Love Triangle (Ichimatsu x reader x Karamatsu)

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For CryptOfDrawings
I really hope you like this. Sorry if I changed anything.

I was at the matsuno house patiently waiting for my boyfriend, Ichimatsu, to return. I had to wait because if I didn't he would get mad. Well as I sat on the front step waiting Karamatsu came home. He stops and looks at me "Oh hello my dear y/n. Why are you not inside?" He asks and I hum "Ichimatsu gave strict instructions to wait outside." I say and he hums "Whatever for?" He asks and I look up at him.

"Because his brothers "can't be trusted" around me." I say and smile nervously before sighing. "But it's hot out. At least take off that jacket." He says and I clutch the ends of said jacket "n-no no I'm good." I say and he hums "y/n." I hum and look up to see him with a serious face. "Inside. Now." He says and I glance away "but Ichimatsu-" "or would you rather I take that jacket off out here?" He says and I went silent.

"...okay let's go in." I say softly and he let me in. I saw that no one else seemed to be home as Karamatsu lead me to the living room. We both sat down and he crosses his arms. "The jacket. Take it off." He says and I glance up at him. "Y/n please. I need to know." He says with a concerned face and a softened look in his eyes. I sigh and pull the jacket off. Karamatsu went wide eyed and I rub my bruised arms.

"Oh my god." He says and reaches out to trace over one of the bruises on my shoulder. "Did he do this?" He asks and I was silent. He held my face and leans in "Did Ichimatsu do this?" He asks and I nod "..Why hide it? Why not tell me? You know I care about you." I look down and sigh "because it's my fault and I love him. I don't want him getting in trouble...I'm kind of use to it." I say and Karamatsu held my face up.

"A woman should never be use to abuse like this." He says and I smile "it's okay really. He loves me too I know it..he just has trouble showing it..besides I can change him and maybe improve his behav-" "y/n look at yourself. Look at your situation." He says and I shut up "I have had my suspicions for a while but I didn't want to believe it. Y/n I love you but do you honestly believe you could change him?" He asks and I bite my lip before looking at him.

"Wait a love me?" I ask and he hums "...oh forget it. Yes, y/n, I love you so much and that's why it pains me to see you like...this." He gestures to the bruising and I pull my jacket back on. "Y/n. Please. Think about your situation." He says and holds my hands. I blush softly and glance around before looking at him. "Karamatsu I-"

"What is going on here?"

I froze and feel my stomach drop as I turn to see Ichimatsu with a slight glare. I pull my hands away and try to say something what came out was a whimper. "Y/n." He says and I flinch "Come here. I need to talk to you." He says and I got up but Karamatsu stood up. Karamatsu grabs my wrist, gently, and pulls me behind him. "She is not going anywhere." I look at Karamatsu with a blush.

"Excuse me?" Ichimatsu asks and Karamatsu glares at him "Did I stutter? She isn't going anywhere with you." He says and reaches back to hold my hand. I blush but cower back as Ichimatsu glares at him. "I may be able to handle your constant abuse but she can't! She's a fragile, sensitive woman! You can't treat her like that!" Karamatsu yells and I whimper softly.

"Frankly this is none of your business Karamatsu." Ichimatsu says and Karamatsu scowls "h-he's r-right." I say softly and they both look at me. "...even though I loved abusive to me." I say and look at Karamatsu. "That's why..." I pause and gulp before hugging Karamatsu's arm. "That's why I think I would be happier with Karamatsu...even if I still love you...I can't put up with your abuse anymore."

Ichimatsu turns his glare to me and I cower back. He was about to lunge at me but Karamatsu intercepted him. I watch in horror as those two fought. Neither one of them holding back. I was scared until Karamatsu gave a hard punch to the side Ichimatsu's head. Not only did that knock Ichimatsu off but it seemed to knock him out.

Karamatsu stood up panting and gasping before looking at me. He smiles and walks over to hug me. I hug him tightly as tears leave my eyes. "Sh~ Sh~ it's okay~ I'm here~ I'm here~" He coos as he rubs my back and lifts my head. "I promise. No one will ever hurt again." He says and I look at him with a smile "r-really?" I ask and he kisses my forehead "Yes, not while I'm alive." He says before kissing me and I blush before kissing back.

This felt better. It felt right. This was real love.

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