Saved by a Pirate 🍋(Pirate! Osomatsu x reader) Lemon

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For BadEnglishGirl7

I was in my boat going for a nice sail on the ocean. I sailed a little ways from my homelands but I prefer it that way. At the moment I was sitting at the back of my ship feeling the wind blow through my hair. I snap out of my peaceful state when I hear "Oi! Look out!" I turn my head and before I could even process anything a bigger ship crashes into mine. Knocking me overboard.

I let out a scream as fell into the water. I started panicking and try to stay above water but I had a big problem. I didn't know how to swim. I could swim in pools but I could not swim in big bodies of water. I felt my body getting tired and felt my breathing become shallow and frantic. So with as loud a voice I could muster I call out for help before a wave pushes me underwater.

I held my breath for as long as I could but I had to breathe. I could feel my face turn blue before I gasp and water replaces air. I felt my eyes close with my final breath.

I let out a hard gasp and gag as I spat up water. "Okay, she's breathing again. Miss you okay?" I open my eyes with a groan to see a man's face over mine. I notice how soaked he was and put two and two together. "Yeah..I'm okay." I say before coughing as I sat up and I held my chest as I try to breathe. I glance around to see I was on another larger ship. "What's your name?" I ask and he hums like he was hesitant to answer. "I'm Osomatsu Matsuno."

I hum and turn to look at him "nice to meet you Osomatsu. I'm y/n l/n. Thanks for saving me." I say and he hums "it's surprising that he did." I turn my head to see 5 men who were identical to Osomatsu. "Oh hello." I say and Osomatsu got up "And those are my brothers. Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu." He says as he gestures to each brother.

I glance at them and glance back at Osomatsu who was leaning against the side of the ship. "You're pirates. Aren't you?" I ask and they look at each other before nodding. I smile and stand up "Well it's rare to see pirates around here." I say and they hum. "You don't seem scared." Karamatsu says and I smile "why would I be?" I ask and they all turn to Osomatsu.

He just shrugs before he picks his overcoat and hat, which he had removed before diving into the water, "Set course to take her back home." He says before walking into a room, closing the door. I tilt my head and walk over. I open the door to see it was his study "Uh Osomatsu?" He hums and looks at me as he places his hat and overcoat on a rack. "I really do appreciate you saving me." I say and he chuckles.

"It was nothing besides it was our fault you fell in." He says and I walk over to him "Still thank you. You have to let me repay you." I say and he stares at me. "No no you don't have to." He says and I shook my head with a smile "Nonsense. You saved my life, I owe you." I say and he looks me up and down before glancing away. "Surely There is something you want." I say and step forward but he walks over to his desk.

I hum and follow him over. He turns around and jumps "or maybe something I can give you?" I ask and he backs up into his desk " really want to repay me huh?" He asks and I nod. He sighs and places his hand on his face. I hum and he removes his hand before looking at me. "Well being out on the sea for as long as we can cause a guy to become quite pent up."

I hum and glance down "ohh" I say with a tilt of my head. He glances away with a faint blush "So don't have to-" he cut off with a hitch of breath when I cup his crotch in my hand as I step closer. "If that's what you...Then I'll do it as a way to show my gratitude." I say softly and smile. He stares at me surprised before gasping as I felt him up through his pants. He let out soft moans and groans which made me blush. I could feel him getting harder.

I smile and lean in to kiss his neck. He shudders and moans softly. I hum and push my hand into his bottoms. He flinches and moans softly as I grip his dick. "Oh wow, you got really hard~" I coo and kiss his neck while stroking him. "Does that feel good?" I ask and he grips the edge of his desk. "Ha~ K-Keep g-going~" he moans softly and I smile as I stroke faster. I felt him twitch in my hand so I look at him. "Are you close already?" I ask and he nods with a hum.

I hum and pull away to unbuckle his belt. I went to my knees and pull his bottoms down.
I saw him tense and look up at him "is this okay with you?" I ask and he nods biting his lip. I smirk before leaning in to lick the tip causing him to gasp and shudder. I lick up and down his shaft. He was panting slightly and moans as I did this. Then with a smirk I took him into my mouth. He gasps and threw his head back with a moan. I began to bob my head and saw his nails claw at the desk.

He moans and lays his hands on my head "oh~ that feels ha~ amazing~" I blush softly and bob my head faster as my tongue presses against his shaft. "O-Oh~ y-y/n~ keep going~" he moans and grips my hair. I moan as I bob my head faster, letting my tongue swirl around the shaft. He moans and his grip tightens before he pushes my head down and I let him. "Y-Y/n~ I'm about to cum~" he moans and I hum before moving down to the hilt.

My eyes widen with a whine as he thrusts in and out my mouth. I moan and slack my jaw as he thrusts deeply I gag a bit but I was otherwise okay. He started panting and moans loudly. I hum and grip onto his thighs. "Ah!~ I'm cumming y/n!~" he moans out before holding my head down as his cum flows into my mouth. I moan softly and feel my eyes roll back as his cum ran down my throat. I pull away and gulp it down before licking my lips.

I open my mouth and look up at him as I pant softly. I saw his eyes widen before he smirks and pulls me up before pushing me onto the desk. My eyes widen as he hovers over me with his hands planted beside my head. He bites his lip and my whole body trembles at his gaze that was filled with desire.

"Sorry if I startled you, but I want more~" he purrs and I blush before squeaking as he kisses me. I moan softly and wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls my bottoms off. I gasp as he strokes my pussy and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I moan softly as he pushes two fingers into my pussy. He slowly pumps his finger while rubbing my clit. I moan out as he moves his fingers faster. Then he hits g-spot and I moan into his mouth.

When he hits it again I moan out and grip onto his shoulders as I arch my back. He smiles and pulls away "Sorry..I didn't mean to cum so suddenly." I say with a blush and he leans down to kiss me softly. "It's okay." He says before sliding his shirt off and spreading my legs. I smile and held his face, pulling him down into a kiss. He kisses me softly and held my hips as he lines up with my pussy. I pull away with a hitch of breath and tear up as he pushes in. I gave a shaky breath at the twinge of pain I felt.

"You okay?" He asks and I nod as I quickly wipe my tears "yeah, I'm okay." I say and he smiles before thrusting slowly. I moan softly as I felt move inside me and whine as he stretches my inner walls. Then after a minute he let out a soft moan before thrusting faster. "It's okay if I go a little faster right?" He asks and I nod "Oh yes~ Please~" I moan out and he smiles before kissing me deeply.

I pull away with a moan and wrap my arms around his neck "Oh~ that feels so good~" I moan and Osomatsu held my hips up while I scratch his back. I moan out as he went deeper "Ah!~ Oh Osomatsu!~ Fuck me harder!~" I moan out as he thrusts harder. I was a moaning mess as he moans softly above me. I pull him close and dug my nails into his back as he went rough on me.

Then he rams into my g-spot "Oh!~ Osomatsu!~ T-There!~ Ah!~" he kisses me deeply and I moan into his mouth as he hits my g-spot hard. I was trembling and twitching as he holds me closer. Oh my god. This feels amazing. I think as our tongues intertwine. I pull away with drool dripping from my mouth "Ohh~ Osomatsu~ I'm gonna cum~" I moan and he smiles

"y-yeah. Me too." His voice was so deep and sultry that I shudder. My mouth drops open with moans and whines as the pressure built up in my stomach. I grip onto his shoulders and with hard, deep thrust I came hard on his dick. He shudders with a groan before gripping my hips as he gave a few more thrusts. He stills inside me with a moan and I moan as he came inside.

I wrap my legs around his waist and push him deeper as his cum fills me up. He pants softly and I drop my legs as he pulls out. I hum and look up at him as he kisses my forehead. " okay?" He asks and I smile "I'm more than Osomatsu?" He hums and I blush "..Can I..Can I just stay with you?" I ask and his eyes widen "Huh? Really?" I smile and nod.

"I'll be honest I have always wanted to travel the seas." I say and he smiles "you really want to come along?" He asks and leans in "Yeah, I really want to...if you'll let me." I say and he lays his forehead on mine "I think we can work something out." He says and caresses my cheek before kissing me softly. I smile and hug him.

From that day on I traveled the seas with Osomatsu and his brothers.

I loved sailing before but now I sail the seas alongside the Matsunos as a pirate.

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