Love or Possession (Yandere! Teacher! Matsu Bros x Shy! reader)

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For Cookiemoonlight

You know the routine, reader is 18 and brothers are 28. The reader is also innocent with slight family issues.

This story will be a two parter.

I was currently in english class, my first class of the day, listening to Karamatsu as he lectures us about poetry. Poetry wasn't my favorite subject. Why? Because I always wrote dark stuff. Then he asked for the class to write our own poems. It could be about whatever as long as it followed the poetry rules.

I let out a sigh and start writing. Big surprise it was a dark poem. Karamatsu was walking around looking over everyone's poems then he reaches me and stops. He took the poem and I look at him nervously as his eyes scan the paper. Then he looks at me and hands it back.

"See me after class."

I follow his instructions and stay after class. As expected he asked about the poem which happened to be about abuse. "Y/n..are you okay?" He asks and I look down "y/n look at me." He says and I look up at him "look me in the eyes and tell me. What's wrong?" I sigh and glance away. "It's nothing...I just have a little bit issues." I say and he was about to say something but his next class had started to walk in.

He just looks at me with this protective look in his eyes. "You can go." He says and I nod before getting up and walking away with my head down. I felt blush rise to my face.

That was so nerve racking.

I was in math class working on a work sheet as Choromatsu watches over us. Then Karamatsu enters the room. "Choromatsu. I need to speak with you. In the hall." He says and glances at me. I shyly look away as our eyes met and look down. Choromatsu leaves the class and I was wondering what they were talking about. Then Choromatsu enters the room with a small scowl before sitting back down.

For the rest of class Choromatsu kept his eyes on me. When class ended I shyly scuffle our of the room and I could still feel his gaze on me.

The same thing happened with Osomatsu and Todomatsu. Karamatsu would walk in and talk to them then they would keep their eyes on me the whole class. It was a little weird. I was already shy so the extra attention didn't help. When P.E. rolled around I was a little more calm as I liked P.E. and I really liked the teacher. Jyushimatsu was so nice and helped whenever I struggled.

Today we were outside running a few laps before we got to play baseball which made me excited. I heard whispers behind me and a few giggles. I hum and glance back to see two girls that were really mean to me. They would talk behind my back and because I was shy I never stood up for myself. I sigh and turn back around they were probably talking about me.

Then I hear footsteps behind before I was shoved to the ground. I gasp and yelp when I hit the ground. The girls laugh before a loud "HEY!" makes everyone stop. I knew it was the teacher and he sounded angry. I push myself up to see him walk over with a stern look. "You girls. my office. Now." He says in a stern tone and the girls just slowly nod before walking away. He then kneels down to me

"Are you okay y/n? Are you hurt?" He asks and helps me up "my knee hurts but I think I'm okay." I say and he hums "Everyone continue with your laps! I'm taking y/n to the nurse's office." He says before walking with me into the school. He actually walked me to the nurse's office and I saw Ichimatsu looking through files. "Ichimatsu-niisan, y/n needs help." He says and Ichimatsu turns around pretty quickly.

"Oh dear, what happened?" He asks and walks over "two girls pushed her down and she scraped her knee." Jyushimatsu says and Ichimatsu hums "well I can fix that easily." He says before setting me on the bed and looking through his cabinet. Jyushimatsu went to leave "I'm going to head back." He says and Ichimatsu hums "Oh?" Jyushimatsu nods "I have two girls that need to be dealt with." He says before leaving.

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