Don't Leave Me (Osomatsu x little sister! reader)

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For Yumsyoom

I was running home with great news for my family. I rush into the house and in my loudest voice "Everyone in the living room! I have great news!" When I say that everyone gathers into the living room. So now I was standing in front of my brothers and my parents with the biggest grin. "So what is it my dear sister?" Karamatsu asks and I smile wide "I finally got a job!" I say with a squeal and everyone lit up.

"No way!" They shout with smiles and I nod before they start to congratulate me. "What's the job?" Choromatsu asks and I smile "it's a job at this fashion industry in America!" I say in an excited tone. "America? Wow that is a big deal." My dad says and my mom nods with a smile before hugging me "We are so proud y/n." She says and I hug her back. "Oh we need to celebrate!" Jyushimatsu says clapping his hands together and I smile.

"Yes we should and I know just what to make for dinner." My mom says before heading to the kitchen with dad following. Ichimatsu walks up and messes up my hair "Good job y/n." He says and I smile "hehe thanks Ichimatsu-niisan." I say and giggle as my brothers ask me questions or continue to congratulate me. All except Osomatsu who just went quiet and stares at me.

When dinner rolled around I noticed how silent Osomatsu had become. It brought back unpleasant memories. So I decided to ask what's wrong. "Osomatsu-niisan..Are you okay?" I ask and he looks at me "Why America? That's so far away." He says and I hum "because it's beneficial for me and it's a great opportunity for me." I say and he looks down.

"Well it's a horrible opportunity for me!"

I froze when he raises his voice and the rest of my brothers tense. "What do you mean?" I ask and he clicks his tongue "It's so far away and it's not fair." I stare at him with narrowed eyes "not fair? Osomatsu it's a job with a great opportunity. Why can't you just be happy!" He looks away and I frown "you were happy when I mentioned I got a job and now you are against it. Even if it is far away what does that matter?!"

He went silent before standing up. I saw my brothers tense again. Osomatsu stares at me and huffs "just forget it..I'm heading out." He says and we watch as he left the room and went out the front door. I jump when he slams the front door close. Karamatsu sighs and stood up. I heard him mumble "not this again." before following after Osomatsu. I just sigh and go back to eating as everyone tries to make conversation again.

For the next week Osomatsu avoided me and didn't really talk with me. Even when I tried to ask why he was so upset. He wouldn't talk to me...or anyone for that matter. Until the day I had to leave. I was packing up my final suitcase when Osomatsu walks in. "..hey." He says and I turn to look at him as I close the suitcase. "So he finally speaks." I say but smile "Hey Osomatsu-niisan." I say and he walks over.

"Look I'm sorry for getting so upset..and for ignoring you." He says and I hum "it's okay...are you finally going to tell me what's wrong?" I ask and he hums "the truth is I don't want you to leave. You're my little sister and I care about you a lot." He says and I hum "You are honestly the best little sister ever and I love you...and I don't want to be left alone. I know I won't really be alone but-" I cut him off by hugging him tightly.

"I get it..honestly you could have just said that you would miss me." I say as I tear up "because I'm going to miss you too. I'm going to miss you so much Osomatsu-niisan." I say as I start crying and I heard him let out a shaky breath before hugging me close. We both hug each other tightly.

When time came for me to leave and I put the final suitcase into my car I turn to my family. I smile and hug each of them. Each of them gave a parting message. When it got to Osomatsu before I could say anything he hugs me tightly. I smile and hug him back "Promise to call and visit us whenever you can okay?" I giggle softly and nod "I know, you going to be okay?" He nods and pulls back.

He kisses my forehead and I smile before kissing his cheek. After one final hug I got into my car and gave a final wave to everyone before I drive off. I smile and glance in my mirror to see my brothers still waving. I look back to the road with tears in the corner of my eyes and a smile on my face.

Even if I was far away from them nothing would keep us apart.

They are my family and I'll be damned if this job keeps me from seeing them.

After all I have to keep my promise to Osomatsu.

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