Soul of an Angel (Devil! Osomatsu+Choromatsu x Shy! Innocent! reader)

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For Cookiemoonlight

I was in my room listening to music when I got a feeling that someone was in my room. I sat up and smile when I saw Osomatsu and Choromatsu. "Hey..what are you guys doing here?" I ask softly and they smile "We just wanted to check on our angel." Choromatsu says and I blush "I'm not an angel." I whine softly and I hear Osomatsu laugh before he goes to hover, upside down, in front of me.

"You are an angel. You are our sweet angel~" He coos and I whine in embarrassment before hiding my face. "Aw~ look she's gone shy again~" Osomatsu coos with a laugh "yeah it's cute but stop she seems to be flustered." Choromatsu says and I felt the bed dip. I uncover my face and turn my head to see Choromatsu sitting beside me.

"Why do you guys call me an angel anyway?" I ask and they look at each other before Osomatsu sat down in front of me. "Well you act like an angel." Osomatsu says and I hum softly "You are very kind even to those who don't deserve it. Example; you were very kind to us when we first met." Choromatsu says and I hum "Well why wouldn't I be kind? You guys were nice to me." I say and Osomatsu sighs

"Yeah but we are devils. We aren't the kind of creatures that you treat kindly." Osomatsu says and I hum "but you also have the beauty of an angel." Osomatsu says and I blush "Now don't go shy on us now. It's the truth." He says and Choromatsu nods "you have this glow that is so beautiful and reminds us of the few angels that we've seen." Choromatsu says and I blush.

"And you have an angel's innocence."

I turn to Osomatsu and hum "What do you mean?" I ask and saw Choromatsu give a "Don't you dare." look. Osomatsu shrugs and looks at me "Don't worry about it. I just mean that you are really innocent." He says and I hum before nodding "oh do you guys want to watch a movie?" I ask and they smile before hugging me "Sure. As long as Osomatsu doesn't pick the movie it should be fun." Choromatsu says and Osomatsu rolls his eyes. I smile and hug them before getting up to pick a movie.

Though I got flustered whenever they call me an angel, they weren't the only ones. Since I was 10 I have had people call me an angel for my beauty then as I got older people would say "Oh she's so nice. What an angel."

The common thing I would get told, by my boyfriends and others, is that I have the soul of an angel.

Even though sometimes I can't help but wonder why people insist on calling my an angel. At this point I just smile and accept the nice compliment.

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