Keeping Calm (Highschool! Jyushimatsu x Aggressive! reader)

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For unholy_satan

I follow Karamatsu with a smile on my face. "Does my hair look okay?" I ask and he smiles "it looks fine but why are you prettying yourself up?" He asks and I smile with a blush "welll I'm trying to get Jyushimatsu's attention." I say and he hums "So I'm changing myself a little." I say and he hums "a little? Y/n you used to be the most aggressive person I knew." He says and I hush him.

"Honestly y/n. Jyushimatsu doesn't care how you look he already-" I shush him again and he sighs "okay." He says before we walk into school. One thing that's different since my change was that one of the boys, Haru, started bullying others. It took a lot to keep myself from attacking him but I didn't want to look bad in front of Jyushimatsu so I keep my cool.

However when he started picking on Karamatsu. It got harder and harder to keep my composure. But I managed. Until that day in the park. I was walking with all the brothers and we were actually getting along until Haru showed up. He actually started targeting both Karamatsu and Todomatsu. I kept my cool and smile.

"Haru. That isn't nice. Now back off." I say and he laughs "Oh shut up." He says and Karamatsu steps forward "Don't tell her to shut up. She has a point. You have been nothing but rude to me and Todomatsu. You have been nothing but I bull-" He was cut off by Haru pushing him hard to the ground. "Karamatsu!" I exclaim and crouch down along with his brothers.

Karamatsu looks at me and I hum "y/n." He says and I hum "yeah." He gave me a look "Take him down." He says and I glance at Jyushimatsu before sighing and standing up. "Take him down?" I hear Jyushimatsu say while Haru scoffs. "Take me down? Yeah I like to see you-" I cut him off with a yell and tackle him to the ground.

We both roll around before I pin him. I scratch and hit him hard in the face. He pushes me off but I just storm up and punch him in the face. I was shocked when he retaliated. I fell to the ground but before he could do anything else. Jyushimatsu storms up and punches him in the stomach. Haru fell to the ground clutching his stomach before he threw up.

"Let that be a lesson! You never ever hit a girl Haru!" Jyushimatsu yells before kicking Haru to the ground. Jyushimatsu walks over to me and helps me up. "You okay y/n?" He asks and I nod "What was that?" We both ask and laugh before we both say "That was pretty badass." That's when Osomatsu laughs "well it looks like both of you were holding yourselves back."

I hum and turn to him "He was trying to keep a calm demeanor because he didn't want to scare you off." Osomatsu explains and I turn to Jyushimatsu. "Seriously?" I ask and he smiles "heh..yeah." I smile and lightly punch his shoulder "I guess great minds do think a like." I say with a laugh and he smiles. "I didn't know you could fight like that." Jyushimatsu says and I nod.

"Same here. That was pretty cool." I say as we all start walking again. "I hated trying to be calm." He says and I laugh "yeah. Same here. Let's never be calm again." I suggest and he smiles before taking my hand.

"Good idea."

Sorry if this sucked. I tried😅

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