Hugs are Comforting (Choromatsu x Scared! reader)

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For Cookiemoonlight

It was night. I was sleeping soundly before I started tossing and turning before jolting awake with a scream of pure terror. I hug myself as I shake in fear. This wasn't the first time a nightmare woke me up. I had finally had enough. I got out of bed and shakily pick up my phone. I call my boyfriend, Choromatsu, hoping that by some miracle he was up.

I was relieved he picked up but I hear his tired voice answer. "Hello" I instantly felt bad "Hi Choromatsu." I say trying not to let my fear effect my voice. "Y/n. What's wrong?" He asks and I smile nervously "it's nothing..sorry for waking you..I'll let you sleep." I say and I hear him say my name before I hang up. I sigh and got up to go to the kitchen.

Maybe if I ate something I'll feel better. I went down the hall and felt my paranoia kick in. I made it to the living room before I couldn't bring myself to move again. So I sat on the couch, hugging myself as I try to calm myself. As I try to calm down I hear a knock on the door. I jump and slowly got up. I walk over with heavy footsteps as my paranoia was increasing.

Despite my paranoia I slowly open the door and was relieved but surprised to see Choromatsu. "Choromatsu Wha-" he cuts me off by pushing the door open a bit "Are you okay? You sounded scared on the phone." I glance away and sigh "I...I had a nightmare...I have been having the same nightmare for a while now." I say and he sighs before walking in and closing the door.

He held my hand and leads me to my bedroom. He sat down on the bed with me and hugs me close. "Now what happened?" He asks and I look away "..since the day we started dating...I have been having these nightmares of losing you." I say and he hums "at first it was the fact I lost you to another girl..after that the nightmares were about me losing you...forever..I had nightmares about you dying."

I hug him tighter and he starts to rub my back. "It was always you dying in front of me and then I would be all alone." I say as tears came to my eyes "this time...I dreamed that someone broke in and killed you..the nightmare ended with the man walking towards me with a sickening grin....I don't want to know what would've happened if I didn't wake up." I say with a shudder before gripping onto Choromatsu.

"It's okay. I'm not dead. I'm right here." He says before pulling me close and laying my head on his chest. My breath was shaky as I listen to his heartbeat. I smile softly and hug him tightly as a few tears leave my eyes. He smiles and hugs me as he rubs my back. I continue to listen to his heartbeat. It was oddly calming and comforting to listen to.

We both went under the covers with him continuing to hold me close with my head on his chest. His rhythmic heartbeat filling my ears as I drift off to sleep. A smile made its way to my face as I held onto Choromatsu.

There are a few things that can calm me down. Choromatsu was the main reason I could calm down. Though it was his hugs and his heartbeat that would truly calm me down.

If I was ever scared he would just hug me close and let me listen to his heartbeat.

He knew this and never hesitated to do this if I was scared. No matter where we were.

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