I'll Protect You (Teacher! Choromatsu x Abused! reader)

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For topaz03

As usual the reader is 18 and Choromatsu is 28.

I was sitting in the school library waiting until it was safe for me to go home. I was mostly just drawing to pass the time. When the time finally came I got up and left the library. As I was walking I felt like someone was watching me. I hum and walk faster as I walk through the gates I heard quick footsteps behind me. Before I could react a hand grabs my wrist and I was gently pulled back.

I was going to scream but a hand was placed over my mouth. "Sh~ it's okay~ it's just me." I look up and was relieved to see Mr. Choromatsu. "Don't scream. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help." He says and I nod. He removes his hand and I turn around "help with what?" I ask and he looks around "come with me." He says and grabs my hand before walking in the opposite direction of my house.

"W-Wait..my house is-" "I'm taking you to my house. I need to talk with you." He says and I just stay silent as we walk. When we made it to his house I was nervous that I was in trouble. I mean I had nothing to be in trouble for. I was a good student. I didn't fight, I turn in my work, and I even help other students and teachers. So why did he need to talk with me?

He sat me down on the couch and sat beside me. "So why did-" "I have been watching over you." He says and I hum "What?" I ask and he looks at me. "I have seen the bruises that you try to hide. One day I followed you home out of concern. I saw what your dad did...yet I didn't do anything. I'm sorry for that but now I want to help you." He says and I look down "but first I want you to explain why this is happening."

I look away but he turns my head back. I glance down as tears well in my eyes. "It all started when my mom left. She left me and my dad for a wealthy man. I was only 8...when I turned 10 that's when my dad started to be cruel." I say and sigh shakily "he had me doing all the work around the house and if I argued he would force me into the basement and after turning the lights off he would lock the door."

I shudder at the memories and start crying "Then when I turn 14 I guess he thought the basement wasn't enough because he started hitting me, kicking me, he has even whipped my back with a belt...he would always tell me that I was pathetic and that no one would ever truly love me or care about me." I trail off and bite my lip before looking down

"he said my own mother didn't love me nor did she care about me...that I was the reason she left us."

As I cried Mr. Choromatsu pulls me into a hug "That's it. I'm calling the police." He says as he pats my back "it's okay y/n. I promise you, you are loved and people care about you." He coos and I scoff "name one." I say in a challenging tone and he pulls back to look at me. "Me." Was all he said and I stare at him in disbelief.

"Y/n. I care about you so much that's why I want to help you." He says and I look at him "well okay you care about me but you said I was loved...who loves me?" I ask and he was silent. I look down with a sad laugh "yeah..I thought so..no one would love me." I say as tears leave my eyes "I would." I hum and look up "What?" I ask and he glances away "I would. You're smart, funny, kind and..well you are beautiful."

I blush softly "you really think so?" I ask and he nods "Now I'm going to call the police so we can get this issue dealt with and during this I'm going to have you stay here with me. Okay?" I smile softly and nod before hugging him tightly "Oh Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." I say and pull away with a smile. In my excitement from being saved I went to kiss his cheek. But I missed and kissed him. On the lips.

I pull away after a minute and we stare at each in shock. "S-Sorry I meant to kiss your cheek. A simple gesture to show how thankful I was and I-hm?" I cut myself off when he held my face and smiles before kissing me softly. I squeak in surprise but I didn't pull away. At first it was because of the shock but then I just close my eyes and kiss back. I smile and feel a tear rub down my face.

We pull away and I blush softly before glancing down "..is this what love feels like?" I ask and he smiles before nodding "oh..it feels nice..I like this feeling." I say softly and nudge my forehead on his. He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Okay. Here's what we're going to do. First, I'm going to take a look at your wounds and take care of them, after I call the police. Then, I'm going to give something good to eat." I shyly held my stomach because I didn't think he noticed.

He smiles softly and held my hands "don't be embarrassed." He says and stood up with me "Now wait here while I make the call." He says as he pulls out his phone and walks into the kitchen. I just walk around looking at the pictures he had of his brothers and his parents. I smile softly at how he seemed so happy in all the photos. I wonder what that was like, living a happy life with a family that loves you. Like how a family should.

After a bit of waiting I walk into the kitchen right as he hung up. "They'll look into it and they'll be coming over to ask questions." He says and I smile before hugging him. "Thank you Mr. Choromatsu." He chuckles and hugs me back "You can call me Choromatsu." He says and I smile "Sorry...Thank you Choromatsu." I say and lay my head on his chest as he rubs my back. "No one is going to hurt you anymore. I'll be here to help and protect you. I promise."

So after some questioning the police went to my house where my dad was drunk on the couch. You see my dad was a violent drunk so when he lashed out at the police he was immediately arrested. It took a week before he was actually tried and put in jail for child abuse.

Best part is because I was an adult by law I got to stay with Choromatsu. I'm so happy that he helped me and now he gives me the love and care that I didn't have growing up. I am very grateful and I love him for what he did for me.

He made a promise to help and protect me and he kept to his promise.

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