Shyness is cute 🍋(Osomatsu x Shy! reader) Lemon

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For Cookiemoonlight

"Osomatsu are you sure?" I ask shyly as I held the outfit in my hands. He nods and puts his hands together "Please y/n~ it'll be so cute~" he begs and I smile softly before looking down at the outfit. "...okay..I'll wear it." I say shyly and he smiles before I went to their bathroom to change. When I finished changing I look into the mirror with a blush on my face.

Did it look cute? Sure.

It just looked...embarrassing.

I fiddled with the end of the dress before sighing and shyly walking back to the living room

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I fiddled with the end of the dress before sighing and shyly walking back to the living room. I shyly peek into the room to see Osomatsu sitting in the middle of the room. "Well do you like it?" He asks and I blush "it's's a little tight though." I say before walking into the room. "It hugs my body." I say softly and he smiles "I know. It looks good on you."

I blush softly and he waves me over. I walk over and sit in front of him. He pulls me into his lap and held my waist. "Look at how cute you look." He says and I blush "stop it." I say with a pout and he chuckles "nope. You are too cute." He says and I smile softly before blushing as he rubs my sides. I blush and glance away. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod

"I'm just...I'm just a little nervous.." I say shyly and he smiles before kissing me softly. "Don't be nervous. You trust me right?" He asks and I nod "I do...but I don't know if you'll like what you see." I say shyly as I look down. He lifts my head and smiles before kissing me. I moan softly as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. He pulls away to kiss my neck. I whine softly and grip his shoulders. I moan softly as he found my soft spot. I smile shyly as he licks and gently kisses the spot.

I shyly place my hand on his crotch to feel how hard he was. He hums under my touch and pulls back with a smile "Hey it's okay. Don't be so shy~" he coos and I glance up with a blush before he pulls off his hoodie. I lean to kiss from his collarbone down to the hem of his pants. I move a hand to unbuckle his belt and pulled his pants off. I blushed as I saw his dick strain against his boxers so I pulled them off.

I bite my lip as it sprung up. I remove my gloves and poke the tip with my finger with a blush as his dick throbs. I gulp nervously before placing my mouth over the tip and slid my head down until I reach the hilt. He moans softly and lays a hand on my head. I bob my head while my tongue presses against his shaft. I smile softly at the moans he released with every movement of my head. I move my hands to caress his thighs and he bucks his hips making me whine softly.

I bob my head faster and he moans as he grips my hair. I pull off and he smiles as I lean in to kiss him. I blush as I trace my hand up the underside of his dick as it twitches. I reach behind me and unzip the back of my dress. I slip the top half off and he lays his hands on my breasts. I moan softly as he fondles and squeezes my breasts. He kisses me deeply as he massaged my breasts and I wrap my arms around his neck. I moan as his tongue pushes on mine.

He hums and leans me back onto the floor. I pull away with a blush as he held my hips with a pleading look in his eyes. I smile softly and nod shyly "ok..let's do it." I say shyly and he smiles before pulling my underwear off. I shyly cover myself and glance away but he pulls my hands away before leaning down to lick my pussy. I moan softly and lay a gentle hand on his head as he licks my wet slit.

"Oh~ Osomatsu~" He chuckles lightly before propping my legs on his shoulders and pushing his tongue into my pussy. I bite my lip as he pushes his tongue deep inside of me. "Oh~ Osomatsu~" I moan and lightly grip his hair. I heard him hum before pushing his tongue deeper while moving a hand up to rub my clit. "Oh~ Osomatsu~ I'm g-gonna to c-cum!~" I moan and he moans softly before gently holding my waist and pulling me further down onto his face.

His tongue rubs my g-spot and that was all it took. I push on his head and arched my back. "Oh!~ Osomatsu!~ Ha!~" I moan out and grip onto his hair. I glance down and blush hard "you okay?" I ask softly and he pulls away to wipe his mouth before nodding. He pulls my dress off completely and I shyly spread my legs before he settled between them, his dick nudging my wet pussy.

"You ready y/n?" I nod and took a deep breath. "Go ahead. Just go slow." He held my hips and slowly pushed in. I wrap my arms around his neck and hiss at the slight pain. He panted as he pushed all the way in. "Oh wow. It's so warm~" he moaned as his tongue lolled out. I took a few breaths as I adjusted to his size. I gave a slight roll of my hips and hum.

"Y-You can m-move." I say shyly and he smiles before holding my hips as starts to thrust slowly. I was impressed by his control as he went slow and steady for me. Then dull pain became utter pleasure. I whine softly and bite my lip "you okay y/n?" He asks pausing for a second and I rolled my hips "F-Faster~ Go faster~" I moan softly and his smile widens before he kisses me deeply.

I pull away and bite my lip as he starts picking up the speed of his thrusts. I grip the floor and cover my mouth, moaning into my hand. He pulls my hand away and kisses my forehead. "Don't be shy~ let those moans out~" he coos before thrusting faster and I moan out "Oh Y-Yes! Like t-that!~" I hear him chuckle and go little harder. I moan out for him and pull him down onto me. "Ah~ Osomatsu~ G-Go h-harder p-please~" I moan and he nods before pulling away and sitting up again to hold my waist. He pulls out to the tip and thrusts deep into me.

I wail and grip onto his back as he continues pounding me "Oh~ k-keep g-going!~ Don't stop!~" I moan and he smiled shakily "wasn't p-nah~ planning o-on ah~ it. Oh g-god~ you're soo tight~" He says between pants and moans as he went faster than he already was. I begun to feel pressure build within me and wail out. "Ha!~ I'm a-about to c-cum!~" Osomatsu hums and holds me closer, our skin flush together "Go ahead~ I want to see you cum on my dick~" He purrs and I scratch his back slightly as he continues to pound me hard.

I felt the world around me spin as I got closer to my orgasm. I felt Osomatsu hit my g-spot and that pushed me over the edge. I arched my back with a loud moan as I came. "Osomatsu!~ I'm cumming!" I cry out and he moans. I glance at him and I swear I saw hearts in his eyes as he continues thrusting into me.

His thrusts became shallow and sloppy as he neared the edge. Until he stilled deep inside me with a loud moan of my name. I gasp and bite my lip as he came inside me. We both lay down panting heavily as we came down from our highs. I shyly kiss his forehead and he smiles before pulling out. I shudder and hum as he lays down on me. I hug him tightly and he smiles before kissing my cheek.

"I loved hearing you call out to me~" He coos and I smile shyly before nudging my nose on his. "Thanks I felt amazing." I say softly and he smiles "did you feel good?" He asks and I blush "I wouldn't have been moaning like that if I didn't." I say and he chuckles "True. Well you felt great y/n and you were so cute." He says and I blush before hiding my face "oh don't be like that~"

I just hug him tightly and he smiles before kissing my cheek. We both got our clothes back on before we just watch some TV. I lean back against his chest as he held my waist. He leans down to nuzzle his face on mine. "I love you y/n" He says softly and I smile before shyly kissing his cheek. "I love you too." I say softly as I snuggle into his hold.

At least he saw my shyness as cute rather than seeing it as annoying.

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