Recovery 🍋(Doctor! Osomatsu x Patient! reader) Lemon

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For BadEnglishGirl7

-Osomatsu's POV-

I was doing my usual rounds at the hospital when my pager went off for me to report to one of the recovery rooms. I hum and shake my way over. As I walk I start to wonder what the issue may be this time. I did hear from a nurse that someone came in from a car accident so maybe that's what happened. When I got to the room there was a nurse with a concerned look.

I walk up to her and greet her with "Hello Emily." before going to head in but she grabs my wrist to stop me. " may not want to see this patient." She says and I hum "Why not?" I ask and she glances away before looking at me with teary eyes. "..well remember when I said someone was brought in for a car accident?" She asks and I nod "Is that what this patient is in for?" I ask and she nods before letting out a heavy sigh.

"The your wife sir."

My eyes widen and my heart drops. "What?!" I exclaim before pulling my hand away and rushing into the room. I look over at the bed and cover my mouth in shock. Sure enough it was my wife. My y/n. She was in stable condition but hadn't waken up yet. I walk over slowly and stare down at her before looking over her results as Emily walks in to stand beside me.

" she suffered 2 broken ribs, minor whiplash, slight internal bleeding." I say and Emily hums "Yes, both internal bleeding and the broken ribs are taken care." She says and she seemed tense. Though when I read the final thing on the results I understood why and I drop the clipboard in shock. I turn to Emily and she gave me an apologetic look.

I turn to y/n and lift the end the bedsheets. My breath hitches and I slump over. "Oh no. No no no." I mutter as Emily sat down and I gave a heavy sigh. I hear a soft groan and look up to see y/n opening her eyes before wincing in pain. I stood up and she looks up at me. "Hey y/ you feeling?" I ask and she sighs "could be better...Osomatsu?" I hum and notice her moving her legs. She looks up at me and tears up before crying. I gently wrap arms around her and hold her close as she wept.

The final result had been amputation of her left leg.

From the knee down.

-Y/n's POV-

I let out a sigh as I got back into the hospital bed. My recovery was still in progress but I was starting to walk again with my now prosthetic leg. "Good job today y/n. You are almost there. Just a few more weeks and you'll be out of here." My recovery doctor, Jenny, says while removing my prosthetic. I sigh and tear up when my eyes made contact with my amputated leg.

Jenny looks up and sighs before wiping my tears away. "I know it's hard y/n but you are recovering." She says and I sigh "just think. In a few weeks you'll be out of here and both you and your husband can relax." She says with a smile and I smile softly. She stood up and places my prosthetic to the side. "Now get some rest and we'll do the same thing tomorrow." She says and I nod before getting under the covers as she left the room.

I turn onto my side with a sigh and try to sleep. After about 5 minutes I found myself staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I was tired and I felt tired but I couldn't sleep. Then I heard the door open and turn my head to see Osomatsu. "Hey." He says and I push myself to sit up. "Hey." I say and he walks in closing the door behind him. "How's my favorite patient?" He asks with a smile and I smile softly.

"I'm better than when I first came here." I say as he walks over to me. "Yeah I bet." He says before sitting down beside the bed. "I bet you were pretty scared huh?" He asks and I nod but smile "but Jenny said I was almost done with recovery." I say and he smiles softly before hugging me. "I'm so happy to hear that." He says and he pulls back "Why are you still up?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow.

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