He's a Homewrecker part 2: A Proper End (Alternate Ending)

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For topaz03 DarkReidenMai I hope this ending fits better for the story. Sorry again.

I had Ella go to a friend's house and I silently wait for y/n to return. When she came back she turns to me with a concerned look. "Karamatsu, what's wrong?" She asks and without looking at her I walk over. I hug her tightly and she hums. "I love you. You know that right?" I ask and she hugs me back "yes of course. Are you okay?" She asks and I pull back with a smile "of course I am. I love you so much y/n."

She smiles and kisses my cheek "Well..I love you too." She says and we both head to the bedroom to go to sleep. Before she went to sleep I lean over and kiss her cheek. I hug her close and push my face into her back. "I love you from the bottom of my heart y/n." I say and she hums "I love you too." She says before yawning and turning the light off.

While she went to sleep I felt tears leave my eyes. There's hesitation in her voice when she says I love you to me. I can sense it and I can tell that she doesn't love me anymore. She loves my little brother.

She loves Ichimatsu more than me now.

What did I do wrong?

-Your POV-
(A week later)

I was currently sitting on the living room couch with Ichimatsu as Karamatsu stood in front of us with a blank face. Before any of us could speak "Why?" He asks and we both hum "Why would you lie to me?" He asks and I went silent from nervousness. "Why...Why would you cheat on me...with my own brother?" He clarifies and I remain silent with Ichimatsu glancing away.

"Answer me!"

I cower back when he yells "I..I don't know..I really don't know." I stutter and he huffs "Did you think I wouldn't find out?! Do you think I'm stupid?! Oh no wait, you probably just think I'm too naive right?!" He shouts at me and I go silent again. "What did I do wrong?! I loved you! I trusted you! I gave you everything I had! I gave my heart and soul to you and what do you do?!" He yells with tears leaving his eyes.

"You cheated on me and didn't even think to tell me that Ella wasn't mine!!" She yells and I start to tear up before looking down "I would have forgiven this if it was a one time thing and you regretted it! But when I went to Ichimatsu's apartment to figure this out I heard you and him!!" He yells and I sob softly "I..I am so sorry..I don't know why I..I'm sorry." He sighs shakily and storms off to our coat closet where he searches around.

"K-Karamatsu What are y-" I shut up when I hear him cock a gun before walking back over. Sure enough he had a gun in his hand. "and Ichimatsu..you aren't any better.." he says and let out a shaky breath "You knew I loved her so much! You knew how I would give my life to be with her! And you took her from me!" He yells and lifts the gun at us "You took her from me!! The one thing in this miserable world that made me happy!!"

I stare at him scared as he points the gun at us and Ichimatsu looks terrified. "You took the one thing that made my life worth living!! Now I'm going to do something that will make your lives hell and will make you suffer." He says as tears flow from his eyes and I thought he would shoot us. He smiles sadly

"Say goodbye to Ella for me."

After saying that with one quick movement he places the gun to his temple and shot himself.

I stare in shock with Ichimatsu before screaming and rush to call 911. I see Ichimatsu covers his mouth before I hear a retching sound as he threw up. I rush back to the living room cellphone in hand to see Ichimatsu on his hands and knees as he was close to hyperventilating. I hear him muttering "Oh god. I didn't think he'd..I'm sorry. Oh my god I'm sorry."

I walk over and rub his back while glancing at Karamatsu to see the damage. I could see the tear stains on his face as he lays with blood pooling around his head from the wound. Thank goodness Ella was at school but when she gets home.

"Oh god...What have I done?" I look at Ichimatsu and drop my head "What..have we done?"

-5 years later-

I was in my room with my blank face as Ichimatsu sat beside me. After the incident with Karamatsu the truth came out. Ichimatsu and I were disowned by our family and all of Japan was against us. The worst of it was it affected Ella. She would constantly get bullied because of my infidelity which made her lash out at me and Ichimatsu if he tried calming her down.

We lost her just last year.

She couldn't handle the bullying and followed in Karamatsu's footsteps. Except she climbed to the highest building and jumped. After her death she was mourned by those who knew the real cause was because of us. Ella's death just had us become more hated in Japan. No one. I repeat no one would talk to us. I realized my mistake and this was my punishment.

"..I can't take this anymore Ichimatsu." I say and he hums "We have lost everything...we are nothing now..." I say and he hums "people want us dead." I say as tears come to my eyes and Ichimatsu stood up. "Then let's give them what they want." He says and I look up at him. "..We lost everything...except our lives which at this point what's the point in living..what do you think?" He asks extending a hand and I sigh sadly before taking his hand.

We left the apartment and walk to a near by bridge. We both look down at the how far the water was before we both climb over the railing. It wasn't a busy bridge but even if it was no one cares about us. Not anymore anyway. I took a breath and turn to him with a sad smile. "Welp...see you in hell?" He chuckles before nodding "yeah...see you there y/n." He says and we both took moment to reflect on our mistakes before taking a breath.

Together we let go and plummet into the water below. I guess we were lucky that death came quickly for us.

Not that we deserve luck.

We were terrible people who made I even more terrible mistake. A mistake that caused not one but two suicides.

We deserve whatever punishment hell has for us.

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