Fat or Thicc (Todomatsu x Chubby! reader)

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For Cookiemoonlight

I was at the beach with my boyfriend and his brothers. They were currently splashing around in the water while I stay under the umbrella with my butt planted onto the beach towel. I was hugging my legs to my chest and fiddle with my cover up. Why did I agree to coming here if I wasn't swimming? Well I didn't want to turn down Todomatsu.

Todomatsu is my boyfriend and he is a sweetheart. Even if he doesn't show it to his brothers. He treats me so well. He takes me out to nice places to eat, he buys things for me and he is so affectionate towards me. But I don't deserve to be treated this nicely. I wasn't exactly beautiful. I was a girl with average looks but I also happened to be fat. My boyfriend disagrees saying that I am beautiful and that I'm not fat but it's hard to believe.

"Y/n, why aren't you in the water?" I look up to see Todomatsu as he dries himself off. "I..I don't feel like it right now." I say and he hums "but you haven't even taken your cover up off." He says and I look away "do you ever intend on going in?" He asks and I shook my head "Why?" He asks and sat down by me "..I don't want anyone seeing me in my swimsuit." I say and he sighs "y/n. I have told you many times before. You are beautiful and you are not fat."

I look at him with a pout "you say that but..look at me?" I say and gesture to my legs before pinching my calve. I see Todomatsu smile before holding my hand "I am looking at you and I like what I'm seeing." He says softly and kisses my cheek "listen y/n, you aren't fat. So what if you have a little bit of chub." He says and held my waist "I like to think of you as thicc not fat."

I blush and glance away but he has me look at him. "I love you y/n and I don't care how your body looks." He says before kissing me and standing up "Now are you going to join me or no?" He asks and I smile before standing up. "I'll join." I say softly before shyly removing my cover up. Todomatsu smiles as he looks me up and down. We both made our way to the water and I actually felt comfortable in my swimsuit.

Thanks to Todomatsu's encouragement I had fun that day. I didn't feel as bad as I usually did and I guess when I really thought about it.

I was just a thicc girl because according to Todomatsu I had my curves in all the right places.

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