Man meets Woman part 2: Prehistoric Love

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I woke up with a yawn and a smile when I felt arms around my waist from both sides. Glancing to the sides I saw it was Jyushimatsu and Karamatsu. They were the most clingy when sleeping. Not that I minded. I carefully get up and stretch before walking to the cave wall where I add another tally. Ever since they first stayed that night I have been tallying the days. A smile came to my face when I realized they have been here for so many days.

365 days exactly.

They helped me battle my loneliness and I felt safe with them here with me. Though lately I have been feeling strange. Whenever I was with them I couldn't think straight, it felt like my stomach was flipping, and I would always be blushing. A part of me recognized this as love but I wasn't sure yet. I went over to pick up my spear. I figured that a small hunt would get me ready to take on the day.

That and it would be nice if I could surprise the brothers with a nice meal for when they wake up. So off I went to find something. That's when I spotted a terror bird, look them up, and I knew it would be perfect. I just had to catch it. So I quietly snuck through a tree line trying to find an opening to attack. When I finally had an opening the bird perks up and glances around before rushing off.

I let out an annoyed groan before my breath hitches when I head rustling mixed with a low growl. I slowly turn my head to see a dire wolf. I froze and drop my spear in fear. I was terrified of dire wolves. Why? A dire wolf is what killed my parents. Ever since I have been terrified of the animal. I slowly back up as the wolf stalks towards me. I saw the wolf revving up to pounce on me.

I duck out of the way and book it back to the cave with it following. I was crying when I saw how close behind it was and I ran faster when I saw I was in close distance to the cave. Unfortunately I lost my footing and fell on my face. I roll over just in time to keep the wolf from biting my neck or something. But now I was below the animal as it went wild while I was screaming and crying as I try pushing it off.

Then I was shocked as the wolf was tackled off of me and I sit up to see Ichimatsu fighting it off. I was stood up and I look to see Jyushimatsu and the others with a looks of concern. Then I hear a loud yell before turning to see the wolf laying dead on the ground with Ichimatsu panting to calm down. I cover my mouth with teary eyes when I saw Ichimatsu clutching his arm.

I walk over with the brothers and have Ichimatsu move his hand. I gasp when I saw a bite mark and it was bleeding. "Oh my-I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I whimper and drop my head. I felt him lift my head and I look up to see him with a smile "It's fine, it hurt but it's okay." He says and I shook my head "No it's not. I shouldn't have went on my own." I say before gasping softly as he pulls me into a hug.

After things calmed down we moved the wolf into the cave and I help patch up Ichimatsu's arm while the others work on the wolf. "Why did you go out on your own?" Osomatsu asks as we ate our meal and I look down "I..I wanted to go hunting to try and get a nice meal for you guys..Sorry!" I say with a blush and hide my face. "Why are you so red?" Karamatsu asks moving my hands and I look away.

"I..I don't know..lately I would become red in the face around you guys." I say and they look at each other. "I mean I know why...but it's embarrassing to say." I say and they smile "What? That you love us?" Todomatsu says and I look at him with a heavy blush. "How did you-" "we've known for a while. You don't really hide it." Choromatsu says and I look down with my mouth forming a line.

Ichimatsu turns my head to face him "Why is it embarrassing?" He asks and I pull my face away "because..because I love all of you..I don't know I guess I thought that was strange." I say and they chuckle softly "Well we love you y/n!" Jyushimatsu says and I look up at him "W-Wait..Really?" I ask and they all nod. "Oh..well that makes me happy." I say and they smile before my face was turned to face Karamatsu.

He smiles and kisses my cheek before softly kissing my lips. "Well we are glad to see you happy." He says and I blush from the kiss. Which was made worse when all of them kissed me. So I just became a blushing mess but that didn't hide the fact that I was happy and smiling. I was so happy right now.

Not only was I not alone but now I had men to love who love me back.

(Time skip to 2019)

I was walking around a history museum bored out of my mind until I came across two interesting photos from inside a cave. I hum and tilt my head. "Hey Guys! Come over here!" I call out to the Matsuno brothers who came right over. "What is it love?" Karamatsu says and I blush before pointing to the photos "well look. That photo shows the wall covered with tallies. The other is a cave drawing that appears to be 6 males and 1 female." I say and they hum.

"Actually that makes me think. Come look at this." Choromatsu says and lead us over to a display of skeletons that were really close together. Like holding one another. "Oh wow. That is peculiar." I say and they nod "Why are they so close?" Todomatsu asks with a curious face. "Don't know..oh sir!" Choromatsu calls and the worker stops "Yes." He says and walks over "would you know why-" "why the skeletons are so close? Yeah I know. Funny enough I was one of the people who found them like this." He says and we look at him in awe.

"You found them like that? Really?" Ichimatsu asks and he nods "No one could separate them. It was like some supernatural force was keeping them together." He says with a smile before chuckling "It's pretty interesting." He says before walking away and we turn back to the skeletons. I just tilt my head and stare at them. "Y/n? You okay?" Jyushimatsu asks and I smile.

"They were in the same situation as us." I say and the brothers look at me. "6 males in love with a single female." I say and they all smile "that may be the case." Karamatsu says as he held my hand and Jyushimatsu held the other "Now let's go. I'm so bored right now." I say and they laugh with me before we left the museum that held so much history.

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