Just a Dare (Highschool! Ichimatsu x reader)

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I was sitting down at lunch all alone when Ichimatsu Matsuno walls up to me. "Hey." He says and I glance around before pointing at myself and he nods "oh..um hi." I say and he smiles "So the Valentine's Day dance is tomorrow. Do you have a date?" He asks and I glance away "No. No I don't." I say and he hums "Well I don't have one either. Do you want to be my date?" He asks and I look at him surprised with a faint blush.

"R-Really?" I ask and he nods "y-yes, I would love to." I say and he smiles "Cool. You want to just meet in front of the school?" He asks and I nod "yeah sure." I say and he smiles "I'll see you later tonight then." He says before walking back to his friends. I blush and smile softly "He actually asked me out..my crush asked me out." I say to myself as I sigh happily.

When night rolled around I walk to the school, I didn't live that far, to the front gate. Ichimatsu was leaning against the wall looking to the side. I blush as he looked so handsome in his tux. I walk up to him and clear my throat. He hums and turns his head. His eyes widen and his mouth went agape. "What? Is the dress too much? I knew my mom shouldn't have-" "No no, the dress is beautiful..you look nice." He says with a faint blush and I smile.

"Let's head in." I say and he nods before we both went inside the school. The dance was nice and it was cute seeing all the couples dancing and having fun. I even convinced Ichimatsu to dance with me. He was very very hesitant but he eventually agreed. As we danced I gave him a smile "I like this. It feels nice." I say before laying my head on his chest. He didn't say anything.

When the dance was over he walked me home and my mom greets us. I was embarrassed as my mom hugs Ichimatsu. "Thank you so much for taking my daughter to the dance. Thank you. Thank you." She says and I whine "mom!~ let him go!" I exclaim and she pulls away "Oh right. Sorry. Well I'll let you to say goodbye." She says before walking and I turn to Ichimatsu.

"Sorry...she can get like that." I say and he hums "it's okay...would you like to go out again?" He asks and I blush before nodding eagerly "Yes..is tomorrow okay?" I ask and he nods with a smile "that works. I'll see you at school y/n." He says and I hug him tightly before he left.

I was overjoyed as I went inside.

Ichimatsu and I continued to have dates and I loved it. We have been dating for 28 days and today was white day. I was nervous as I was going to ask him to be my boyfriend today. At lunch I told him I had to ask him something after school and he seemed curious. When the final bell rang and school was over I went to find Ichimatsu. As I walk I pull out a bag with his gift inside.

As I walk down a hall I hear "Dude why are you still with her?" I pause and peek around the corner to see Ichimatsu and one of his friends. "Look just drop it okay." Ichimatsu says and I hum in confusion. Drop what? I think and his friend sighs "Look you don't have to date y/n anymore so why are you? I mean the dare was that you date her for a week."

I felt my heart drop and break at the same time. Ichimatsu sighs and glances away. In my direction. "Y/n." He says and I look at him with a frown "A dare? You only asked me out because of a dare?" I ask with a shaky voice as tears fill my eyes. Ichimatsu rambles for a second trying to come up with an answer before ultimately saying. "Yes."

"Heh..of course...why did I think you would love me?" I ask myself before handing him the bag "Here. It probably means nothing to you but whatever." I say in dead tone of voice "do what you want with it..throw it out, burn it, I don't care..." I say tearfully before running out of the school directly home. I just sat on the doorstep and lay my head on my arms as I cry.

After a while I heard footsteps and glance up to see Ichimatsu. I bury my face into my arms "Why are you here? Like your friend said you don't have date me anymore." I say and he sighs before sitting beside me "...I did ask you out as a dare..that's why I felt so guilty." I hum and lift my head "When I saw you in that dress and all dolled up...I don't know what happened but I saw you in a new light."

"What are you saying?" I ask and he turns to me "I'm saying from that night on I fell for you..after the one week mark, I really loved you...that's why I hate that the only reason I even bothered to ask you out..was because of a stupid dare." He says and I blush softly "I looked at your gift." He says with a smile and I blush as he pulls it out of the bag.

It was a framed photo of us at a cat café with us making cat paws with our hands. "Yeah I know it's simple but-" "I like it. Didn't you have something to ask me?" He asks with a smirk and I blush harder "um yeah...Would you be my boyfriend?" I ask and he smiles before kissing my cheek.


That was all he said but that was enough for me as I hug him tightly and with a burst of courage. I kiss him and I smile as he kisses me back.

To think that this relationship started with a dare.

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