The Best Gift 🍋(Matsu Bros x reader) Lemon

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This is a really long one😅

I was over at the Matsuno house to spend Christmas with my boyfriends. When I came over I saw they were all dressed in santa outfits. They looked cute. I watch with smile as they exchange their gifts. They did it in such a unique way and it was quite amusing to watch. Well once they did that Karamatsu handed me a gift with a blush. "It's something from all of us." He says and I smile before taking the gift.

I open it and hum as I saw a Santa style dress. It actually looked nice.

(Pretend that it's sleeveless)

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(Pretend that it's sleeveless)

"I like it. It's cute." I say and kiss his cheek "here I can go try it on." I say and they nod before I left to the bathroom. I strip down and pull the dress on, hat included, when I saw something else in the box. I hum and look to see a pair of red lingerie underwear. I raise an eyebrow before smirking. "Those boys. Well okay then." I say before slipping my underwear off to slide on the lingerie. It actually fit pretty nicely.

I smile and walk out of the bathroom to the living room. "So" I pause to give a flirty pose "how does it look?~" they all look in awe before smiling "it looks really good." Osomatsu says "very pretty." Karamatsu adds "It really suits you y/n!" Jyushimatsu says and I smirk before walking over. I bend over using my arms to push up my breasts. "Now. About the underwear." I say with a sultry look and they blush before turning to Osomatsu.

"You actually included them?" Choromatsu deadpans and Osomatsu shrugs with a laugh "you aren't mad are you?" Todomatsu asks and I smile "Oh no, I'm not. I was just surprised." I say before standing up and lifting my dress. "I'm surprised that the fit so well that is~" they all blush and some get bloody noses. "It's a nice gift. How about I give you guys my gift?" I say and they hum before I smile.

"My gift is pretty simple" I say and sat down in front of them. "But it should be something you'll enjoy" I say and propping my legs open a bit "I'm your gift tonight~" I purr and I smile at their stunned silence before they look at each other with smiles. "That should be fun." Osomatsu says as Jyushimatsu got up and sat behind me. He pulls me close as the others made their way over to me.

I smile and turn my head to Jyushimatsu before kissing him. He smiles and eagerly kisses back. I hum as I feel my dress get pulled up and pushed down. So now both my breasts and my underwear were showing. Jyushimatsu pulls away and lays me down but my head rests on his lap. I blush softly as Osomatsu cups my right breast while Karamatsu cups the other. Both men were pretty gentle as the fondle my breasts.

"Oh wow~ they really are soft~" Osomatsu smiles and I saw Karamatsu roll his eyes but he didn't disagree. I hum as I feel a gentle hand rub my belly and wasn't really surprised to see Todomatsu. I flinch as he lowers his head before moaning softly as he licks my belly. It tickles but it felt so good at the same time. "She's making noises!" Jyushimatsu says and I giggle softly before moaning as Karamatsu leans down to kiss my breast before licking my nipple.

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