Cosplay Convention 🍋(Ichimatsu x reader) Lemon

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For FWPlacencia

I was very excited to go to my first anime convention. I was even cosplaying though that wasn't why I was excited. Ichimatsu, my boyfriend, had decided to come along. When we got to the convention I told him I had to go to one of the change rooms to put on my cosplay. When I put on my cosplay which was a female version of cat noir from miraculous ladybug I was excited to see what Ichimatsu thought about it.

When I step out he turns his head with a hum before I hear his breath hitch with a faint blush. "Well~ do you like it?" I ask with a smile as I spun around and he just gave a nod. I smile and took his hand in mine "let's go explore!" I say with excitement and he blushes again. I lead him to a lot of different stands that either had collectibles, art, or other anime related merchandise.

I even went to a stand that did quick sketches and got one of me and Ichimatsu. The sketch was of me and Ichimatsu linked at the arms with me holding a peace sign in front of my eye. I loved it and paid the artist before we continue walking through the convention. As I was walking I dropped my wallet as I was trying to place it back. So I bent over to get it and I turn red when I heard the tip of fabric.

I shot up and glance back to not only see a shocked Ichimatsu but to see a rip in my costume. The tip was bad and if I bent over again you could see my underwear. With Ichimatsu covering me I went to the change room, this time I let Ichimatsu come in so he could tell me just how bad it was and if I should change. He blushes before telling me the rip went right between the crack off my ass and I blush hard.

I whine and pout "That sucks. I just bought this." I whine and cross my arms "Now I have to take it off." I say with a sigh before humming as Ichimatsu wraps his arms around my waist. " don't need to take it off right away...I mean it's really..." he trails off as he rubs my sides before moving his hands up "it's really sexy~" he purrs and cups my breasts making me gasp before I bite my lip as he fondles them.

"W-Wait I-Ichi~ N-Not h-here~ we could get caught~" I whine before moaning softly as he kisses my soft spot. "Then we'll be quick~" he purrs before turning me around and kissing me. I squeak and feel my eyes roll back as he slips his tongue into my mouth before he pushes me against the wall. I moan into his mouth and wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls away and pushes my top off my shoulder. He hums and kisses from my neck to my shoulder. I moan and bite my lip as he lightly bites my shoulder. He really knew how to make me melt. I blush hard when I felt him push up against me. "W-What? H-How are you so hard?" I ask with heated breath and he kisses me before roaming his hand up and down my side.

"Your outfit~" he purrs into my ear and I blush before moaning as he rubs my pussy through my costume. I blush and flinch when I hear the rip of fabric. I gave him a look and he smirks "It was already ripped so it's not that big a deal." He says and I roll my eyes with a smile before moaning as he rubs my slit through my underwear. He kisses deeply and I hum as I hear him pull the zipper down.

The zipper stops just below my breasts which were now revealed, I did still have my bra on. "Don't want you getting overheated~" he purrs before pushing my underwear aside and pushes two fingers into my wet pussy. I moan and bite my lip as he pumps his fingers in and out of my pussy. I pant softly and moan before reaching my hand down to lay on his crotch.

He stops with a hum and smirks "you said we'd be quick right?" I ask as I cup his erection and he bites his lip with a hum. "Yes~" I reach my other hand up to pull my mask and wig off to drop them to the floor. "Then hurry up and put it in." I say wrapping my arms around his neck and he pushes his bottoms down. I blush but smile when his dick sprung up before he lifts one leg to wrap around his waist.

I bite my lip as he lines up and nudges my pussy with his dick. "You want me to go slow or-" I pull him into a kiss and bit my lip when I pull back "I don't care. Just fuck me~" I purr and he purrs before thrusting deep into me. I tilt my head back with a moan and clutch onto his shoulders. "Oh~ Ichimatsu~" I moan softly and he grunts softly "Heh~ you're still tight y/n~"

I huff and bite my lip "Well I have a lot to accommodate so give me a brea-ah~" I cut off into a moan as he starts thrust slow and deep. I let out moans and whines as he still manages to stretch even if we did this not long ago. For reference, last time we had sex was literally two days ago. Not that I wasn't enjoying every minute of it. He was big and thick sure but god damn he made me tremble with pleasure.

"Oh~ Ichi-matsuuu~ f-fuck me up~" I moan and he nips at my ear. "You sure~ your voice will get loud kitten~" he purrs and I moan "I don't care~ I want to feel your dick pound my pussy~" I moan out and he hums before licking my ear. He pulls back and moves my leg onto his shoulder. He grips both my thigh and hip as he pulls out to the tip only to slam back in.

I tilt my head back with a moan and bite my lip with a smirk as he fulfills my request. He starts to pound me hard. I moan out and grip onto his shoulders as he goes rough on me. I pull back a bit and kiss him deeply. He smiles and pushes his tongue on mine making me moan. However I moan louder into his moans when he hits my g-spot. I pull back a bit "oh~ t-there~ Ichi~" I moan and he immediately kisses me deeply.

I moan out into his mouth as he continues to pound me while hitting my g-spot. He moves both hands to grip my hips as he thrusts faster. He pulls back with a moan and bites his lip. "Fuck~ I'm gonna cum~" he moans and I moan as he went faster as a result. Which brought me even closer to orgasm. I moan out and held him close as my back arches.

"Oh!~ Ichimatsu!~" I moan out as I came with a shudder. Ichimatsu groans and holds me close before he thrusts deep into me. He let out an airy moan before he came deep inside of me and I tremble with a whine as I felt his cum flow into me. I pant softly and hum as he kisses my forehead. I smile before biting my lip as pulls out and pulls my underwear back in place.

While Ichimatsu pulls his bottoms back up I change out of my cosplay into my casual clothes. After packing my cosplay back into my bag I turn to Ichimatsu who has a smug smile. "Don't give me that look...I think I have had my fill today..let's go home." I say and we quickly leave the room and rush out of the building.

As we walk I heard Ichimatsu hum "you seemed to like it." He says and I nod "I did. However Ichimatsu?" I turn to him and he hums. I put on the sweetest smile I could and in the sweetest voice I say "If you pull a stunt like that again. In a public setting. You lose privileges." I say and he hums "oh really? What privileges?" He asks with a smirk and I hum

"I can take away the privilege of cuddles and head pets you know?"

He went silent before hugging me as we walk "okay...point taken I won't do it again." He says and I smile before petting his head. "I love you Ichimatsu." I say and he hums "love you too." He says and I smile.

I would never actually take that privilege away but he did take it seriously and tried his best to not do that stuff in public settings.

I would never take that away from him because I know how much he loves to cuddle with me and he absolutely loves when I scratch/pet his head.

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