Love Triangle part 2: Real Love🍋 Lemon

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For CryptOfDrawings

I have been with Karamatsu for a year now and it's been wonderful. Unlike Ichimatsu he was so caring and very kind to me. It took a while getting over what Ichimatsu did and I'm still not completely over it but I was making progress. Karamatsu also moved in with me and I was happy. If I ever came home and seemed upset he would immediately do everything he could to make me feel better.

Well I was currently walking home and I actually had a good day today. When I enter my house I went to the kitchen to make a snack. As I scanning through the fridge I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Welcome back~" I blush softly and turn to see Karamatsu. "Hey, when did you get back?" I ask and he kisses my forehead "about a hour ago." He says and I smile before closing the fridge.

Anything happen at work?" He asks and I shrug "nothing to exciting. how about you?" I ask and he hums "it was okay though when I got home I did have to make a certain someone leave." He says and I furrow my eyebrows "he came back..again?" I ask and he nods before patting my head "Don't worry. I dealt with him." He says and pulls me close "like I have told you he won't hurt you ever again." He says before kissing me softly and I pull back with a blush.

"I'm actually in a good mood today Karamatsu." I say and he hums "So...If you want to know." I trial off with a blush and he went wide eyed before smiling softly. "Really?" He asks and I blush with a smile "I trust you enough Karamatsu." I say and he smiles before lifting my hand, kissing the back of it. "Then let's do it my dear." He says softly and I blush before squeaking softly as he lifts me up into his arms.

I giggle softly and hug him as he walks to our room. I hum and smile as we got on the bed and he lays me down. I smile softly and he leans down to kiss me softly. I hum and wrap my arms around his neck. I blush as he rubs my side and open my mouth as he moves his tongue into my mouth. I moan softly and run my hand up through his hair. I feel his hands slip under my shirt and I pull away before sitting up.

I shyly pull off my shirt and he does the same. I glance away with a blush before removing my bra. I look at him with a shy smile and he smiles before kissing me softly. I pull back as he rubs my arms, that still had faint bruises, "you are so beautiful." He says and I blush softly before humming as he kisses me. He lays me back and pulls away to kiss my neck. I moan as he kisses up and down my neck.

Then he kisses down to my breasts and took one into his mouth. His tongue flicking over my nipple as he sucks the hardening bud with his other hand massaging my other breast. I moan softly as he swaps to the other one. He glances up at me and I look at him with a shy smile. He pulls his mouth off with a pop and kisses my neck to find my soft spot. I let out a moan and grind my hips against him. He moans softly and grinds down against me.

I moan when he found my spot and he hums before kissing and licking the spot. I moan softly as I grind against him. I blush when I feel how hard he had got. I moan softly as he moves to rub my covered pussy. I moan and wrap my arms around his neck "Karamatsu~" I moan softly and he pulls away from my neck. I hum as I felt him push my underwear aside before pushing two fingers inside me.

I moan in response as he pumps his fingers. I moan as his fingers twist and curl up inside me. I bite my lip with a moan as he presses on my clit and I felt pressure build up. "Oh Karamatsu!~ I'm gonna c-cum!~" I moan as I grip the bedsheets. He leans down to my ear "go ahead~ let lose~" he purrs into my ear before biting my ear.

He continues his ministrations and I moan as I clutch onto his shoulders "ah~ ah!~ AH!~ I'm cumming!~" I moan out and I felt my legs shake as I came. I look at Karamatsu with a blush as he removes his fingers. I blush hard as he licks them clean before removing my underwear. He drops the underwear onto the floor and unbuckles his belt. I watch as he removed his pants and underwear.

I blush when I saw how big he was before spreading my legs. He settles between my legs and kisses my forehead. I gulp nervously as his dick grazes my clit. He smiles before lining up with my pussy and I smile wearily. "You look nervous. You okay?" He asks and I nod before reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. "Just..please be gentle." I say softly and he smiles before kissing my forehead. "Of course."

I smile before wincing as he slowly pushes in. I whine as he pushed in little by little but we both moan as he hilted inside me. He hovers over me and bent his arms to kiss me. I hum and roll my hips with a soft moan. "You can move now." I say as hold him close and he kisses my forehead. He starts to thrust slowly and I moan softly. This feels so good. I didn't know sex could be so gentle. I think before I hear him give a shaky moan before his thrusts became faster and I moan out.

"Oh Karamatsu~ you feel soo good~" I moan and he kisses me. "Oh~ So do you~" he moans and lifts my hips up as he thrusts harder. I moan out as I grip onto his back "Oh!~ Ha!~ I l-love you K-Karamatsu Oh!~ I love you!~" I moan out and pull back to look at him. His eyes held so much passion and love that I felt my heart flutter. "Oh~ I l-love you t-too y/n~ I love you so much~" he moans as he lays his forehead on mine.

The room was filled with an assortment of moans, groans, and the sound of our hips colliding. Then I let out a loud moan as he hit my g-spot. "Ah!~ t-there!~" I moan out as my tongue lolls out. I moan out and scratch his back as he pounds me, hitting my g-spot hard. "Ah!~ K-Karamatsu! Oh!~ I'm s-so close!~" I moan out and I hear him moan. "M-Me too~ C-Can you t-turn over?" He asks and I glance away before shaking my head.

"I..I rather be facing you.."

He hums with a concerned look before he sat up and pulls me onto his lap. He held my hips and I moan as I felt his thrusts hit deeper than before. "It's okay. This position better anyway." He says and I hum with a moan "I can hold you close to me." He says hugging me close and kissing me as he thrusts deep into me. I moan into his mouth and rest my hands on his chest. I pull away with a jolt of pleasure in my body. "Oh~ Ah~ hit t-there again!~" I moan out.

He angles himself to hit that spot again and again. Then I felt the pressure build up even more and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm s-so close~ Are you?" I ask and he lays his forehead on mine "I am." He says with a sultry, heated voice that made me shiver. He starts thrusting faster and continues to hit my g-spot.

"Oh~ I'm gonna cum~" He moans softly and grips my hips. He gave a final deep thrust he came inside me. I moan softly before whining and he kisses my cheek "I k-know, I know. You didn't cum. I'll fix that." He says before kissing me, pushing his tongue against mine. I moan softly but squeal when I felt him rubbing my clit. I pull away and moan softly. I scratch his back and kiss his neck as he rests his free hand on my ass.

"You are so beautiful." He says in my ear as I hid my face in his shoulder. I whine as I feel pressure build again. I moan as Karamatsu kisses my neck "You are an amazing girl and I love you so much." He says before kissing me softly and pressing down on my clit. I moan out and arch my back as I came. I grip Karamatsu's shoulders as my body shook.

He deepens the kiss for a bit before pulling away to look at me. I was panting softly with lidded eyes and a tired look on my face. "I love you y/n." He says kissing my forehead and I giggle softly. He lifts me up and pulls out while I gave a whine. He pulls me close and we went under the covers. He brushes my hair aside and lifts my head.

He looks at me with soft eyes and a face of concern. I sigh and hug him "I wanted to be facing you because in the times I would do it with Ichimatsu...he would always have me in that position...he would always be so rough and had a habit of pushing my face into the bed below hurt a lot." I say softly and he sighs before hugging me. "I'm sorry about that..I had no idea he abused you in that way...I guess that's just another thing we'll have to work on but for now."

He lifts my head up and kisses me softly "For now we will keep things simple, okay?" I nod and nuzzle my face into his neck. "I really love you Karamatsu." I say as I drift off to sleep "and I love you too y/n." He says and hugs me close as we fell asleep.

I am glad that I chose to be with Karamatsu.

He showed what real love feels like and I can't thank him enough for helping me.

He saved me from a relationship that was not only one sided in a sense, but was abusive and I will always be grateful for that.

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