Jealous and Protective (Jealous! Matsu Bros x Male! reader)

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For Yumsyoom (Sorry if this wasn't what you had in mind. I tried.)

I let out a groan as my alarm clock woke me up. I lift my eyes and extend my hand to find the snooze button before slamming my fist on it. When the alarm stops I sigh and got up with a stretch. I got up and head to the bathroom. I use the bathroom and then start a shower. After taking a quick shower I start brushing me teeth when my phone rang. I hum and go into my room to pick it up.

I smile when I saw it was Todomatsu so I answer, holding my phone in one hand as I brush my teeth. "Hello." I say and walk back to my bathroom "Hello y/n!" I was startled when I heard all 6 of the brothers answer but I smile regardless. "What's up?" I ask and Karamatsu replies "We were wondering if you would want to go out with us today?" He asks and I hum before spitting the toothpaste out.

"Unfortunately I have work today then I have to meet up with my sister." I say and I them whine in disappointment. "Can't you just reschedule with your sister?" Osomatsu asks and I could hear Choromatsu smack him upside the head. "Heh. Unfortunately I can't I promised that I would help her pick out baby clothes and stuff. Still can't believe she's pregnant." I say with a chuckle as I place my toothbrush back and go to grab my work clothes.

"We can hang out tomorrow though or if you really want to see me stop by the bar." I say as I pull my pants on "oh that's right. I forgot you work at a bar." Todomatsu says and I chuckle "So yeah if you really want to see me come to the bar and we can meet up tomorrow for a date. Does that sound good?" I ask and they all gave an affirmative hum, and a loud "Yep!" from Jyushimatsu. "Okay well I have to get ready for work and then head out."

"Okay. bye y/n." I hear Choromatsu say followed by the rest saying bye making me smile "Bye. I love you guys." I say and they all say "love you too." before we hung up. I set my phone down and slide my shirt on. I pick up my bag, Yes I carry a bag with me, before grabbing my phone and keys. After grabbing what I needed I head out to my car and drive to work.

Let me tell you something. Working at a bar can be both fun and irritating. Fun because you can meet new people and learn about their lives. Irritating because of the drunks and the flirters. I sigh softly as I clean glasses "what's wrong y/n?" My coworker, Lucy, asks and I hum "it's nothing...okay that's a lie. This morning I got a call from my boyfriends asking if I wanted to go out but I'm busy with work and once I get done with my sister. I'll be too tired." Lucy raises and eyebrow

"If you knew my sister you would understand." I say with a chuckle "I told them they should come over to see me..I kind of hope that they do." I say and smile then I saw Lucy look to the door before smiling. She then grabs my shoulders and turns me around. I smile when I saw the brothers. My boyfriends. I was happy to see them. They wave at me when they enter and I walk over when they sat at a table.

"Hey I'm glad you decided to stop by." I say with a smile and they smile "Of course. Even if we won't be going out today it's nice to just see you." Choromatsu says "and you do owe us a date tomorrow." Karamatsu adds with a wink and that smile. I blush softly and smile "yeah I promise that I'll go out with you guys tomorrow." I say and they nod "Now do you guys want what you usually get?" I ask and they nod.

"Okay. I'll be right back." I say before heading to the bar to grab a bottle of sake and 6 cups. I walk back to them and place the bottle and cups down. "There you go. Enjoy." I say with a smile and Osomatsu chuckles "oh we will." He says and pats my ass. I blush and pulls his hand away. "Oso~ not here~" I say softly and he just smirks before chuckling. "Okay but I can't help it." He says and I roll my eyes before heading back to the bar as I was called over.

An hour passes and I was walking over to the brothers with another bottle, it was there 2nd, at least they weren't going crazy with the drinking. Though as I walk I felt someone grab onto my upper arm. I turn to see a woman with a flirtatious look. "Hello handsome~" she coos and I glance away "um..hello miss." I say and she hums "miss? Well aren't you polite." She says with a giggle and I smile "Well I was taught to be polite."

I glance over to the brothers and saw them with narrowed eyes locked onto the woman. I gulp nervously uh oh. I think when I realize they were getting jealous. "Look miss" "Call me Susie." She interiors and squeezes my bicep "ooh~ hello there~ How about when you get off work you and I..hook up?~" she coos into my ear and I try to pull away "Miss I need to get back to work and I'm taken." I say and she pouts before smirking.

"Oh~ well she doesn't have to know~"

I cringe in disgust as she lays a hand on my chest before I pull away. "Miss I have already said I am taken and not by a woman. I'm gay." I say and her face turns into a smirk "Well I'm sure I can change that~" Now I was beyond disgusted with this woman. Before I could even respond "pretty sure he said he wasn't interested." I hear Osomatsu say and feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see they all had gotten up and Ichimatsu had placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Leave him alone." Ichimatsu says and the woman glances at the boys then me. "'re dating 6 once." She asks and I hesitate before nodding with a "yes" I watch her nose scrunch up before she scoffs "Wow that's just..disgusting. I can't believe I thought of doing it with you, you probably have a disease or something." She says and the brothers want silent though I hear a low growl from Ichimatsu, Osomatsu and, surprisingly, Jyushimatsu.

Jyushimatsu actually steps forward like he wanted to hit her but Karamatsu held him back. "Don't. Even if what she said is wrong" Karamatsu pauses to glare at the woman "You can't hit her." He says and Jyushimatsu huffs before crossing his arms. Thankfully the woman walks away and I turn to the boys with a smile. "Thank you and I saw those looks." I say and they hum in confusion.

"The jealous looks." I say and they blush "you know you never need to jealous when it comes to girls right?" I ask and they blush "We know that...but we can't help but get defensive when we see someone flirting with you." Ichimatsu says and I smile before I walk them back to their table. I set the sake bottle down and went back to my shift. When I was on break I check my phone to see a text from my sister.

>Hey. Sorry but I can't go out today. I got really sick just now so I'm just staying at home with my husband.

I frown in concern but smile a little before texting her back.

>No problem little sis. We can just shop another day😁👍

I sent the text and went back to work as my break was over. I went to the brothers and told them the change of plans. They were happy to hear it. So we agreed to go out once I got off work.

When I got off and we head out though. The woman from before stumbles out clearly drunk. "Hey!~ You!~" she shouts and we all just stop and stare as she stumbles up to us.

"You know what~ it's such a shame that someone as hot as you is gay~" she slurs with a huff "What a waste~" I look down and Todomatsu held my hand along with Choromatsu as the both try to make me happy. "Oi. There was no reason for you to say that." Karamatsu says and I look at him "apologize to him." He says and I could tell he was angry. The woman scoffs and glares at us.

"I am not apologizing to a faggot."

I froze and I saw the brothers go wide eyed before everyone glares at the woman. "What did you say?" Osomatsu asks and she hums but doesn't speak "Say that again. you little bitch." Karamatsu says and I stare at him surprised. The woman scoffs before getting in Karamatsu's face, big mistake.

"I said what I meant. He's a faggot and he's clearly a manwhore."

It was silent before Karamatsu raises his hand and slaps her. He didn't slap that hard but she was so fucked up that she collapses onto the ground. We all stare at Karamatsu in shock. "Niisan, I thought you said-" "forget what I said." He says and turns around "she is a bitch." He says and I chuckle "let's just get going." I say and they smile before we walk away.

We ended up just going to Chibita's to eat and just chat.

It was simple but it was enough for us.

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