Child Savior (Karamatsu x Male! reader)

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For savewillcipher

-10 years old-

I was walking out of school and decided to go to the park. Though on the way there I heard the sound of laughter and crying. Both from different sources. So I sped up and round the corner to see a boy my age on the ground. He was clearly in pain and the boy in front of him was laughing. I instantly knew what was happening. This was a bullying situation. The hurt boy was crying on the ground and I felt angry.

I rush forward and swing my backpack. I hit the guy hard on the face and he fell to the ground. "Leave him alone!" I shout and gave a hard kick to his stomach. When that was done I went over to the boy and rush to get him up so we could escape. We run to the park with me holding up to the boy as we run. We finally got to the park and I sat him on a bench.

I open my bag and pull out a first aid kit. Which is probably why the guy fell to the ground when I hit him. Luckily the boy only had two cuts on his face. So I pull out two bandages and place them over the cuts. "You okay?" I ask and he nods "I'm y/n l/n by the way." I say and he smiles with a sniff "I'm Karamatsu Matsuno." He says and I smile

"Does that guy usually pick on you?" I ask and he nods "hm..then how about I help you." I say and he hums "you'd do that for me?" He asks and I nod "if you'll be my friend in return." I say and he nods "I'll be your friend." He says with a smile and I smile back.

"Let's be good friends Karamatsu!"
-18 years old-

I was hanging out with Karamatsu at my house when I noticed he had gone quiet. "Yo. What's on your mind?" I ask and he blushes softly. "What's with the blush?" I ask and he hums "um..well there's someone I like and I don't know what to if we start dating there are things that I'll mess up." He says and I hum "like what?" I ask and he blushes "Well..there's hugging, holding hands and.. kissing..I'm just worried I'll mess up."

I chuckle softly and stood up. I hold out my arms "Come here." I say and he stood up. He shyly hugs me and I hug him back. "Well that checks out and you're gentle." I say and pull back a bit to hold my hand out. He held my hands and I interlock our fingers. "Same here. Checks out and you're very gentle." I say and we both look at each other.

I stare into his eyes and he stares into mine. He blushes softly and I blush lightly. "Well as for kissing you can practice that with a pillow or something." I say and quickly pull away from him. He smiles and nods "yeah. Right." He says and I smile with a slightly nervous chuckle.
-21 years old-

I was at a mixer with the brothers. Todomatsu had invited some girls from work and so far things were going over pretty well but I wasn't interested in the girls. I was interested in Karamatsu. I knew he wasn't interested either which made his flirting much more annoying to me. I was actually getting annoyed. "You okay y/n-kun?" Nima asks and I nod

"Yeah I'm okay...Yo Karamatsu can I talk to you?" I ask and he hums before nodding. I lead him away from the group to a less crowded area. Where I push him against the wall placing a hand beside his head. "Who do you think you're trying to fool?" I ask with a smirk and he blushes "What do you mean?" He asks and I hear the nervous tone in his voice.

"You are like me Karamatsu. You aren't interested in girls." I say and he blushes "..well technically I am but-" "but you prefer men?" I ask and he nods with a blush while I lean in "So why are you flirting with that woman?" I ask and he stays silent. I smile and move my free hand to hold his face. I caress his cheek before leaning in to kiss him. He hums softly but doesn't pull away so I took that as a good sign and deepen the kiss.

He moans softly and wraps his arms around my neck while my hands move to his waist. I pull away and move to kiss his neck. He moans softly and clutches onto my shoulders. "Y/n~" he moans softly and I pull away with a smile "Let's go to a love hotel tonight~" I purr and he nods eagerly. So I gave the excuse that we wanted to go to my place to hang out. They all wave us off with an "okay."

We hurry to the closest love hotel, bought a room and enter said room. Within seconds of entering the room I pin Karamatsu onto the bed and kiss him deeply. He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me closer as he grinds up against me. I pull away and smile "I love you Karamatsu." I say before leaning in to kiss his neck. He smiles and moans softly

"I love you too~"

When I woke up the next morning I smile as I saw Karamatsu hugging me closely. I smile and kiss his forehead before tilting his head up to kiss him softly. He stirs and hums before waking up. "Hey sleepyhead. Tired?" I ask and he hums with a blush "of course I'm kept going." He says and I laugh before hugging him. "Sorry. You aren't in pain right?" I ask and he shook his head "I'm fine."

I smile and kiss his forehead "good. Karamatsu?" He hums and I held his hand "Date me?" I ask and he blushes before flicking my forehead "Baka. Of course I'll date you. I'm not one for one night stands." He says and I laugh softly before kissing him softly. I roll over to be on top "We still have some time~" I purr and he bites his lip "Okay~ go ahead~" I smile and kiss him deeply as I hold him close. If I had his permission I wasn't going to pass up a chance to give him pleasure again.

It's funny how the only reason I met Karamatsu was because I saved from a bully.

I'm so glad that I helped him that day and I will continue to help him with whatever may be troubling him.

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