A Lost Child (Osomatsu x Child! reader)

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For Cookiemoonlight

I was walking through the crowds of people trying to find my mother. For whatever reason people were brushing me off, a 10 year old girl, whenever I try to ask for help. As I walking with my head down I run into someone. I look up to see an older man clad in a red hoodie with a green pine symbol on the front. "Oh hello, you okay?" He asks and I shook my head. I saw his face drop before he kneels down

"What's wrong?" He asks and I hug myself "I..I lost my mom..I don't know where she is." I say and he smiles "What's your name? I'm Osomatsu Matsuno." I sniff and smile softly "I'm y/n. Y/n l/n." I say shyly and he nods "well y/n, we can find an officer to help you. Okay?" I smile shyly and nod. I was going to take his hand when another older man walks up. "Hey you said you're looking for your mom?" He asks and I nod shyly while Osomatsu scans the man up and down.

"I think I saw her pass by. She was looking for you." He says and I perk up "Really? You saw my mom?" I ask and he nods with a smile. I saw Osomatsu narrow his eyes but I didn't think much of it. "I can take you to her if you want." He says and I smile before going to step forward but Osomatsu shot up before stepping in front of me. I look up at him with a hum of confusion only to see a glare on his face.

"She's not going anywhere with you."

I stare at him surprised and the man hums "who are you to say that?" He says and Osomatsu growls lowly "Look. I have 5 little brothers and because of that I gained a certain "instinct" and I see that disgusting look in your eyes. So no way in hell am I trusting this child, a little girl, with a shady, old man like you. So kindly f-Um.." he pauses and glances at me before saying "So kindly Screw off."

The guy backs off and walks away but not before both of them glare at each other. Osomatsu watches the guy leave before taking my hand and leading me to the police station. Osomatsu explained the situation and an officer asks if I know my mom's number. I nod and gave them the number. They call her and I sat down with Osomatsu to wait for my mom.

"Mr. Matsuno..Why did you seem so angry?"

I saw him tense before patting my hand "Don't worry about it. Long story short the guy is a sick creep..he didn't deny when I called out the look in his eyes." He mumbles the last part but I heard it. "Just be cautious around people like that." He says and I nod before scooting closer "So you have 5 brothers?" I ask and he nods "We are identical sextuplets. I'm the oldest." I hum and smile "that's cool..you're lucky."

He hums and turns to me "why's that?" He asks and I smile "Well..I'm an only child." I say and he nods "ohh okay. Then I can see why you think I'm lucky, but if you knew them. Heh heh." I smile and laugh softly before the doors open. A distraught young woman, no older than 30, enters and looks around in a panic. She turns to me and shoot out of my seat.

"Mommy!!" I shout and jump into her open arms as she held me close, kissing my face. "Oh my baby, you must have been so scared! I'm so sorry sweetheart." She says and I pull away to point out Osomatsu who had walked over. "You must be the one who found her! Thank you so much!" My mom says and bows slightly, still holding me. She puts me down and I smile.

"Yes he helped me mom. Twice!" My mom looks at Osomatsu with appreciation "Thank you Mr." Osomatsu chuckles "I'm Osomatsu Matsuno. I must say you look pretty young." He says and my mom blushes "well yeah. I'm only 29." She says and Osomatsu hums "I really appreciate your help. Can I repay you by treating you to dinner? Say later tonight?" My mom says and Osomatsu shrugs "sure."

They both exchange numbers and we went on our way but not before I shout out "Thank you." I was holding my mom's hand and glance up at my mom to see her with a hand over her heart. "Mommy." She hums and looks down at me "Are you crushing on Mr. Matsuno?" I ask and she blushes before laughing "oh honey, don't be silly." She says and pats my head.

Let's just say I was right and my mom was crushing on Osomatsu. Both of them continued dating for 3 years before my mom became engaged and then married to Osomatsu.

So now I was y/n Matsuno with Osomatsu as my new dad. My mom seemed happier as well so that made me happy. I had many things to thank Osomatsu for.

Thank you for helping me as a child.

Thank you for loving my mom.

Thank you for making her happy.

Thank you for being the dad I never had and always wanted.

And the best thing of all, I had to thank him for giving me want I wanted. He gave me a little sister and brother with another on the way.

I'm happy and very lucky to call him my dad.

So thank you dad.

Thank you for everything.

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