Painful to Bashful (Shy! Karamatsu x reader)

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For 777AnimeGirl777

I was heading over to my boyfriend's place to visit him. I hadn't seen him in a while and I missed my boy. Well when I knocked on the door Osomatsu answers "Oh hey y/n." He says and I smile "hi Osomatsu." I say before walking inside to the living room. I held back a laugh when I saw Karamatsu asking his brothers what they thought of his new outfit. Now I don't think his style is "painful" and I don't think he is "painful".

I like him the way he is and I have made that very clear. So he acts totally different when we are alone. I tried to not laugh at his slightly dramatic behavior but I couldn't. I gave a small laugh and he tenses before turning around. "Hello sweetheart. I see you have some new clothes." I say with a smirk and he went red face. "I..I d-didn't k-know you w-would be coming over." He stutters and I saw his brothers looked surprised.

I smile and walk over "Well I wanted to surprise you silly. I missed my sweet Karamatsu." I say softly and kiss his cheek. He smiles shyly and laughs softly " I'll b-be right back." He stutters our before quickly leaving and I smile fondly. I saw the brothers looking at me in awe. "How did you do that?" Todomatsu asks and I hum "you turned him from acting dramatic and painful to bashful and shy." Osomatsu says and I laugh softly.

"You know he only acts that way for you guys right?" I ask and they hum "he acts "painful" and dramatic because he wants you guys to see him as cool." I say and they look at each other while I sigh "the poor baby thinks you guys don't like him so he tries so hard to be noticed and to be seen as a cool older brother...the amount of times I have seen him upset because of this is ridiculous." I turn to them and they look at me.

"So don't push him away. He just wants you guys to notice him."

They look at each other before smiling and I smile back. That's when Karamatsu came back wearing his hoodie and blue jeans. "Do you want to go somewhere or just stay?" He asks with a faint blush on his face and I smile but before I could reply. "Why don't you stay here Karamatsu-niisan?" Todomatsu says and he looks over "yeah, we could all just hang out and talk about whatever." Choromatsu says placing his book down.

I smile and turn to Karamatsu "What do you say? You want to stay?" I ask and he hums "Okay..sure." He says softly and I smile before we walk over to sit down. "So niisan, where did you get those clothes?" Jyushimatsu asks and Karamatsu hums as he glances at me. "You r-really want to k-know?" He asks shyly and they all nod which surprised Karamatsu.

"Well...I got them when I was walking around yesterday..I thought that..y-y/n might like them I guess." He says before blushing and I smile before hugging him which increases his blush. "Aw~ that's so sweet~" I coo and he smiles softly. "That is really sweet that you bought clothes because you thought she would like how they look." Osomatsu says and from there the conversation was mostly focused on Karamatsu and I.

I could see that this was making Karamatsu very happy and I knew that our next date he would bring this up. Well eventually I had to leave and Karamatsu offers to take me home. When we were at the door to leave we here "Oh Hey." turn to see Ichimatsu and he glances away before looking at Karamatsu. "I'm going to see the cats later if you want to come with me."

The look on Karamatsu's face was that of disbelief before he smiles wide and nods eagerly "Yes I would love to." He says with happiness evident in his voice. Ichimatsu smiles softly "Okay then. I'll see you later Karamatsu-niisan." He says before we left and the whole walk to my place he was quiet. When we got to my door and I open my arms for a hug he hugs me tightly. I was confused until he let out a shaky

"T-Thank y-you"

I hug him back and felt wetness on my shoulder. I smile softly and hold him closer as I rub his back "I don't know what you said but thank you so much." He says softly and I pull away with a smile before kissing his cheek "I love you Karamatsu." I say and he blushes "I l-love you t-too." He stutters and I giggle before holding his face. I wipe his tears and lean in. Before kissing him I say in a soft voice

"I love you Karamatsu, my shy boy."

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