"Demon" (Jyushimatsu x Demon! reader)

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For LunaSnow118

I was watching over Jyushimatsu again as he was practicing baseball. I smile as I watch him and flew over to hover behind him. "You're getting better Jyushimatsu." I say and he smiles with a nod. "Yeah! Do you think I could hit a home run today!" He asks and I smile before taking the ball. I toss it up and catch it. "Let's try it." I say and he smiles.

I went up to the pitcher's mound and I wound up "ready?" I ask and he nods. I smile and threw the ball, making sure to hold my powers back. He swung his bat and hit the ball out of the park. A clear home run. I quickly flew up to get it and I hear him cheering up a storm. I flew back down with a smile and hand him the ball back. He hugs me tightly and I smile before hugging back.

"Hey y/n?" He says and I hum. We had moved to the dug our to sit down, well I was floating on my back in the air, and relax. "Were you always a demon?" He asks and I froze and look down at him. "...No..I wasn't." I say and he hums "it's a long and kind of sad story." I say but he looked so interested. So I sigh and sat down beside him. "Funny enough it all started when you were born." I say and he hums.

"You were so adorable."


I was flying around Japan, keeping myself hidden, and decided to visit the hospital. I went into the maternity ward and smile at all the newborns. I hum before pausing "What the- 6 identical boys?" I say and hover over them. My eyes scanning them before landing on a certain one who had opened his eyes. He coos and reaches his arms out. I gasp softly "you can see me?" I say softly and he continues to coo.

I smile and reach a hand down to hold his tiny one. "You..You are so adorable.." I peek at his name "Jyushimatsu." I say and smile as he laughs. "In the thousands of years that I have been alive....I have never seen a baby like you." I say with a smile and place my feet down as I caress his face.

Years have passed and Jyushimatsu was now 12 years old but I couldn't be happy. I was happy as he was growing up but...he was scheduled to die today and I can't do anything about it. As I am an angel I can't intervene unless I am his guardian angel...and I'm not. I'm just an angel. An angel who has to watch the sweet boy die. He was meant to die by a hit and run.

I was watching him like usually and watch him look both ways before crossing. When I saw the truck barreling towards him. I couldn't stop myself and without thinking I threw myself on him with my hand drawn. The truck swerves and barely misses Jyushimatsu but doesn't hit him. He stood frozen and I smile knowing that I saved him.

Though I frown when I realized my punishment.

So with a sigh I kiss his forehead and go back to the heavens.

The council wouldn't be happy.

Flashback Over

"That was you?" He asks astonished and I nod feeling my wings droop. "I broke the rules of an Angel. "Don't interfere with death" and this" I flap my wings "was my punishment." I say and he stares at me sadly "I couldn't watch the boy I cared about so much die so I used my power to save you...as a result I became a fallen angel..a demon..all because I couldn't let you die." I say as tears leave my eyes.

"I don't regret it though." I say with a smile and turn to him "I protected you and I will continue to protect you even as a demon." I say and held his face. I smile and lean in to lay my forehead on his.

"I will do that because I love you."

He blushes softly before smiling. He reaches up to hold my hand. "I love you too...thank you." He says and I lean in to kiss his cheek. I pull away and pause inches away from his lips. I smile and slowly lean in to close the gap. He shuts his eyes and holds me close as he kisses me back. I smile before letting my eyes shut. We both pull away and smile softly. "Let's get you home before it gets to late." I say and he nods before we got up to head home.

My punishment may have been to become a demon but that is nothing compared to the guilt I would have felt if I had let my little Jyushimatsu die.

In the long run I made the right decision and I don't care that I'm a demon.

As long as Jyushimatsu is alive, I don't care.

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