Breeding 🍋(Farmer! Karamatsu x Cow! reader) Lemon

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For Kara_matxu134

I was laying down in my stable when I hear the barn door open. I perk up along with my friend. I feel my tail sway happily when I saw Karamatsu walk in with Osomatsu. Both of them went to a different stable. Osomatsu went to Totoko and I bounce happily when Karamatsu came over to me. "Hello y/n, I see you are happy." He says and pets my head.

"Mmhm. Hi Karamatsu~" I greet with a smile and he smiles before opening the gate so I step back to let him in. I follow him over to the stool and he pats his lap. I nod and sat down on his lap. He sets the bucket down and reaches his hands up the my breasts. I hum and feel my tail sway happily as he squeezes my nipples. I smile softly as my milk flows out into the bucket below. After a few minutes the bucket was filled with my milk.

"There you go~ good girl~" he coos and I hum softly before pulling his hands away. I smile as he pets my head before getting up. He left the stable and I whine softly as I stood behind the gate. "Aw~ it's okay~ I can come by later to check on you." He says and I nod "yes please." I say and he pets my head before leaving while I stare at him with a blush and a fond smile.

-Karamatsu's POV-

As I tend to the crops Osomatsu came up to me. "Hey Osomatsu." I say and he hums "Hey Karamatsu, did you notice?" He asks and I hum "that y/n is ready for breeding." He says and I froze "is she now?" I ask and he nods "she's growing more attached to you and judging by how swell her breasts were. I'd say she is ready to start breeding." He says and I hum "Well I guess I'll take her out tomorrow and have her introduced to one of the bulls." I say and he nods before leaving me to get back to work.

The next morning I drove y/n to the breeding grounds. Once there I introduce myself to the owner, Laura, and explain the situation. "Oh that's no problem. If you'll just follow me." She says and leads the way. I saw y/n with a look of curiosity and I pet her head. She hums and leans into my touch. "Okay here we are." Laura say opening the gate to a fenced area and beckons y/n.

She hums and I nudge her forward. "Don't be shy y/n." I say and she walks into the area. "Now we just wait." Laura says and we walk around, mostly her showing me around, until there was a loud squeal. We both look at each other and walk back to the area. As we made it over I saw y/n climb over the fence and fall on her face before running up to me. I was surprised when she tackles me in a tight hug.

I kept my balance and turn to Laura who hums "Well that doesn't usually happen. Usually if a cow is ready to breed they would willingly let one of our bulls mount them." She says and I hum before rubbing y/n's back as she buries her face into my chest. "Tell you what, take her home and try to calm her down. Then when she's ready bring her back and we'll try again." I nod and pull y/n back so we could head back home.

-y/n's POV-

I was laying in my stable taking a small nap. "Hey y/n?" I hum and look up to see Totoko "you okay? I heard from Osomatsu about what happened." She says and I hum "yeah I'm fine. I just don't want to breed with a bull." I say and she hums before smirking "What?" I ask as I sat up and she gave me a smug look. "You want to breed with Karamatsu don't you?" She asks and I blush hard.

I look down and whine softly "Oh my god! I knew it!" She exclaims and I gave a whine of embarrassment as I cover my face with my ears. I perk up when the door opens and Totoko hums "well speak of the devil~" she whispers and I blush as Karamatsu went over to her stable. "Hey girl, how do you feel about going outside for a bit?" He asks and she nods "I'd like too."

So he lets her outside before going to my stable and coming in "Hey y/n, how you feeling?" He asks as he pets my head and I hum "I'm okay." I say and he hums before glancing down "hm. Looks like they have swollen up again." He says and cups my left breast "here I'll be right back." He says before leaving my stable.

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