The Dangers of Jealousy: Alternate Ending

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Suggested by topaz03

-Karamatsu's POV-

I was about to go to bed when I heard my phone buzz again. I was going to leave it be and check it in the morning since I was tired. But something was telling me to check my phone. It felt like an inner voice was yelling at me so I went to my phone and check it to see I had a message from y/n.

>Karamatsu. I love you so much. I'm sorry it took so long for me to say that but I love you and I want you to be happy. So I'll leave you to be happy.

"What? Leave me? What does that mean?" I ask myself "Karamatsu-niisan, we need to sleep." I hear Todomatsu say behind me but before I could respond my phone went off again.

>Goodbye my love❤️

When I read that I felt a pit in my stomach. Something was definitely wrong. Why would she say goodbye instead of goodnight? I shot up, startling my brothers. "Huh? What's wrong?" Choromatsu asks and I turn to them "it's y/n. Somethings wrong." I say and they all look concerned before I rush out. I noticed my brothers had decided to follow me as I rush to y/n's house. Once there I rush up to the door and bang on the door. After a bit a tired Totoko opens the door. "What are you do-" "Where is y/n?!"

She shook her head "huh? I don't know probably sleeping like I was before your banging woke me up." She says and I look at her with urgency "Can I see if she's okay? Please I need to see her." She hums before shrugging "Sure. Come on in." She says and I push past her to rush to y/n's room. I came up to her door and I hesitate for a second before barging into the room.

I was shocked when I saw y/n on a chair, about to put a noose around her neck. "What are you doing?!" I yell and rush over to her. I pull her away and she screams "No! Let me go! Let me go!" She yells while crying. Everyone heard the screams and rush up to the room. As they came up to the door I saw them just as surprised as y/n screams and cries.I hug her close and try to calm her but she glares at me.

"Why did you save me?! Why didn't you just let me die?!" Y/n wails as she grips the collar of my shirt. My eyes widen and I could tell my brothers were concerned beyond belief. "What do you mean why? I saved you because I love you." I say with a confused look and she shook her head before holding her head. "No. You're lying." She mumbles and I had her look at me.

"What? I'm not lying I-" "No! I know you're lying because I-mph!" I shut her up by pulling her into a kiss. She gave a whine and whimpers softly before kissing back. I pull away and hold her face "y/n. I love you so much. I don't know why you would think I was lying." I say and she looks down. I lift her head and she looks me in the eyes. "Why did you think I was lying?" I ask and I saw Totoko bite her lip before trying back away, but Osomatsu and Ichimatsu stopped her.

I glance over and so does y/n. I saw her go wide eyed before hiding behind me. I hum in confusion and look back at her. "Y/n, What's wrong darling?" I ask and she stares at Osomatsu and Ichimatsu. "I..I reason." She says and I look to my brothers. "I think Totoko could explain it...y/n we are sorry." Osomatsu says and y/n just stares at him.

I turn to Totoko along with everyone else and she hums. "I..uh" She trials off and Ichimatsu clicks his tongue. "She is the cause for y/n getting this way. Like she told Osomatsu and I, She wanted to ruin her...Why Osomatsu and I listened to her...Y/n we mean it when we say we are so sorry." Ichimatsu says and I stare at Totoko in shock and I saw y/n looked dumbfounded. Y/n glares at Totoko.


I jump at the raise in her voice before realizing. "Wait...What did Totoko do?" I ask and she turns to me. "Because of her I lost my café job! I lost my friends! Karamatsu you asked why I thought you were lying?" She asks and I nod "well that was because when I came home one day I saw you making out with Totoko." My eyes widen and I stare in shock.

"EH?! I never- I would remember that!" I yell in shock and Totoko hums "I guess that means the drug worked." She mumbles and I turn to her "What the fu-YOU DRUGGED ME?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yell and she cowers back. "That's not the worst of it Karamatsu." Osomatsu says and walks over to y/n. "Again I'm so-" y/n held up her hand "I know. what's done is done..but now I know it wasn't your fault."

"Y/n...what else did Totoko do?" I ask and she looks down "No no I think Totoko should be the one to explain." Ichimatsu says with crossed arms and again everyone turns to Totoko. Totoko was silent before biting her lip. Osomatsu scowls and storms up to her. He grabs her wrist and points to me

"Tell him what you did! Let everyone in this room know what you did! Tell him. now." Totoko yanks her arm away "Okay! Okay!" She yells before turning to me and y/n, who was now hugging my arm. "I blackmailed Osomatsu and Ichimatsu into..into.." Totoko trials off before letting out a heavy sigh.

"I blackmailed them into raping y/n."

My eyes widen and my mouth went agape. I felt so many emotions; Sadness, Shock, Disgust, and Anger. A lot of anger. The room was silent with shock. Y/n was close to tears, Todomatsu had a face of disgust, Jyushimatsu and Choromatsu looked to be in shock, while Osomatsu and Ichimatsu looked pissed. Not as pissed as I was. Todomatsu glances at me and jumps a bit.


I was seething with anger and I saw everyone staring at me with slightly scared looks. I don't blame them. They haven't seen me pissed, maybe angry or annoyed, but never beyond pissed. I pull away from y/n and storm up to Totoko. I grip the front of her shirt and lift her before slamming her up against the nearest wall. She winces and let out a whimper.

"YOU BITCH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO PUT Y/N THROUGH THAT!" I yell and she whimpers "K-Karamatsu I-" she gasps as I move my hand up to wrap around her neck. "There is nothing you can say that can justify what you did. You ruined y/n's life. You took away her job, her friends, you made her think I loved you. Heh as if I would." I say lowly and tighten my grip around her throat making her gasp and claw my hand. "And you blackmail my brothers to get them to rape her. You are disgusting."

"Karamatsu!" I hear y/n yell before turning my head to face her "Stop. You'll kill her." She says and I glance back at Totoko before releasing my grip. She fell to the floor coughing up a storm before standing. Y/n walks up to her "you my big sister I use to look up to you..wanting you to be as proud as our I can't see you as a sister anymore. I hate you and you deserve all the consequences of your actions." She says before punching Totoko in the stomach.

Totoko fell to the ground clutching her stomach and turns to me. She smiles and holds my hand "Now I just have to call mom and dad. To explain what happened." She says and I nod before hugging her. We all leave the room and y/n calls her parents.

-1 year later-
-Y/n's POV-

A year ago Totoko was taking to court for her actions and with none of her family or friends (she had been disowned and shunned) to help her she was found guilty. Her sentence was 3 years in prison after she restored the damage she caused. She got me my job back and explained herself to my friends which I got back as well. That's all she could fix since she couldn't bring back my innocence but whatever. I was so happy to be back working at Sweet Treats.

"welcome to sweet treats." I say as café bell rang when I turn around I was happy to see my boyfriend. "Karamatsu!" I say happily and hug him. He smiles and kisses me softly "How's work been treating my flower?" He asks and I smile "pretty well. Oh how are Osomatsu and Ichimatsu?" I ask and he smiles "They are much happier now that Osomatsu moved out with Choromatsu and Ichimatsu with Jyushimatsu."

"That's good. Hey I getting off work in 19 minutes so stick around." I say and he smiles before kissing my forehead "of course my love." He says and I smile before going back to cleaning up tables while he went outside to wait. When I got off I rush out to Karamatsu and we went out to dinner before heading back to our home. Yeah our home. We moved in to together last month and couldn't be happier.

My life was back in shape all thanks to Karamatsu.

He saved me and turned my life back around.

I love him so much for that.

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