the man to the ground. He took a deep breath before shouting


After shouting that he steps hard onto the man's neck. I wince him a hear the sickening snap. I look at him in shock and he turns to me before walking over to hug me. "..sorry if I scared you." He says and I smile before hugging him back "it's okay..I understand..come on. Let's go home." I say and he nods before taking my hand as we leave the woods.

For most of his life, Karamatsu felt like he wasn't accepted in this world. Thanks to me I helped him feel accepted.

I helped him forget what he went through and though he would never truly forget I did my best.

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