The Resolve (Possessive! Karamatsu x reader x Osomatsu)

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For topaz03
Hope this was okay😊

Ever since the day I talked with Osomatsu, Karamatsu was becoming more and more possessive. To the point where he would get mad if I talked to other guys (his brothers included) and he would be upset if I didn't tell him where I was going. I knew that a relationship with him wasn't healthy but I was too scared to break up with him. I didn't know what he was capable of.

He was my best friend but know I was scared of him.

Right now I was curled up in the corner of my room. I was crying into my arms as I hug myself. Until I heard a knock on the door I was startled and a little worried that it was Karamatsu again. Though I was happy when I saw it was Osomatsu. Osomatsu has been helping me so much through this whole thing. I quickly let him in and hug him tightly. "What are you doing here?" I ask and he smiles

"I'm going to help you. We are going to put an end to this. You need to be honest with Karamatsu." I froze and look down "y/n. He continues doing this because he doesn't know what he's doing." He says and lifts my head "Please y/n. For your sake, and for his sake, you need to be honest." He says and I sigh before smiling softly. "'re right." I say and he smiles before hugging me.

So the both of us cross the street and go to their house. "and it will just be the three of us. So don't worry." He says as we walk into the house. We walk into the living room where Karamatsu was at the table looking in a mirror. "Karamatsu." Osomatsu says and he looks up with a hum. Upon seeing me his eyes narrow "I didn't know you were coming over. Y/n." He says and I gulp nervously.

"Yeah..I have something to tell you." I say and he hums. I glance down and Osomatsu pats my back. I saw that him doing that made Karamatsu look angry. I took a breath and look up "Karamatsu. I don't like how you have been acting. What you have been doing." I say and he was silent. "I..I care about you I do're suddenly being really possessive..and that scares me."

I saw Karamatsu look away. He was silent for a while before sighing "...what have I done...y/n I am so sorry for scaring you..I really am" He says standing up and Osomatsu cautiously stood in front of me. Karamatsu hums and kept his distance. "I don't know what I was that's not right..I know why I was...y/n..I consider you to be a good friend..a great friend..we got along very well and we just clicked...when you started dating Hiro." He pauses and rubs his arm

"I saw how well you guys got along and how you guys just...clicked. You spent more of your time with him rather than us...I'll admit I was starting to feel lonely." I froze and stare at him surprised. "I guess that feeling of wanting to be close with you...manifested into possession...for that I am so sorry." He says and I glance at Osomatsu before stepping forward.

I sigh and walk up to him. I held his face and smile "Karamatsu. You are one of my best friends and I will always have time for you. If you had just talked to me I would have made time to spend with you." I say and I carefully hug him "I think we should just stay as friends." I say and he hesitantly hugs me back. "Yeah..sorry again..for everything." He says shakily and I smile before tightening my grip. "It's okay Karamatsu."

It's been a month and things have gone back to normal. I was back to being just friends with Karamatsu. There was one thing that changed though. I was visiting the matsuno house again and when the door opens. I smile when I saw Osomatsu. "Hey y/n." He says and I smile before leaning up to kiss him softly "Hey Osomatsu." I say softly before we walk in.

After everything had settled down Osomatsu came up to me one day and asked me out. I decided to give him a chance and it actually ended up being the best decision I ever made. The best thing was that Karamatsu wasn't even made because he learned his lesson. He was actually happy for the both of us.

He learned that just because I was dating someone doesn't mean I won't make time for my friends, especially him, as well.

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