Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Akuma Surfer! Father! Karamatsu x Daughter! reader)

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For CryptOfDrawings
The reader is an adopted human girl. The reader is also 16.

And yes, this will be a two parter.

I was watching my dad as he and his brothers surfed the waves. Though my eyes went to another boy who was surfing another wave. As he surfs he looks at me and waves before reaching the beach. He walks over and I smile "Hello I'm y/n. Y/n Matsuno." I say and he smiles "Well hello y/n. I'm Mason. Mason Rosner." He says and I smile "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm here with my dad and uncles."

"Cool. I'm here with my parents." He says and I smile "Are you new to the city?" I ask and he shook his head "I have lived here since I was a baby." He says and I hum "then why haven't I seen you at sch-" "Y/N!" I flinch at my dad's loud voice before he steps between me and Mason. I saw him glaring at Mason and I was confused. "Dad wha-" "Mason!" I look up to see two people rush up to us. They looked beautiful. Like really beautiful.

"Are you alright?" The woman says and I hum when I realize these were his parents. Mason's dad gets in my dad's face. "Karamatsu." He says lowly and my dad narrows his eyes "David." My dad growls out "dad what's going on?" I ask and David looks down at me. "So you have a daughter now. Wow she looks normal." He says and Karamatsu hums "and I see you and Jane have a son."

"David. Please don't do this." Jane says in a kind voice "Mason isn't hurt or anything. Let's just leave." She says and glances at me. I smile softly and she smiles slightly before pulling her husband and Mason away. Mason turns to wave at me and I wave back but Karamatsu grabs my wrist. "We're leaving." He says and we all left the beach.

When we got home he told me to avoid that boy. Then he said that the family was an angel family. That made me freeze. My father's kind hates angels and they didn't exactly like them either. But since I was human I got along with angels. Though I could never be friends with angels because of my dad and uncles.

Usually I didn't care when my dad would tell me to avoid angels but this was different. I wanted to see Mason again. Later that night I was on my bed staring at the ceiling when I heard some tapping on my window. I was startled because I was on the with my dad, uncle Osomatsu and uncle Choromatsu with the others downstairs. I walk over to the window and was surprised to see Mason.

He smiles and waves while I open the window. "How did you-" He shushes me "I flew up here. Sorry if I scared you but I had to see you again." He says and I hum "I had the same feeling. You flew up here?" I ask and he nods "Can you fly?" He asks and I giggle "I wish. I can only fly with my dad and uncles help. I'm a fell fledge human." I say and he hums "oh okay. You are really pretty by the way. I swear I thought you were an angel."

I blush softly and felt something flash across my eyes. Then I saw something flash across his eyes soon after. It was a weird purplish light. I suddenly found myself staring into his eyes before leaning in. He leans in as well. We both close our eyes as we kissed each other. I pull away and open my eyes to see him smiling. "You want to meet up? Say tomorrow? At the park?" He asks and I nod

"Sure now get out of here. I don't want my dad catching you." I say and he smiles before kissing me softly. I smile and kiss back before pulling away so he can leave. It was dark so I couldn't see his wings. I wonder what they look like.

So Mason and I have been dating in secret for about 2 months. We really loved each other and we both felt like we belong together. Right now we were in my room cuddling on my bed. "Hey Mason...can I see your wings?" I ask and he hums "Sure. Hold on." He says before sitting up to remove his shirt "I don't want to tear this shirt so" he says as he drops the shirt to the floor.

I blush softly when I saw his bare torso. I watch him as he spreads his wings but I was surprised to see that they weren't angel wings. He had the wings of a demon. Like my dad and uncles. "You're a demon?" I ask and he nods "Sorry if that's a surprise." He says and I hum "it is...but your parents are angels." I say and he nods "yeah well that's because I'm actually adopted as well."

I stare at him before sighing "that would have been nice to know beforehand." I say and he chuckles before hugging me "I'm sorry." He says and kisses me softly. I pull away and smile "maybe if my dad knew you were a demon he wouldn't be as mad that he are dating." I say and he hums "well we don't know if we don't say anything." He says before laying down and cuddling me.

I hum and glance up at him "Mason~" I coo and trace my hand up his chest. I look into his eyes and he smiles before kissing me softly. He rolls to be on top and I wrap my arms around his neck. I deepen the kiss before he pulls away. "Do you think we have time?" He asks reaching for the hem of my pants. "I think so. Don't worry about it~" I say softly as I pull my shirt off.

He smiles and kisses me softly. I moan softly as his tongue pushes into my mouth. I reach my hands down to help push my bottoms off. I pull away and look at him with soft eyes. He mirrors the look and caresses my cheek before kissing my forehead. "You sure you want this?" He asks and I smile as I lay my arms beside my head. "I'm sure." He smiles before kissing me deeply and holds me close as his hand trails lower. I smile and blush as I hold him close.

I love him so much.

I just hope daddy won't be to mad.

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