Romeo and Cinderella 🍋(Vampire! Choromatsu x reader) Lemon

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For CryptOfDrawings

I tried😅 I hope you like it

"Goodnight." I say to my parents as they watch TV in the den. All I got were dismissive waves before I went to my bedroom. I went up to my room and change into my nightgown. Then the balcony door was suddenly opened and I shiver at the chill before going over to shut it. As I shut the door arms wrap around my waist and I felt someone nuzzling their face into my neck. I sigh softly and glance behind me to see those deep brown eyes that I have come to love.

I hum and lay my hand on the glass door. "How long are we going to do this?" I say and he hums "Keeping our love limited until night falls." I say and he hums "well it has to be that way. I can't be in the sunlight and we would have to wait until night because-" "I know..because my parents hate you..well they hate what you are." I say and flinch as his fangs graze my skin.

I sigh and shook my head "but I can't." I say softly and he hums before gasping as I turn around and push him onto my bed. I hover over him with teary eyes "I don't like that we have to keep our love and desires limited...I have so much love to give you...I have many desires." I sat up and he props up onto his elbows "I want you Choromatsu" I pause as I lower the sleeve of my nightgown. "I need you~"

He blushes before looking away and I held his face to look at me. "I don't want you holding back anymore." I say and he hums in uncertainty "Choromatsu..I don't want to hide this anymore and I don't want to be with my parents anymore. So when you have to leave later. Take me with you." I say and he hums before sitting up with a smile. "Okay." He says softly and kisses me softly.

He pulls away and moves my sleeve down to kiss from my shoulder to my neck. I felt his fangs graze my skin and hum. "You don't mind do you?" He asks and I smile before nodding. "Go ahead" I say placing my hands on his shoulders. He smiles and licks my neck. His fangs extend before he sunk them into my neck. I wince and whine as he drinks his fill.

I grip onto his shoulders and whine softly. "Choromatsu~" I whine and he hums before pulling off after about 3 minutes. I shudder as he licks the mark and pulls his face back, licking the blood from his fangs before retracting them. I blush and pull him into a kiss. He hums and kisses me back as I lean forward, laying him back.

I felt a tingle of excitement as I remove Choromatsu's top. Before this moment the most we would do is kiss and have small make out sessions. Now we would go all the way so I was excited. I pull away and blush when I saw his bare torso. He sat up to fully slide his top off before laying back again. I smile and kiss him softly.

When I pull away I push the bangs that covered his eye aside "that's better. I love seeing your eyes." I say softly before kissing him. He smiles and hums before he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I moan softly before squeaking as he flips me to be on top. I reach out to run my hands through his beautiful ebony hair. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He pulls away with a smile and I bite my lip when he pulls my nightgown off.

Choromatsu smiles before kissing down my body to the hem of my underwear. He took his time as well. When he finally reaches my underwear he rips them off. He lifts my legs up onto his shoulders and spread my legs open. I blush as he licks his lips before lowering his head to lick between my folds. I hum softly and lay a hand on his head as he eats me out. I push lightly on his head and he hums softly before pushing his tongue into my pussy.

I bite my lip and lightly grip his hair as he swirls his tongue deep inside me. "Oh Choromatsu~ I'm gonna cum~" I moan as my tongue lolls out. He hums and pushes his tongue deeper while reaching up to rub my clit. I moan loudly as he pushed his tongue deeper while pressing on my stimulated clit. "Ah!~ I'm cumming!~" I moan out and my back arches as I cum on his face while gripping his hair.

I felt my body trembling as he pulls away and licks his lips before wiping them off. I blush and sat up to see the tent in his pants. "You want to help with that?" I ask pushing my thighs together. He shook his head and leans in to kiss me. "If we're doing this, I'm going to fill you up~" He purrs laying a hand on my belly. I blush and smile before pushing my pussy open for him.

"Then fuck me already~" He blushes softly before pulling his bottoms off. I blush and I saw his dick for the first time but I smile softly. I hum as he slides his dick between my wet folds. "You really want to do this?" he asks and I nod "yes~ please fuck me~" I purr as I roll my hips "I want to feel you inside me~" He hums before lining up with my pussy and holds my hips. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I whine as he pushes into me and gasp when our hips bump into each other. I moan softly and wrap my arms around his neck as he thrusts slowly. I bite my lip as I could feel my walls stretch and I could feel his dick as it throbs. "Y/n~ you're soo tight~" he moans before lifting my hips and thrusting faster. I moan as I feel him hitting deep inside of me and pull him into a deep kiss. He kisses back before pulling out all the way and thrusting back in.

I pull away and scratch his back as I threw my head back as he hits my g-spot "oh yes!~ keep d-doing that~" I moan out and he moans softly before thrusting harder, repeatedly hitting my g-spot. "Oh~ Choromatsu!~ I'm gonna cum!~" I moan out and he moans into my ear. "Me too~ fuck~" he moans with growl before thrusting inhumanly fast. I was moaning nonstop as my eyes rolls back and my tongue lolls out.

Then I let out a scream of pleasure as drool leaves my mouth. "Oh!~ m-my w-womb Ah~ y-you're hitting my w-womb!~" I moan out and he got this carnal look in his eyes before he grip my hips and starts to roughly pound me. I moan loudly and dug my nails deep into his back

"Nyah!~ I'm Cumming~ I'm cum-ah!~ OH CHOROMATSU I'M CUMMING!!~" I scream out as I came hard. My body became numb and I was panting hard while Choromatsu keeps thrusting letting out these low growls and I saw through lidded eyes that his eyes became red. It startled me a little but I just smile as his thrusts became fast and sloppy. "I'm gonna cum fuck! I'm gonna cum!" His voice was so deep it made my body shake with pleasure.

Then he thrusts right into to my womb and stills before he growls and dug his nails into my hips. "I'm cumming!~" he moans lowly with a slight snarl emitting from the back of his throat. I shudder and arch my back with a whiny moan as his cum flows heavily into my womb. I twitch slightly as I lay on my bed with heat flooding my body. Choromatsu pants softly above me and rubs my hips affectionately as he pulls out.

"Y/n." I hum and look at him "if you get dressed we can leave now." He says and I brighten up with a smile. I sat up and hug him "I love that idea. I'll get dressed." I say before going to my dresser. I quickly get dressed while Choromatsu does the same. Choromatsu opens the balcony door and I write a quick note for my parents.

I walk over to Choromatsu and he held my hand. We walk out onto the balcony and he pulls me onto his back. "Hold on." He says before jumping down and landing gracefully. I smile at him and he smiles back before he runs, with me on his back, away from the place I once knew as home. The note I left for my parents had a single word


Years have passed and my parents never searched for me. Not that I cared I was enjoying my new life with my new family. I became Choromatsu's wife and I gave him two children.

We were a happy family now.

Never again did Choromatsu and I have to conceal our love nor did we have to limit the love we showed one another.

Osomatsu-san Oneshots (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now