Apocalyptic Family (Father! Karamatsu x Daughter! reader) Sad/Angst

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For CryptOfDrawings

I was walking around with my dad and uncles. We were looking for shelter before it got to dark. "Daddy...I'm getting tired..and hungry." I whine as I clutch my growling stomach. My dad looks down and picks me up. Luckily I was light for a 12 year old. "I know sweetie. I can carry you for now as for hunger...Ichimatsu?" He turns to uncle Ichimatsu who immediately searches though his bag. "Here y/n. You can have this."

I hum when I saw he had an apple in his hand and immediately grab it. As I ate it I heard uncle Osomatsu hum. "Where'd you get that?" He asks and uncle Ichimatsu shrugs "remember when we stopped at that market? Yeah." He says and Uncle Osomatsu nods. I glance up as I ate and saw a store that looked abandoned but was enclosed in a large fence.

"Um dad. What about there?" I ask pointing and my dad stops to look. "Hm. That could work if we find a way in." He says and we start walking over. Until I saw uncle Jyushimatsu pause and glance around with those cat eyes. "Uncle Jyushi-" He shushes me and everyone looks at him. That's when we heard the groaning.

Groaning of the undead.

Everyone turned to the tree line to see the zombies approaching quickly, practically running, and my dad holds me closer. "RUN!" He yells and everyone ran towards the store where someone was walking alongside the enclosure. We made it to the gate door and my dad gets the guy's attention. "Please! Help us!" He yells and the guy gave him a look. I noticed that his appearance was kind of geeky.

"Please. I have a child with me." My dad pleads and the guy looks at me with a soft look before glancing behind us. He went wide eyed and rushes to open the gate. "Hurry! Inside!" The guy shouts and we don't argue as he run in and he closes the gate just in time. I let out a squeal and hide my face in my dad's shoulder as the zombies try to reach through the gate.

I was startled as a gun went off followed by a "FUCK OFF!" I saw the zombies run away and we all turn to see another guy. This one in a goth style. He had a glare and a deep scowl before storming up to the first guy. He smacks him upside the head "Karla you idiot! You're lucky they didn't break through!" He yells before glancing at us. "Why did you let them in! We don't know them!"

"But Itchy...that guy has his daughter with him." The guy named Karla says and Itchy looks over at me as I was set down by my dad. "Please forgive us. My name is Karamatsu and these are my brothers Osomatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu. This little girl" my dad says petting my head "is my daughter y/n." I smile shyly and wave "hi..sorry if we scared you."

Itchy looks at all of us before turning to Karla. "Please Itchy." Itchy sighs and shrugs "Okay." He says and Karla smiles before hugging Itchy. They lead us into the store where there were four other boys inside. They were introduced as Orson, Charlie, Juicy, and Todd. When everything settled down they asked for our story which uncle Osomatsu gave a summed up version.

At one point itchy glances at me and my dad. My dad was holding me close, petting my head. Then he asks something that made my family go silent.

"What happened to her mom?"

Karla shoves Itchy and turns to us "I'm so sorry. He didn't-" "no it's okay." My dad cuts him off and I felt his hand shake. I look up at him with a curious look. "Daddy...What did happen to my mom?" I ask and now everyone went silent. "oh shit." Itchy mutters "I'm sorry I guess I should've kept my mouth shut." He says and my dad and uncles sigh sadly. "Really it's okay...before this whole nightmare started..I was married to the most amazing woman..so kind and understanding." My dad starts and I look at him as I listen.

"Then I discovered she was pregnant. Our first child...with a month left in her pregnancy...that's when everything changed and became a living hell." He says and I hum softly while everyone else looks at my dad with sullen looks. "When she finally went into labor and had the baby...she was bitten not long after...and I had the job of putting her to rest...my little y/n is all I have left of her..because she has her mother's eyes."

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