Gamer Girlfriend (Highschool! Choromatsu x Gamer! reader)

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For CryptOfDrawings

It was another day after school where I was the local arcade. I was a boss at every game in there and people would watch just for the fun of it. Some of those people being fellow classmates. One in particular being Choromatsu Matsuno. He wasn't a gamer like me but he would watch me play and seemed fascinated with games. He just never played. Well today was a day I was gaming when Choromatsu started talking.

"So y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go the school festival tonight." He says and I hum "I don't know. I don't usually like those kinds of things." I say as I try to beat the game and he hums "I mean they will have games. Not ones like this but it could be fun." He says and I cheer as I beat my high score. Again. I turn to Choromatsu and hum. "You know what. I don't have anything important tonight soo." I trail off and he seemed very eager for my answer.

"Sure I'll go." I say and he smiles before nodding "okay!..sorry I mean okay..I'll see at the school tonight." He says with a blush and I smile with a nod "yup. See you then." I say before walking over to a different game while he left the arcade. It was a little weird how he only came here because of me but whatever.

I leaning against the entrance to the festival waiting for Choromatsu. I hum and glance around until I saw him walking over. "Hey Choromatsu." I say and walk up to him and he smiles "Hey y/n." He says and I smile before we both head into the festival. "So your brothers aren't here?" I ask and he shook his head "nah they didn't want to come." He says and I laugh softly.

"I don't blame them. These events can be anticlimactic." I say and he hums as we walk around. There were some games like he said but they weren't that interesting. Then I saw something. I saw one of the prizes you could get from one of the games. It was a cute frog plush.

I stare in awe and walk over with Choromatsu following after he gave a confused hum

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I stare in awe and walk over with Choromatsu following after he gave a confused hum. The plush was so cute and I wanted it so badly. I saw the game was one of those games where you throw a ball to knock over a pyramid of bottles. So I decided to pay for a round to try but with all my effort I couldn't do it. Eventually I didn't have enough money to pay for another round.

I sigh in defeat with a pout before turning to Choromatsu with a smile. "Well I still have some money for food and I'm hungry so let's go." I say as I walk towards a food stand but he stays behind. "I'll catch up but I'm going to try it." He says and I scoff "good luck." I say with a smile before walking away to get some food.

After my purchase I sat down at a table to eat when Choromatsu came over and sat beside me. I glance at him and saw him holding something behind his back. "What are you hiding?" I ask and he smiles before pulling out the frog plush. My eyes widen before narrowing at him. "You motherfucker! You did you manage to get it?! God damn it! That game is so fucking-" "you can have it."

I pause my angry tirade and turn to him. "Wait really?" I ask and he nods "I'll give it to you. On one condition." He says and I roll my eyes with a smile "here we go. What is it?" I ask and he hands me the plush before kissing my forehead. "Will you be my gamer girlfriend?" He asks and I blush as I stare at him surprised. I place the plush on the table and with a heavy blush I hug him tightly.

"Yes...yes I would love to be your girlfriend you dork." I say as I lift my head and lightly flick his forehead. He smiles and hugs me close. I blush and lean up to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for taking me to the actually was pretty decent thanks to you." I say with a blush and he nods before kissing my forehead again. "Of course. I'm glad you liked it but do you want to get out of here?"

"Yes!" I shout making him laugh before I grab my plush and we head out. Though as we walk to the entrance I held his hand and lay my head on his shoulder with a smile.

If we were going to have a relationship, I wasn't going to keep it secret.

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