Prisoner of Lust 🍋(Prisoner! Osomatsu x Guard! reader) Lemon

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For Angeldiary16

I was doing my rounds and checking on the inmates. I smile as I approach Osomatsu's cell. Ever since that day that I kissed his cheek Osomatsu and I have had a thing going on. We couldn't say we were dating because technically we weren't but we were in a relationship. It's a mutual relationship too. I love him and he loves me. Now when it comes to my job I am not biased. I just apologize to him like crazy afterwards.

Luckily he is understanding. Well when I got to his cell I couldn't see him. I knew he wouldn't have escaped as he has been acting better so he could get out sooner and properly take me on a date. I hum and look around before unlocking and opening the cell door. I step in and look around. I was startled when arms wrap around me and pull me close. I look back and smirk when I saw Osomatsu.

"You stealthy motherfu-mph!" I was cut off when Osomatsu kisses me. I hum softly and kiss him back. He smiles and licks my lip. I open my mouth and he slips his tongue my mouth. I turn around and push my tongue against his as I wrap my arms around his neck. I moan softly as his hands grope my breasts. He moves to my hips and pulls me closer.

I pull away with a moan as I feel him grind up against me. He smirks softly as he leans in to kiss my neck. I moan softly as he pushes me up against the wall as he kisses me deeply. I run my hands through his hair and moan into his mouth as he grinds against me. I pull away and glance down to see a bulge in his pants. I smile and drop to my knees, pushing his pants and underwear down. I blush and open my mouth to lick up his length. He moans softly and holds a hand over his mouth.

I push my mouth down to the hilt before I bob my head all the way up then back down I would lick the tip when I pull up. I gather saliva into my mouth as I bob my head. He moaned but kept his mouth covered. I hum as I pull off to lick the tip, I hollow my cheeks, and I push my head down again. He flinched and moans out a bit.

I smirk and continue to do that as he gave pleading moans "w-wait..ngh if you do that I- ah~ won't be a-able to hold back." He says and I hum "Good. That'th what I want." I pull off and he was panting. "Fuck my mouth." I say as I opened my mouth. He looked like something hit him before he pushed my head down on him. I moan softly and rest my hands on his thighs as he thrusts into my mouth.

"You are unbelievable..ngh..I can't..ah~ oh fuck~" he moans softly and I felt his dick twitch before he gripped my hair "f-fuck~" he muttered as he came down my throat. I whine softly and swallow it. He pulled my head back and a small strand connected between my mouth and his dick. I lick it away with a blush and look up at him. He lifts me up and holds me against the wall. He smiled and kisses my neck "I love you y/n." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you too." I say before he pushes my pants and underwear off. He lines up with my pussy "try to keep quiet." He says softly and I nod. He smiles and kisses me softly before sliding into me. I bit my lip and let my head hit the wall. I hum and smile as I felt our hips bump together. "Oh yes~ go ahead and move~" he nods holding my waist as he thrusts slowly and deeply into me.

I didn't mind, I want it slow this time. More time to feel us melt together. He moans softly and snuggled into my neck. "I love this~ I love you~" He moans softly and I hum "Oh~ me too~" I moan and he smiles before kissing me deeply. I kiss back and push my tongue against his. He pulls away with a moan before lifting my legs onto his shoulders. "Let's see how this feels~" He purrs and grips my waist before thrusting into me.

I moan but cover my mouth. He just smirks before he pulls out to the tip and thrusts all back into me. I moan softly and felt my eyes roll as he continues with that pattern. "What h-happened t-to keeping q-quiet?~" he chuckles and leans up to my ear "I'm keeping quiet. You're the one losing control~" he purrs and kisses my ear making me shudder. Then he hit something that made my body twitch violently and made me moan out with a lolled out tongue. It wasn't my g-spot. no it was something different.

"Y-Y-You hit m-my w-womb~" I moan and he smirks "oh~ did I?" He asks speeding his thrusts and I whine "ah~ w-wait~ m-my voic-Ah~" I moan and bite my lip as my body shook. "Oh?" He pauses and I laugh blissfully " womb~" I moan and he held my thighs, pounding into me. All attempts to be quiet were thrown to the side as we both moaned out. "Ah~! Fuck, I'm gonna cum!~" I whine out

"Me too~" He asks and I nod. "Oh~ Fill my womb with your cum~" I moan and he held onto my hips thrusting hard and deep. "O-Osomatsu~ I-I'm Cumming~" I moan out as I came and he gave groan. "Ah~I'm Cumming~ I'm cummi-Ahh~" He moans as he stills inside me. I felt his cum flow into my womb. I hum in bliss and kiss him softly. He hums as he rolls his hips and I moan softly.

He pulls out and I bite my lip. He places me down and pulled his bottoms up while I did the same. I smile and kiss Osomatsu's cheek "That felt good." I say as I fix my hair and he nods as he sat on his bed. I smile and walk over to kiss him softly before leaving. "I'll see you tomorrow Osomatsu." I say before closing his cell door. "See you tomorrow." He says with a smile before laying down. I smile and leave to check on the others. Luckily all were asleep.

One thing's for sure. I can't wait until Osomatsu gets out off prison next month.

The time seems so short yet it feels like such a long wait.

I was willing to wait though.

For Osomatsu, I was willing to wait for him.

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