Learning to Love 🍋(Inventor! Choromatsu x Android! reader) Lemon

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For savewillcipher

I walk around the house as I wait for Choromatsu to return. I had discovered something recently. I discovered that I was in love with Choromatsu. He was smart, kind, funny, and adorable. There is one main reason I love him though. He is the reason for my existence. You see he is an inventor and I was his invention. I was an android he made about 2 months ago. Technically I was made with the help of Dekapan.

Choromatsu made my design and put me together but Dekapan was in charge of making me lifelike. Choromatsu apparently couldn't because he would get embarrassed about it. Well thanks to them I was alive and working. Though Choromatsu got most of the credit and I love him for bringing me to life. I turn my head when the door opens and I smile when I saw Choromatsu.

"Choromatsu. Welcome home." I say with a smile as I walk over and hug him. "Oh hello. How are you feeling?" He asks and I smile "better than ever!" I say happily and he smiles before walking to his lab so I follow. When in the lab he pats the examination table and I took a seat on it. He hums and I extend my arm so he can do his weekly examinations.

"Okay everything seems fine...I'm gonna check your wiring now okay?" He asks with a faint blush and I nod leaning back on my hands. He nods and lifts my shirt to remove the panel on my belly. He pushes lightly on the panel and it pops open. I blush as he looks in and moves his hand around inside. I felt my temperature rise and he hums before looking at me.

"Your temperature went up. Are you okay?" He asks and I nod "hm..maybe one of your wires are loose." He says and took a look while feeling around for anything loose. I bite my lip and try to hold it back but I couldn't. I moan softly and he tenses before looking up at me. I blush and look away "oh! Sorry!" He exclaims with a squeak and closes my panel.

"I didn't mean to. I am so-" I reach out and hug him close "Y-Y/n?" He stutters and I hug him tightly "it's okay...I liked it.." I pull back and he hums "I..I have discovered something." I say and he hums "What is it?" He asks and I blush "I..I have learned that..I love you Choromatsu!" I exclaim and he went wide eyed "I was so confused at first because I had this weird feeling and at first I thought I was malfunctioning...then after many documentations..I love you Choromatsu. I love you so much." I say with a smile and he blushes.

"Oh wow." He says and I look down sadly "you're disappointed in me aren't you?" I ask and he flinches before lifting my head "no no no. Of course not. I was just surprised." He says and I look at him "C-Can I..Can I show you my love Choromatsu?" I ask and he hums before smiling "Okay." He says and I smile wide before leaning in to kiss him.

He hums before smiling and moving between my legs. I move to wrap my arms around his neck and I pull away to kiss his neck. He hums and holds me close. I pull away and lean back onto the table pulling him down with me. He pushes up to hover over me and I blush. "Choromatsu..I love you so...I want you to do whatever you want with me." I say and he blushes before leaning down to kiss me.

I wrap my arms around his neck again and squeak as I felt his tongue push into my mouth. It felt strange pushing on my tongue but I liked it. He pulls away and I gasp softly before humming when he gets up to pull his overcoat off. I glance down and saw a bulge in his pants. I hop off the table and go onto my knees. I lay my hand on the bulge and he gasps softly. "You're so hard already. That makes me excited." I say with a smile and he blushes with a soft smile.

I hum and push his bottoms down. I blush and wrap my hand around the base. I look up at him as I slowly stroke his dick. He moans softly and I blush before leaning forward to lick the tip. He moans and I smile "I'm going to make you feel so good Choromatsu~" I coo before taking him into my mouth. Since I had no gag reflex I took him right down to the hilt with no problem.

I hum and bob my head with a smile as he moans above me. I shut my eyes and make sure to press my tongue against his shaft as I bob my head faster. He moans softly and lays a hand on my head. I open my eyes to see him grip the table with the other hand. I hum and close my eyes again. I felt him grip my hair before pushing my head down. "Oh~ I'm so close~" he moans before lifting my head and pushing it back down.

I just smile and lay my hands on his thighs. Then he pushes my head down to the hilt with a whiny moan as he came down my throat. I hum and blush before opening my eyes to see him blushing heavily. I smile and hum when he pulls me off. "You okay?" He asks and I nod with a thumbs up. "I have no gag reflex and I don't need to breathe so I'm good." I say and he smiles.

I hum and glance up with lidded eyes. "You aren't too tired right?" I ask and he shook his head "good because" I pause and lift my hand. I made an okay symbol and place my tongue into the circle my fingers made. "I want to give you more love~" he blushes hard and lifts me up to lay me on the table. "Where did you learn that?" He asks and I hum "oh the symbol. I learned it from your brother." I say and he sighs "and I know which one..I'm gonna kill him." He says before kissing me.

I hum and pull away to push my pants and underwear off. He looks down and I spread my legs. He blushes hard and cups the area which makes me hum. "How in the world?" He mutters before pushing a finger into my opening making me moan. "...how..how is it wet?" He asks and I blush as I look away. He turns my head to face him. "Y/n." I blush and sigh "I..I may have went to Dekapan...and asked if he could..improve my design."

He let out a sigh and hugs me "You are something else." He says and I whine as he removes his finger from my pussy. He lays me back and hovers over me with a smile. "You had him add this for me right?" He asks as he rubs my wet pussy and I nod with a blush before gasping as he nudges his dick against my slick opening. "Want me to test it out?~" he asks with a purr and I felt breathless.

"Oh yes. Please do." I say as my arms wrap around his neck. He leans down to kiss my forehead before pushing all the way in. "Oh~ Choromatsu~" I moan and he moans softly "oh~ that feels great~" he moans before thrusting slowly and I moan as I pull him down into a kiss. I pull away and smile "Choromatsu~ I don't feel pain remember." I say with a smirk and I could see him light up.

He smiles and kisses my forehead before holding my hips. "Thank you for the reminder~" he purrs before thrusting faster and harder. "Oh!~ Oh!~ There you go!~" I moan out and he bites his lip "Oh~ this feels too good~ I may get addicted~" he moans and I smile as I bite my lip. "If you do that's okay~ I am all yours so do whatever you want with me~" I moan and he leans down to kiss me.

"Oh~ I love you y/n~ you are amazing~" he moans and I smile before kissing him deeply. I hum as he lifts my legs onto his shoulders and I pull back with a loud moan as he thrusts deeper than before. "Oh yes!~ Oh!~ Keep pounding me!~" I moan out and he bites his lip with a moan as he pounds me roughly. "Oh!~ Choromatsu!~ I can feel you so deep inside me!~ you feel so good!~" I moan out and he chuckles with a hum. "Ha~ you feel amazing~ oh~ it's so tight~" he moans and grips my thighs.

He moans softly and I feel his thrusts become sloppy and frantic. "Oh~ I'm about to cum~" he moans making me shudder. I moan softly and pull him down into a deep kiss. "Please~ Cum inside me~ oh~ I want to feel your cum fill me up~" I moan as I hold him close while he pants and groans softly into my ear.

"Oh~ I'm gonna cum~ I'm gonna cu-HA!~ I'm cumming!~" he moans out and grips my waist as he stills in me. I shudder as he came so deep inside of me before I gave a whiny moan. I felt dizzy with pleasure and bite my lip as I feel his cum filling me. We were both panting heavily and I whine softly as he pulls out. He sets my legs down and sits me up. I hug him tightly and smile.

"Oh that felt great~" I coo and kiss his cheek "did you enjoy it Choromatsu?" I ask and he hugs me tightly "yes..I love you y/n." He says and kisses me softly. "I love you too Choromatsu." I say and pull away "and Choromatsu." He hums and I smile before kissing his forehead. "Thank you for creating me and giving me life." I say and he smiles softly before he hugs me.

"You are very welcome. I am so glad you were a success."

It took a lot of work to make me and Choromatsu was worried that I would end up unsuccessful.

I knew this because I saw his notes that had his worries that I would just be another failed invention.

So I'm glad I was successful and I am so glad to have Choromatsu.

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