Sensitivity 🍋(Yakuza! Osomatsu x Yakuza! reader) Lemon

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For BadEnglishGirl7 This may be different then what you expected.

I was at this huge party where multiple yakuza's, of course we were all allies with one another. I was standing around by myself watching everyone else when Osomatsu walks up to me. I sigh but stay where I am as I took a drink. He has been flirting with me constantly for a while. I'll admit he looks cute and with that suit of his he looks pretty good but I didn't want anything to do with any men.

No offense to him as he didn't seem that bad but I have reasons for not wanting anything to do with men. Well he walks up to me with that smug smirk. "Hey y/n~ I didn't think you'd be here~" I turn to him with a raised eyebrow "Why?" I ask and he hums "Well I didn't think you'd be here because that issue you have with men." He says and I roll my eyes "I can come to these events I just avoid the men." I say and he hums moving closer to me

"Why do you avoid men so much?" He asks and I lean away. "I have my reasons and speaking of that." I say and he follows me continuously asking why with that smirk. I didn't get mad because he wasn't doing any harm. I mean as long as he didn't touch me or anything it's nothing I can't handle. Well it was fine until he tried to stop me by reaching out to grab my hand.

I blush hard before quickly pulling my hand back. He stares at me with a look of confusion "huh? Why are you so flustered?" He asks stepping closer and I step back "N-No s-stay over t-there." I stutter and he hums but continues moving closer. "Why are you stuttering now? You aren't exactly the nervous type." I gulp and glance around to see that not too many people were near us.

As I was glancing around Osomatsu became really close. I turn my head to see him right in front of me with a questioning look. I blush and step back "y/n why-" "I'm sensitive to touch." I say and he hums "I..I am overly sensitive to touch..I avoid men because for whatever reason their touch is worse for my sensitivity..I get really flustered and once...I accidentally...moaned." I say and hid my face

"I don't know why I'm like this. Recently it's been really the point where I have to avoid men in general so I don't risk them touching me even if it's accidental."

He was silent and I felt the judgement or I thought it was judgement. He proved to me that it wasn't when he pulls my hands away and hugs me. I blush heavily and try to push away. "L-Let me g-go! A-Are you trying to make me flustered because I-" "Not at all..I'm just trying to make you feel seemed sad." He says and holds me closer while rubbing my back.

I blush harder and bite my lip to hold back any noises. He pulls back and held my face making me hum "I'm not going to judge the woman I love for something she can't control." He says and I stare at him surprised before I smile shyly. "...T-Thank you" I say softly and he smiles before leaning in to lay his forehead against mine. I blush and glance down at his lips before slowly leaning in.

When I kiss him I felt my blush worsen as he hums and pulls me close before kissing back. I blush and gasp softly as he rubs my sides before pulling away. I look at him and he smiles. I blush and grab his hand before leaving the party with him. I took him to my car and once in the car I drove off. I felt myself become more flustered..and horny as he gently rubs and touches my sides, knees, arms and thighs. Mostly my thighs.

I was trembling from the touches by the time we reach our destination. A simple motel. I get out of the car with him and find the front desk. I walk up to the worker, a man in his early 20's maybe no younger than me "I need a room. Now." I say with urgency and he hums "My manager has a rule that on such short notice you need to wait for about an hour." He says not yet looking at me.

I slam my hands on the counter and he jumps before turning to me. He went pale when he saw me "yeah yeah, I'm a yakuza and you obviously know who I am." I say and got in his face "I. Need. A. Room. Now." He nods and gives me a random room key. "R-Right. Sorry m-ma'am" He says and I snatch the key before pulling a surprised Osomatsu with me. I found the room and open the door.

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